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Kenya's and Ethiopia's Fragile Glass Houses

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Did anyone congratule this buffoon for being able to see far from a bottom of a well than we somalis can see from a top of a mountain , in addition to his warning for the somalis????????


whilst we may chastise this buffoon, does anyone wander that maybe we (the somalis) are the proverbial goat, who lied down to be slaughtered????? :mad:

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^He aint bantu, he is Kenyan ninyahow. There is a difference.

whatever he is, he is NOTHING. bantuga marka iri hadaldaii aan qoray oo aan rabay inaan dhaho waan la noqday kan ayaa is iri bal ku daa, waxan la rabay ayaa ka xumaa wad fahamtay.

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Well done Adam once again, you have outdone yourself smile.gif



And you deserve SOL award indeed, I will be the first to give you one!

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He's Nandi Kalenjin from somewhere in the rural highlands where they grow coffee but what I would like to remind him is that his tribe would've been under the brutal sole of the Kikuyus had it not been a certain Somali soldier who came to the rescue of their then inexperienced president Moi and last but not least I would like to salute my brother and comrade Adam Zayla for putting this monkey of a man where he belongs...



We might fight amongst each other, we might despise each other, we might hate each other, we might kill each other but fact of the matter is and always will be...Somalis run and rule the horn and always will be...before you jump the gun ask yourself this...where would Kenya and Ethiopia be without the western back up and would there STILL have been countries called Kenya and Ethiopia if they were in the same situation that we find ourselves in?



May Allah s.w Guide Us Through The Righteous Path Insha Allah...



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^Bob makes his return with an anti Kenyan diatribe :D


Somalis rule the horn? No - not yet - but if they get their act together - yes. Unfortunately that doesn't look like it's coming soon.

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Thanks for the comments guys, i've received nothing but good feedback through mail so that was cool


but one Ethiopian guy did send me this funny email:


Hi there


I read your article Kenya's and Ethiopia's Fragile Glass Houses", and would like to correct you on your'popular saying', it is not "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house", but "Those who live in a glass menagerie don't throw stones". Like all your thinking you have got it twisted


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Originally posted by ThePoint:

^Bob makes his return with an anti Kenyan diatribe

Naah I beg to differ...I'm not anti anyone...its just that I don't like it when a kalenjin of all people ey iska dhigan waxeysan aheen ama ey is gaarsiiyaan meel aysan gaarin...the fact of the matter is...Amxaaro iyo Kenyaati they will forever live under our shadows...only if I could find the piece I wrote about them and would've made a good read I think... redface.gif


PS. Kenya is the birth place of my mother whom I love beyond belief so I can never be anti Kenya...I just don't like wadada ey dowladeeda ku socoto...that's all. smile.gif otherwise How you been?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^I know - was just kidding around - though we shouldn't complain much about our neighbours who provided shelter when our country was in chaos.


Doing good - it's autumn so back to real work unlike the lazy days of summer. Hope you're staying safe in SA - govt upheaval and economic upheaval too there.

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