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Paragon vs

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actually it is karaamo to be called eedo, habo, abti or adeer.


sadly i see certain people getting offended with such a respectable titles.


guulahaa haduu ku daayo, wallee gu'gagan ku deyn!



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Walaahi waabad gabyeeysaa maanta! :D


Aniga car wa kaase adeer ha iigu yeeraan. Igu wacadale waan wada looteeynayaa wuxuba. smile.gif

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Send them to me. Your white-coated army of zombies. I'll give them a run for their money. smile.gif


BTW Sheh, I just remembered a story of a pretty little girl who once used to be an oldy magnet. :D


OK, people am I being militant these days? I thought I've overcome such things a long time ago. Been cool and calm for such a long time.


I need them happy bills. Or I'll bite off people's mouth. smile.gif

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LooooooL.Too funny wallahi.


When I find rude oldies,geesaha intaan iska fiirsho baan dhahaa 'read my lips Fcuk off'.

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The witch probably survived the blitz, never mind your hopeless attempts at fighting back. Don't fret, saaxib. At least you got a kiss. :D

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^Yeah! You don't get that often, you know? (I don't mean by you as you) Figure of speech. smile.gif


Anyway, NG she was an old relic, sxb. No way going past her.


P, I can't believe an old hag ayaa kaa guuleysatay.



Val, You know what Somalis say? Habar fadhida lagdin la fududaa! Habar, figuratively speaking.


Laakiin if it was you I was facing, you'll be blushing after a short heated exchange. ahem ;)


How is there by the way?


Paragon, she stopped being pretty & little and moved to a more respectable part of town. LoL.

Sheh, I refuse to believe that. The girl I knew could never stop being pretty, on the contrary it grows. That's what the oldies saw in her in the first place. :D


Respectable part of the town is another way of saying the whingy side of the town. It's all cubes. Some near some far. Some small some big, and they come with their respective consequences. :D


Buuxo lool. I think you and I should become the oldy bursting crew. You'll be so good at it. :D

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