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Mum's Shock At Twins With Different Dads

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Ms DD   

Mum's Shock At Twins With Different Dads

18th May 2009


© Sky News 2009 Print Story


A mother of twins has had a shock after doctors revealed that her 11-month-old boys do not have the same father. Skip related content

Related photos / videos Mum's Shock At Twins With Different Dads Enlarge photo Mia Washington decided to get some expert advice when she and her partner noticed that twins Justin and Jordan had different facial features.


Paternity tests then revealed what had happened - two eggs had been fertilised by two different sperm and there was a 99.99% chance the twins had different dads.


Doctors at the DNA lab in Dallas, Texas had never seen such a result.


Mia later admitted she had had an affair and got pregnant by two different men at the same time.


She told TV channel Fox 4: "Out of all people in America and of all people in the world, it had to happen to me. I'm very shocked."


Clear Diagnostics president Genny Thibodeaux said: "It is very crazy. Most people don't believe it can happen, but it can."


Sky's health correspondent Thomas Moore explains: "A woman can release two eggs from her ovaries, and the eggs will remain viable for 24 hours after ovulation.


"Sperm can survive up to five days inside a woman's body, so a woman could sleep with different men several days apart, and get pregnant not once, but twice."


And while it sounds rare, recent research indicates that one in 12 non-identical twins are so-called bi-paternal, with a rise in fertility treatment and changing sexual behaviour being blamed.


Mia's partner James Harrison is father to one of the boys.


He told Fox 4 that he had forgiven his fiancee for having the affair and intended to raise both children as his own.


However, he admitted it had been tough discovering the truth.


"It's a day by day thing. It's going to take time to build the trust like we had," he said.


The couple plan to tell the twins they are half-brothers when they are old enough to understand


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"so a woman could sleep with different men several days apart, and get pregnant not once, but twice."

Sounds normal and caadi to them talkin like dat!!

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Originally posted by Ms DD:

The couple plan to tell the twins they are half-brothers when they are old enough to understand


now thats gonna be a hell of an awkward conversation for all concerned

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He told Fox 4 that he had forgiven his fiancee for having the affair and intended to raise both children as his own.


However, he admitted it had been tough discovering the truth.


"It's a day by day thing. It's going to take time to build the trust like we had," he said.


The couple plan to tell the twins they are half-brothers when they are old enough to understand

This is the part I find more disturbing in this whole story.


how can a man be so meek and feeble .. aar galaadan damiir looma samayn malaha

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^^she's his wife and the mother of his child. I suppose if he forgives her they could build a good life together....forgiven ess doesn't come easy bt am glad the guy is moving on..


talow what would u do if u were in that position :D

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why did I know this was possible? Some TV documentary on twins I once watched I think. I don't know why the giggles at the eggs. Some goal-hanger of a sperm with a twisted sense of humour hung about to cause trouble. The sperm did it. :D

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Geel, I’m actually impressed with people who can forgive massive betrayals, it says a lot about them.Forgiveness is one of the traits Allah exalts.


p.s. disgusted with the women, feel sorry for the kids.

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

quote:Originally posted by Ms DD:

The couple plan to tell the twins they are half-brothers when they are old enough to understand


now thats gonna be a hell of an awkward conversation for all concerned
v. true, and exactly how old is `old enough` to understand?


I think it will jst confuse the children and remind the man of the woman's infidelity.


What a way to be exposed, dumbass woman.

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