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Want to work at the Ministry of Interior? Here is your chance

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I. General Information


Title of Position: Capacity Development and Planning Consultants( 2 positions), Ministry of Interior and Local Governments

Type of Contract: Consultant

Duration of the assignment: One year performance based contract.

Duty station: One based in Galkaio with frequent travel to Garowe and the other is based in Bosaso with frequent travel to Gardo

Supervisor: 1st supervisor: Director of Planning, Ministry of Interior ,Local Government; 2nd Supervisor: Mayor in target district.

Issue date :


Deadline for Application : 10 December 2009


05 January 2010



II. Objectives of the assignment


The UN JPLG is a 5 year joint programme of ILO, UNCDF, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNICEF. The partners in the Joint Programme are the Government of Puntland, District Councils, Legislatures, Municipal Associations, International and Local NGOs/CSOs, and the private sector. The Programme is aligned to the programming frameworks of the Puntland Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) 2008-12 and the UN Transition Plan (UNTP) 2008-9. The outcome of the RDP is to achieve decentralized service delivery in all of Puntland. The outcome of the UNTP is that local governance contributes to peace and equitable priority service delivery in selected locations.


It is envisaged to achieve as wide coverage in Puntland as resources and conditions allow with a comprehensive approach to assist local governments to be credible, professional service providers, increasing public investment in basic services, and strengthening civic awareness and participation in local decision-making and development. The strategy pursued will comprise:

(i) policy and legal frameworks for decentralization, local government, service provision and land management,

(ii) institutionalizing local government systems, vertical and horizontal inter-government linkages and civic education initiatives,

(iii) investment in public services and goods through testing a Local Development Fund model, direct service provision and promotion of public-private partnerships, and

(iv) Processes and systems for housing, land and property disputes and resolution.


Throughout the Programme, strong emphasis will be placed on gender and women in local government, human rights and local governance, and good governance principles of transparency, accountability and participation.


In this context, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) with support from the Joint Program wishes to recruit two consultants to a Mobile Team to cover Bossaso,Gardo,Garowe and Galkaio. Each consultant will be assigned one duty station and be required to travel to cover one additional duty station. The Capacity Development and Planning Consultants will have two lines of reporting; the first line of reporting to the Director of Planning of the Ministry of Interior, and the second line of reporting to the Mayor in the target districts.


The role of the consultants will be to provide extensive on-the-job training and continuous support to the target districts to facilitate their ability to deliver services and manage the processes as required in the ongoing local government reform process, implemented through the JPLG. Key areas of support are financial management, administration and human resources, and district planning.


The position is performance based with an initial probation period of 3 months. Quarterly performance assessment of the incumbent will be conducted by MOI with support from UNDP/JPLG, and monthly payment is based on the delivery of the required output. The performance will be based on achievements of tasks, i.e. the kind of tasks that the council and administration is able to carry out without external support. The contract is for one year. Potential renewal of contract will depend on achievement of the tasks in this TOR, and a potential renewal will then include new tasks for capacity development.


III. Functions / Key Results Expected

Summary of Key Functions:

1. Provide support and on-the job training to the administration department to ensure appropriate handling and filing of all documents of relevance to district operations.

2. Provide support and on-the-job training to ensure appropriate financial management and accounting of district resources, including the external funds provided through JPLG.

3. Provide support and on-the-job training within development planning and implementation, within the context of the procedures of JPLG, to ensure that the target districts are able to follow the processes as required by MOI guidelines and manuals within JPLG.

4. Knowledge building and knowledge sharing in all areas of finance, administration, development planning and implementation.

5. Facilitate the district council and administration to enhance action and progress, lessons learned and improvement within all areas of responsibility.


Detailed description of functions:


1. Provide support and on-the job training to the administration department to ensure appropriate handling and filing of all documents of relevance to district operations.


• Review the documentation available at the district level, including but not limited to storage facilities and access by district staff. Identify in a short report what is lacking and the timeline and actions needed to address these identified issues. This shall include a work plan for on-the-job training.

• Facilitate the acquiring of necessary documents, and assist the council in establishing a dynamic documentation centre where documents are available and accessible.

• Carry out all these activities hand-in-hand with district administration staff to ensure that they can take over this responsibility.


2. Provide support and on-the-job training to ensure appropriate financial management and accounting of district resources, including the external funds provided through JPLG.

• Work hand in hand with the external consultants and the district accounting staff to ensure appropriate understanding of the AIMS and BIMS financial management systems

• Help ensure that the districts are able to establish proper budgets as required under government guidelines and implemented through JPLG, and help ensure that all funding requests follow guidelines and that all required documentation is attached.


3. Provide support and on-the-job training within development planning and implementation, within the context of the procedures of JPLG, to ensure that the target districts are able to follow the processes as required by MOI guidelines and manuals within JPLG.

• Provide support and on-the-job training in the implementation of all aspects of the District Participatory Planning and Budgeting process (DPPB) , including support to the development and review of the District Development Framework, the Financial Management and Budgeting process, Implementation, Procurement and M&E.

• Help ensure that all documents required by the DPPB process are developed according to an acceptable standard and provide the capacity support and required on the job training to make sure that the staff responsible for these tasks develops capacity within these areas.

• Develop and implement on the job training and capacity development processes through detailed work plan for these tasks for target staff.


4. Knowledge building and knowledge sharing in all areas of finance, administration, development planning and implementation.

• Share information and knowledge on all issues of relevance to local governments, and in particular within the areas of finance, administration and development planning.

• Assist in identification of capacity development needs of district administration staff and councilors.

• Communicate regularly with MOI and the Mobile Team to coordinate activities and share lessons learned and experience.


5. Facilitate the district council and administration to enhance action and progress, lessons learned and improvement within all areas of responsibility.

• Promote a solution and action-oriented approach; share lessons and information; and enhance and promote improvement of all tasks.



IV. Impact of Results


The key results have an impact on the execution of the LOA between MOI and UNDP. Appropriate fulfillment of tasks and a client-oriented approach enhances district councils’ capability to effectively and efficiently manage management the requirements of the local governance reform activities.


V. Competencies

• Demonstrates commitment to MOI’s mission, vision and values.

• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

• Ability to plan, prioritise and deliver tasks on time; ability to participate effectively in a team-based information sharing environment; acceptance of additional responsibilities and capacity to work under pressure; high client service orientation; high initiative to solve problem; excellent analytical skills; excellent communication skills.

• Shares knowledge and experience

• Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.

• Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to Results Management, including support to design, planning and implementation of programme, managing data, reporting.

• Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback

• Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude

• Remains calm, in control even under pressure

• Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities


Regular monthly payment depend on the following deliverables:

• Implementation of the approved work plan of the consultant to satisfaction of MOI and the mayor in the target districts.


VI. Recruitment Qualifications


Education: Bachelor Degree in Public Administration or a related field.

Experience: • At least 3 years of relevant experience at the national or international level is required.

• Proven experience in capacity development and implementation.

• Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc).

• Experience with administration, finance, and human resource management required

• Self driven and motivated, ability to work under a minimum of guidance

• Pays attention to detail and ensures transparency and accountability

• Service minded and helpful, energetic and positive, and takes pride in seeing that the district is able to handle tasks.

Language Requirements: Fluency in English and Somali written and spoken language required.


VII. Application submission


Please send your curriculum vitae marked Capacity Development and Planning Consultant – MOI Mobile Team by 15/12/ 2009 to: 05/01/2010, through these E-mail: or


Applicants are required to submit their achievement oriented RESUME, with appropriate documentation, and the application.

MOI will only be able to respond to those applications in which there is further interest.

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I. General Information


Title of Position: Senior Coordinator, Ministry of Interior and Local Government

Type of Contract: Consultant

Duration of the assignment: 12 months

Duty station: Garowe, Puntland

Supervisor: Director General/Director of Planning, Ministry of Interior and Local Governance for political and administrative matters

Issue date: 10 December 2009

Deadline for application: 05 January 2010


II. Objectives of the assignment



The UN JPLG for Somalia is a 5 year joint programme of ILO, UNCDF, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNICEF. The partners in the Joint Programme are the Transitional Federal Government, the Government of State of Puntland, the Government of Somaliland, Regional Councils, District Councils, Legislatures, Municipal Associations, International and Local NGOs/CSOs, and the private sector. The Programme is aligned to the programming frameworks of the Somalia Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) 2008-12 and the UN Transition Plan (UNTP) 2008-9. The outcome of the RDP is to achieve decentralised service delivery in all of South-Central Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland. The outcome of the UNTP is that local governance contributes to peace and equitable priority service delivery in selected locations.


It is envisaged to achieve as wide coverage in Somalia as resources and conditions allow with a comprehensive approach to assist local governments to be credible, professional service providers, increasing public investment in basic services, and strengthening civic awareness and participation in local decision-making and development. The strategy pursued will comprise:

1. Support to the design of legislative framework, regulations and guidelines of relevance to local governance, including institutional development issues;

2. Support to the strengthening of the capacity of key central government institutions to carry of their mandate;

3. Support the capacity support of district councils and administrative staff for the delivery of services at local level, managed by the district councils and implemented through a participatory planning process.


Throughout the Programme, strong emphasis will be placed on gender and women in local government, human rights and local governance, and good governance principles of transparency, accountability and participation.

The overall objective of the JPLG for all regions for the 5 year period is that local governance contributes to peace and equitable priority service delivery in selected locations.

The specific objectives are that:

(i) Communities have access to basic services through local government, and

(ii) Local communities are accountable and transparent.

Throughout the Programme, strong emphasis will be placed on the role of marginalised groups, human rights, and good governance principles of transparency, accountability and participation.

The partners in the JPLG in Puntland are the Puntland Authorities, district authorities, as well communities and other relevant actors in the target areas.


The primary target groups for the interventions are local communities. The secondary target groups are district councilors and staff, as well as staff in relevant central government institutions, notably in ministries responsible for local government, planning, public works and finance. Where relevant, non-state actors will be used to help build capacity among the primary and secondary target groups.


In this context, the Ministry of Interior and Local Governance (MOILG) with support from the Joint Program wishes to recruit the Senior Coordinator to be based in the Ministry of Interior and Local Governance in Garowe. The incumbent will be supervised by the Director General/Director of Planning of MOILG on political and administrative matters related to the position, and by the UNDP Project Manager on technical matters related to the position. The incumbent will have the responsibility of supervising the implementation of capacity building activities of the ministry designed to enable local government officials to deliver services to the communities, and to support the ministry to put in place an appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of all activities supported by the UN Joint Local Governance program to ensure that the key objectives are met in an accountable and transparent manner. The position is for for a limited period of nine months.


III. Functions / Key Results Expected


Summary of Key Functions:

1. Ensure that MOILG plays an active role in policy advice, strategic thinking and knowledge sharing; conduct policy briefings and participate in missions related to local governance; and promote flow of information to donors, government institutions, and other relevant stakeholders.

2. Encourage full participation of stakeholders in the local government reform process to enhance empowerment and ownership.

3. Support MOILG to ensure efficient day-to-day management of all Local Governance Capacity Building Activities under the MOILG for Puntland.

4. Support MOILG to design and supervise capacity building and training programmes, and ensure a timely implementation of capacity building activities in order to achieve appropriate coordination and harmonization of all project activities.

5. Support MOILG to provide appropriate backstopping and quality control of all activities in MOILG and at local government level to secure efficient implementation of the workplan.



Specific Tasks:

1. Ensures MOILG plays an active role in policy advice, strategic thinking and knowledge sharing; conduct policy briefings and participate in missions related to local governance; and promote flow of information to donors, government institutions, and other relevant stakeholders.


• Provide support to MOILG in participation in policy forums with relevant stakeholders including other Puntland State institutions, civil society, the private sector, and donor organizations to ensure coherency in approaches to relevant policy agendas.

• Strengthen capacity in MOILG to ensure that all donor support contributes to the improvement of accountability and transparency, and that gender sensitivity and other relevant cross cutting issues are being addressed.

• Provide policy and strategic advice to relevant government stakeholders on policy and guideline requirements for the local government approach, and communicate closely with government stakeholders at national, regional and district level to enhance further expansion and/or consolidation of the project activities.

• Provide support to MOILG and district councils to identify options for resource mobilization at the local level and promote policy discussions with relevant government agencies and local authorities on this issue.

• Set up a system in MOILG to secure the gathering of relevant information including maps, reports and other material to enhance the knowledge needed to further implementation of the local government reform program, and help ensure that this information is made available to district councils in a timely manner.

• Provide support to MOILG to write policy and strategy briefings as required on relevant issues for local governance.

• Support MOILG on all relevant issues requiring their attention and follow up.


2. Encourage full participation of stakeholders in the local government reform process to enhance empowerment and ownership.


• Assist MOILG in identification and formulation of coordinated approaches to local governance planning, management and implementation of activities.

• Assist MOILG to in its promotion of approaches to design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities that encourage empowerment and ownership.

• Assist MOILG to ensure it encourages the participation of all stakeholders and special interest groups, especially women, youth, the elderly and disabled, and IDPS in the planning, implementation and evaluation of all development and capacity building activities

• Support MOILG to gather relevant information including maps, reports and other material to enhance knowledge and understanding of the location of the different interest groups and communities whose needs need specific targeting


3. Support MOILG to ensure efficient day-to-day management of all Local Governance Capacity Building Activitie


• Support MOILG to ensure that all activities, especially but not limited to, those agreed to under the Joint Local Governance Program, are implemented in an efficient and timely manner, according to agreed upon workplans, and in compliance with relevant rules and regulations.

• Assist MOILG to identify human resource needs, assist in the preparation and regular updating of Terms of Reference for staff and consultants, supervise staff, and conduct regular performance reviews as required.

• Help ensure that staff capacity and capability is utilized in the most efficient manner to achieve service delivery through district councils.

• Provide support to MOILG in liaison with counterparts with regards to all donor funded activities, and facilitate efficient management of the projects by government counterparts to ensure accountability, transparency and good practice.

• Provide appropriate support to MOILG to ensure that all project activities are well planned and coordinated, and that roll-out of the Joint Local Governance project takes place in a coherent manner.

• In consultation with relevant MOILG staff, provide support to the preparation of workplans and budgets necessary to meet the outputs.

• Help facilitate team building and coordination between all MOILG staff to ensure improved output.

• Assist MOILG in preparation of relevant progress reports on activities of the Joint Local Governance project which are directly linked to identified output and activities.

• Perform any other duties that maybe assigned by the Director General or requested by the Joint Program.


4. Support MOILG to design and supervise capacity building and training programmes, and ensure a timely implementation of capacity building activities in order to achieve appropriate coordination and harmonization of all project activities.


• Provide support to MOILG to in the design, supervisionand baclstopping of the implementation of a capacity building plan for ministry officials, and regional and district councilors.

• Help MOILG design overall capacity building goals in line with the aims of the Joint Local Governance Program and within the given budget framework.

• Help ensure that all MOILG staff has relevant workplans and assist MOILG in the follow up of these workplans to ensure a timely implementation of all capacity building activities.

• Provide support to MOILG in the design, scheduling and implementation of training activities, and oversee that all training activities including reconciliation is implemented as planned and advise MOILG and UNDP on changes in approach, timing or other issues that require special attention and action.

• Support MOILG to design tender documents for procurement of training service provider and follow through with a procurement and selection process.

• Supervise the implementation of the capacity building plan by conducting regular and frequent visits to the field to supervise field activities, especially training activities.

• Help secure implementation of training and M&E activities in line with agreed workplans.

• Collaborate closely with all staff in MOILG and other Puntland State officials to help ensure effective implementation of all district council investment projects, and appropriate use of the equipment provided by the Joint Program.


5. Support MOILG to provide appropriate backstopping and quality control of all activities in MOILG and at local government level to secure efficient implementation of the workplan.

• Assist MOILG in design of a backstopping and quality control plan and help facilitate effective implementation of service delivery at the local level

• Provide support and guidance to help ensure appropriate management of funds by MOILG and at district level

• Identify gaps and challenges and support MOILG to solve these problems and facilitate MOILG to call on UNDP to help solve identified problems.

• Help ensure appropriate management of all resources and assets provided to MOILG and target districts through JPLG.


V. Final product/deliverable



The outputs will be:

1. MOILG plays an active role in policy advise, strategic thinking and knowledge sharing

2. Community consultations and decision making processes by district councils are participatory and transparent, and enhance ownership and empowerment.

3. MOILG and target district follow procedure and regulations as agreed to in JPLG; deliver according to the agreed to workplan for JPLG; and provides effective resource and asset management.

4. MOILG effectively and efficiently carries out its mandate to develop lesson plans, backstop and quality control training, and monitors and reports on progress, challenges and issues.

VII: Qualifications


Education: Master’s Degree in Social Science, Public Administration, Political Science or any other relevant field. Additional qualifications in training methodologies and adult learning are an added advantage.

Experience:  At least 5 years of relevant experience working in a ministry or a capacity building institution

 Comprehensive understanding of local governance and experience working in or with a local government institution.

 A solid understanding of Somalia’s local government system.

 Experience in promoting capacity building and local governance in multi-cultural environments, and in conflict environments

 Management experience and experience working as an advisor/consultant an asset.

 Self-motivated and self-driven and ability to work with a minimum of guidance.

 Ability to push processes forward, to be persuasive and at the same time collaborative, supportive and diplomatic.

 Ability to be calm and well humored while under pressure

Language Requirements: • Fluency in written and spoken Somali and English required.


VIII: Other information


Women are strongly encouraged to apply.


VII. Application submission


Please send your curriculum vitae marked “Senior Coordinator Consultant to MOILG Garowe by15/12/ 2009 to 05/01/2010 :e-mail: and



Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applicants are required to fill the P11 Form and submit it together with the application.

Find the P11 Form for Service Contract Holders on this link telephone 90725640/90799905


MOILG will only be able to respond to those applications in which there is further interest.

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