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Be careful of the piranha's seduction

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My wife and I were married for 23 years. Within six months she went from knowing nothing of the computer to becoming completely obsessed with the Internet. I guess I was too trusting - she sent gifts to new "friends", staying on the Internet for 8 to 10 hours at a time, rarely spent time with my two sons and I. It turned out she was paying for car sex. She left me and my sons but only after doing as much damage as possible - such as making outrageous remarks to my sons, family members, etc. This experience has been absolutely devastating. I haven't been back to work in 15 months. I'm raising my sons with pride. As a family we're okay but I haven't yet found a way to regain my own spirit. Thanks for your effort to help others. It does feel good to know you are not alone.

We got a computer about 1 & 1/2 years ago and then the internet. One of my wifes friends hooked her up to ICQ. I didn't think much of it until she was up half the night chatting. Then she put a Password on ICQ to, "keep the kids off", but she wouldn't tell me the password because I was "invading her privacy". Then one day, I stumbled across stored E-mail, And found some where she talked to a friend about an ICQ buddy who told her he loved her. She then asked her friend not to tell me anything. My suspicions were aroused when I couldn't find the phone bill, but it had been paid. I looked for it and found it hidden in the closet. It had 3 calls to another country on it. Then I noted missing floppies, found those in the same place, and 1 actually had a webcam picture of some guys erect penis on it. I confronted her with the evidence, asked her if she "cybered" and she vehemently denied it. Nothing was resolved, and then I found a jpeg on the computer of her naked. She had taken the picture of herself with a polaroid camera. She sees nothing wrong with what she has done and seems furious that I have "invaded her privacy" and that I am "trying to control her" She has refused to take counseling, but I chose to and learned how not to let my emotions rule my thoughts and actions. We are still together, but there is no trust in the relationship and it is only for economic reasons that we remain together.

For many months my wife's use of her laptop has been increasing. She spends more than a 150 hours a month on-line. I know she has been chat cheating and it led to at least 2 physical contacts out of the country. She was foolish enough to save some of her memorable chat sessions on disks and I found them. I have been devastated. We have 2 children 11 & 14 and our entire lives have suffered from this. I confronted her and we have just begun counseling. She still goes online whenever she can so I think I need monitoring software.


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Ms DD   

I wonder how many websites would i get for cheating men? I will bet not the same number as women cheating.

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Was just trying to show you this comes from both sides regardless of who and who ...... we shouldn't blame a particular gender as it depends on the individuals from both sides.


I find it silly when one only one side is blamed ,,,,,

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If the couple are loving and caring and meet each other's necessities they shouldn't have the need to cheat.


If a husband/wife cheats then obviously they are not happy at home. lets them just get a divorce and that is all there is to it.


no need to make this issue gender based.

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The beauty of Al-islam and the wisdom our faith comes to light...


This man was married to his wife for 13 years with some kids... wife pregnant and possibly never had a good flesh for few months, struggled with the lack of attention and complaining about the big S life... to add insult to injury bombarded with a young attractive female in his office flirting with him day in and day out... the question what do you expect...


You see now their life in misery, kids lost in no where.. Mam in depression and utter disbelief, the father is heartbroken and near to mental... the whole family in shatters, court cases... financial broke down and a burden that stays with them until the doomsday...


Allah knows his slaves better, the character and creation of men and woman, knows and maintains this world in its perfect order... it's he, who allowed men to marry more than one should that be a necessity... otherwise one is enough... All men are not equal, some men are far stronger than others, some have more passion for women, some demand far too much than a young sexually active lady can provide let alone a lady at it's weakest and suxual inactiveness point...

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