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Hip Hop Freemasonry: Culture Creation The Shape of Things To Come

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Jay Z might be a freemason but Kanye West and Coolio? Come on now...those two probably think Freemasonry is a movement of some sort like civil movement etcetera just to liberate the black people from poverty and crime. :D



There might be few guys in the Hip hop industry who are Freemasons but not anywhere near those you’ll find in Hollywood so to suggest all the Rappers are Freemasons is bit too far in my opinion in other words they should stop accusing everybody of being a devil worshipper!



Interesting nevertheless...



Peace, Love & Unity.

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There are many coincidences that they've pounced on but an eye opener nonetheless. Check out Dave Chappelle’s opinions on the issue of Hollywood.

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ASWRB. Peace and Victory to all da halganized Somalis of Moorish and Berber origin.


Ama Bacad:


Truly the Freemasons are behind poisoning the diets and lifestyle of Somali women. This has caused an increase in obesity, depression, mental illness, diabetes and a host of other medical conditions. In order to counter this, all Somalis should be extremely weary of living in areas where there exists a high number of fast food, mostly chicken outlets. Areas with a high number of chicken and burger outlets are largely places ravaged by crime, poverty and social degeneration. Freemasons flood drugs there. Moreover, the freemasons have entered the sphere of SOmali culture, religion and politics, therefore,in the process, implanting a number of trojan horses and deceptive tools, all, of course, desiged to divide the societal and Islamic fabric of SOmali society. Seccessionism, Khat, Tribalism, Corruption and Anti-Islamic practices are all encouraged through the Ethiopian freemason headquarters. Another tactic of the global freemasons includes attacking and bombing institutions and then blaming it on da Muslims. All Somalis should be weary of salt, freemasonry, too much chicken outlets and tribalism. All Somalis should also seek people with wisdom and knowledge of these field like myself.

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Hip Hop used to be fun, used to be the voice of reason and most of all it used to be the voice of the voiceless until it became commercialized, an old teacher of mine once said to me about how he stopped loving life the day his childhood sweetheart started hanging out with bunch of older guys who in no time taught her how to smoke first cigarette then spliff and eventually told him that he was too country for her and I, like my old professor stopped loving Hip Hop the day it started hanging out with guys who only wanted to lead her astray!



I don't listen to Music anymore...waan ka weynaaday waxaas...the wisdom of the old age. :D


Hip Hop died when R.A.P was born (Retards Attempting Poetry).



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Just make sure you pay 'Royalty' and its yours. smile.gif



Peace, love & Unity.

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i dont think ibti rememers ( waa muluq) but BOB used to be great poet


i wonder why he stopped

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Juxa I remember, he stopped because his heart is healed and he found four uu erryado icon_razz.gif:D so no time for love poems no more icon_razz.gifducks


*Bob, bengali waad iska baaran toonta. dont worry smile.gif

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I will start again if you become an Arsenal fan just like Ibti...yeah she's an Arsenal fan and she's even been to the stadium. :D



PS. Sorry Obbo. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Bob, when you have been to an Arsenal game aan ku saxexhi the membership card. Did I tell you I met the players??? :D

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:D:D So we Hijacked this Liverpool fan's thread and turned it into Arsenal recruitment agency miyaa?



Who did you meet?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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