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If someone brought a fizzy drink from a timajilic cornershop and when they opened the drink it somehow splashed all over their ironed white tee, can they sue the shopkeeper for gross damages to personal property? Is the person entitled to a refund at least. The person didn't shake the drink or anything. It is entirely the fault of the timajilic. If not, would it be lawful to go back and have a go at them just to make up for looking like a clown with humoungous brown marks of his whitetee.



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Its not damaged as you can wash it off (unless it's badly stained). You should get a refund dependent on what the CCTV footage shows (maybe you accidently shook the can).


ps fizzy drinks are bad for you. You're obviously being negligent to your body so why would a court care about your T shirt?

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^^The average life expectancy of a Somali Male is around 50. So,for the skinny niggers, there is no time or money to waste on being healthy. I drink fizzy drinks, but I would probably give a good long distance race to most long distance county runners. So would my third granfather. Genetics, baby, baby.


You are right about the shirt though. A damn shame.It would have been good to redistribute some money back to poor from the extortion of timajilics. ASWRB. good day.

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My friend,


You must be able to establish a casual link between the drink being fizzy as a direct result of the Indian man actions.

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hahahahhaa, ma 65p baad dusty text book inaan usoo baxsho igu qasbeysaa?


i doubt you can sue for fizzy drink spilling all over your prized t-shirt.


- can you prove you did not shake it?

- was product defective? expired etc, if yes did you pay discounted price?


anyways they should simply replace your drink and maybe,,,waana maybe pay for dry cleaner's bill.


otherwise you have no lug to stand on.

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Rageedii, labo xiniinyood ah wiliba @Juxa! :D


Karl, your situation doesn't need any legal advice...Common sense kii xaguu kaa aaday? How do you sue for a stain on your shirt? At least a refund of the product you purchased, AND (this is if you want milk them) your dry cleaning cost!


Although I am not in law the field, I know a lot about milking!!!!!!!!!! :D

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