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This Barbarian Primitive Act Must Stop Now!!

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

quote:Whatever happened to the 'ideal' civil liberties Scandinavian nations used to espouse. Two men can marry, but it is government's no business. Two married couple can swing as many as they want, yet not government's business. A little girl ayaa la guday, but this time dowlad shaqadeyda waaye inay soo faragishato.


Gudniin dhaqan laga tagay waaye, that no sane individual can condone, laakiin if the dowlada Iswiidhan keeps a blind eye on homesexuality, prostitution and other vile vices -- noo, they welcome and condone them by recognizing their marriages and acts for buying sex -- laakiinse it makes her business what should legally be a family's business, not government's.

MMA, the vices you mention are often between two consenting adults, unlike the mutilation of a child by her own family.


The victims of FGM are young girls and the family is always the culprit, so why in the world should it remain their business? Cultural relativity has been used to turn a blind eye to FGM for far too long.


There is a similar Law in the UK, however it hardly gets used, mainly due to lack of reporting. I'm glad Sweden is taking it so seriously.


The important thing is to protect children and parents who insist on inflicting FGM on their daughters need to be put behind bars for a very long time. They really don't deserve their kids.
But then what happens if the girl is a willing participant in the whole thing - should he still be locked up? Should it still be the Swedish gov'ts preogative to interfere? I don't know. I don't think the question of what to do after FGM has been done is so black and white as the issue itself.

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Originally posted by ALexus-:

quote:Originally posted by Maf Kees:


Originally posted by ALexus-:

I remember been exposed to gential mutilation at the age of 12.

Bisinka iyo yaasiinka iyo aayadaha qur'aanka! Naayaa waad iga nixisee. I thought you meant something else till I read the following part about Waris Dirie's book.
War hus! bala ha kugu dhacdo jabta ha ku dhisho. You have disgusted me.

I'm having second thoughts about Somaliaonline.
looool@War hus it has been long time since I heard that word. Were you born in Qardho (Bari Region) by any chance?

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Considering the portion of our women who went thru this,the Swedish government should be forgive this innocent man, He did it out of ignorance,He must have believed in it and thinking he was doing the best for his daughter.


Those of you who are hard on the father of the girl, ,you are too narrow minded,the guy spent all energy and money, taking the daugher home, why, cuz he cared, and loved and believd FGM,i guess there should be awareness on this topic, so more girls will be saved from this, not only in west,but also in majority back home.

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^ I do beg your pardon, how do you know he did it out of ignorance? Perhaps he is well aware of the law, the health implications for his daughter not to mention its immorality and yet chose to inflict it upon her for that God-forsaken thing they call dhaqan and that other God-damned thing they call social inclusion.


Khaakh-tuuf cala spineless, image-driven folks who keep up with the Faaraxs at the expense of their own. Such creatures are worse than the ignoramuses amongst us. Xagee ka galna?

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I believe he did it out of ignorance, and didn't kno the implication of what he did. What kinda father would do this barbaric torture, to daughter,He could be loving father,and cares more than you know.


BTW,I guess you have some serious issues with FAARAHS,It is the women who carry out this operation, and it is the mothers who still insist,somali men know little abt it.

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Tanug You Nura,


Dabshid....The man definately knew he was breaking the law. Every Somali in the west is very well aware of legal implication resulting from circumising their daughthers. So he can't plead ignornance as the far da law is concerned. As to why he did, Asaga iyo Alla og. We could only speculate!!!


A lot of FGM ( certainly in Somalia) is carried out of ignorance or just conforming to the cultural norms. Education is the key here, but those that violate laws here in da west should pay a price.

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I blame the women in the family too for failing to protect the girl. They should know of the consequences if the father was too 'ignorant'.

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

I believe he did it out of ignorance, and didn't kno the implication of what he did. What kinda father would do this barbaric torture, to daughter,He could be loving father,and cares more than you know.

What kind of father? The kind that has been in existence for centuries. Love the adjective means little, love the verb speaks volumes. Circumcision isn't love the verb, dhaqan is love the adjective, ignorance is inexcusable, how long has Islam been a part of our people?


BTW,I guess you have some serious issues with FAARAHS,It is the women who carry out this operation, and it is the mothers who still insist,somali men know little abt it.


What u guess about my issues is just that- guessing. Don't waste your time with it. Also u have misunderstood the expression keeping up with the Faaraxs.


U appear to let the men off the hook using ignorance but refuse such comfort for the women. Both non-action and action can stem from ignorance but I don't believe using the ignorance explanation so freely does the matter full justice.


To assume a loving father or mother is incapable of wronging their own child is denying the capability of the human to commit injustice and crime in the name of love. We are complex creatures; a caring parent can still inflict pain; such is human nature.


Somali men know about it every time they have sex with a Somali woman; stop pretending they're clueless. Not doing anything is a choice just as doing something is; the choice to conform or not is available to each parent. They're all in it together or it would have fizzled out long ago.

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Originally posted by KEYNAN22:

The 41-year-old Somali man, who lived with his family in Sweden, allegedly took his daughter to Somalia in January 2005
where she was held down by two men
while her clitoris was cut off, according to the charge sheet submitted to the Gothenburg district court.

If there is any justice at all, they'll find him guilty and send him to prison (even for a short while). Then he'll be roommates with two men who will hold him down for a violation of a different sort. After a few months in the hospitality of these upstanding citizens, this father and his little girl will be even and can resume their father/daughter relationship with no ill-will. Payback is a motherclucker.....

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Originally posted by ThePoint:

But then what happens if the girl is a willing participant in the whole thing - should he still be locked up? Should it still be the Swedish gov'ts preogative to interfere? I don't know. I don't think the question of what to do after FGM has been done is so black and white as the issue itself.

Again with the 'interference', how can convicting someone of a crime they did be interference on the part of the govt? The legislation already exists, it's illegal to carry out FGM on underage girls, why shouldn't he be prosecuted? It's not like spilt milk. If they did it to this daughter they will do it to the next one.


As for the girl being a willing participant, we all know the huge amount of influence parents have over their children. Kids believe what the parents tell them to believe. But just because a child can be convinced that what's happening to them is a good thing, however horrible it might feel, does that make it right or acceptable? Does it give the parents the right to physically harm their children? If a child doesn't mind getting their hands burned when they do something naughty, should the parents burn him/her?


You guys speak like having your genitals slashed up and sewn up together again is a benign, loving gesture on the parents part. What total bullshidh. Pleading 'ignorance' is a weak drum to beat. People can and should be able to tell right from wrong.



Sheh, wlc back. :cool:

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Originally posted by Naden:

If there is any justice at all, they'll find him guilty and send him to prison (even for a short while). Then he'll be roommates with two men who will hold him down for a violation of a different sort. After a few months in the hospitality of these upstanding citizens, this father and his little girl will be even and can resume their father/daughter relationship with no ill-will. Payback is a motherclucker.....

There’s no evidence the man committed the alleged crime, at least in the article. The man is against circumcision and believes his daughter should not have been circumcised according to his attorney, and yet you not only convict him but wish him to be raped by two men in prison?


We all know the magnitude of the alleged crime but wishing someone a rape or jail time doesn’t yield any tangible result. The Somali communities need awareness and education about the horrors of FMG. There needs to be some type of workshops or seminars targeted at older folks at home doing these kinds of things to earn a living especially women.

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^ He is innocent until proven guilty, and if innocent, he probably will be left alone. How was this child exposed to the three people (the men holding her down and at least one more person) who did the cutting? Did she fly back home as an 11 or 12 year old on her own and arrange for this? Was she going back home on holiday in January just for the honour of leaving body parts back home? There maybe more to the story than in the article. Perhaps a mother was involved and he knew nothing about it. Highly unlikely.


I don't wish anyone harm, certainly not rape. I am dismayed, though, that liberties are taken too easily with the body of a child in the case of FGM and it has lifelong consequences in a woman's sexual and reproductive health. Parents are ultimately responsible for their children and will be held to it. If they want to do this to their daughters, they can't avoid breaking Swedish law and prosecution by claiming ignorance after the fact.

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I’m not here to defend or convict him of alleged crime. The court needs to answer all those questions you posed, not someone whom you perceive as pro circumcision. If he’s found guilty, he deserves the punishment suitable for the crime he committed. If I’m not mistaking, you’ve wished him a rape hoping his daughter will get a closure. Father is convicted, goes to jail, gets raped and daughter is happier than ever! What a headline. Would certainly qualify to enter Jay Leno’s Headline Contest and might bring smile to some Xaliimos. I think your sensitivity of the subject speaks louder than your rationale.


The Swedish or Western laws are not designed to protect innocent girls in Africa or Somalia facing the abuse of female genital mutilation. Sending someone to prison to get raped or tortured won’t necessarily teach a lesson or make a better citizen. It’s better to fix the root of the problem than to target few criminals, which I'm not opposing. Parents are responsible for the welfare of their children and held to it by Allah. Provide education and alternatives to those likely to benefit from such practice and you’re more likely to cut the number of girls getting circumcised each year in half.

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

You guys speak like having your genitals slashed up and sewn up together again is a benign, loving gesture on the parents part. What total bullshidh. Pleading 'ignorance' is a weak drum to beat. People can and should be able to tell right from wrong.

It is neither benign nor loving,but can we honestly say these parents intended to harm their kid.Qalbigooda Kuma Jidno. We ought to be careful about vilifying them or just throwing them away in the pen with couple of guys as Naden would have liked. They are other ways of ending this awful practice.

As for this particular guy,I think he would have atleast known that he was breaking the Swedish law, and for he should be punished.

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Johnny B   

I'd like to know what it takes for the man in question to persuade his wife to get genitally modified ( to get virgin after every delivery ), since he so believes in it.

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