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How long does it take to get to know someone?

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Well you never really know anybody so the answer is.. forever. I have met more couples that were married within 3 months of knowing each other and are still together. I have also seen couples that have been together forever, and the marriage doesn't last. I don't believe there is a set time, but I also don't think you can go wrong with the 6 month rule. By then, if they have been putting on an act to impress you, they won't be able to keep it up and you'll know for sure.


I think there should still be some surprises for when you are man and wife and live together. I don't think you need to know everything as long as you know what is in their heart. Are they genuinely kind, to everyone. Are you on the same path, have the same work ethics, want the same things from life. Have you figured out the big issues, money, children, monster in-laws(read hooyadiis :D ), leisure activities. After the big stuff, all the little things, well, you just have to remember, they are little things.

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I agree, nobody knows some1 in out, u cant know ur own self for sure! how many times hv u mishandled things or questioned ur self later? as much as we all like, it wont happen but know the person untill ur comfortable around him/her and can trust but always expect suprises, it is only human.


i ,ve known my husband for 8 yrs n sometimes if we r apart for only a week, i get the goose pumps, i8 dont know why but he will be commplete stranger n am all silly smiles.


good luck

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people are unpredictable; the day u think u know someone is the day u set yourself up for a 'I didn't expect this from you!!' conversation when they 'disappoint' u. Won't take long. smile.gif

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People, there you go parking up the wrong geed as usual. The girl didn't ask how long it takes to get know someone, as we're always learning new things and changing - it would take forever or never to really get to know the person. You’ll always discover a new layer of a person, even your parents. I think that makes all the more interesting.


What Chuba, wants to know is how long she needs to give a Faarax to do his thing (impress) before she decides to introduce him to Aaabo or the answer machine. And, I’m afraid Ngonge has a point here, when you start listing his pro and cons and thinking about how long you need and balaayo – know that you need to start thinking about a sweet let down speech. No need to force it.




Honey, if a Faarax is not amazing enough to have you dreaming and wanting the white picket fence and some cute minis of him in 3 -6 months, and he the same of you, then he is just not worth the air-time.... *winks*

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^ LoL..I kinda agree.


You ought to know if you want to marry the guy in a few months, however you can take as long as you want to actually wed him (is that what you meant Ghanima?).

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^^I just find it a little spooky, people who meet and wed all within a very short time, what is the rush baal?



minis of him kuulaah *shivers* :rolleyes: I think I need more time with my air before anyone can be worth it...

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Lol. You are so kankanoos, it’s scary.



I meant you have to want a serious relationship, which in our case translates marriage to commit to someone for that long. Everything else is circumstantial.

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So let us say that I got to know someone fully when they are like 90 and I discovered they are really not the right choice for me what should tell her then? :D


Seriously don't waste time on thinking about getting to know someone.


There is another path to go about it. Simply see if the person is good person or does the right things. Forexample if he/she prays and does most of the things that is prescribed upon him/her.


If you mean their character and dabeecad, it's usually out there. That varies from person to another. Some people are slow, forexample alot of ladies fall for a guy then they come to find out that he is not what they fell in love with in the first place. sounds familiar?

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^^Oh yes! No doubt about it :D . I know enough of what I need to know of you. Definitionally, that might be different from your idea of 'knowing' but I have some ability to sense in the place of 'to know' people smile.gif .

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