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Women Questions

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Do Muslim women have to wear hijaab in front of kaafir women ?


Wearing revealing and short clothes?


Differences in Prayer for Men and Women?


100% When is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face?


100% Is it true that womens awrah in front of other women is from the navel to the knees?


Women travelling with other women without a mahram?

Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings(Fiqh)?


A Woman Does not Act as a Mahram for Another Woman?

Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings(Fiqh) > Nikaah ( Marriage ) > Mahaarim (mahram relatives)?


100% Women are working?

100% Women and teaching?


Ruling on women going to womens clubs ?


Use of divider to separate men and women while praying?


Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings?



Ruling on woman being imaam for men?


Who are the women of the People of the Book whom Muslims are permitted to marry ?



Rulings on women imitating men ?


Having a relaxed attitude towards wearing Islamic dress in front of non-mahrams?


Why do women cover their hair ?


A man giving a lecture to a group of women without partition?


Correct Hijaab?


When women get together is it better for them to pray in jamaaah or individually?


Resisting the temptation of women?


The Hadith of the Seven is Not in Reference to Men Only?


Rulings concerning women riding with drivers and without a mahram?

Why is it forbidden for a man and a woman who are not mahrams to have a relationship?


Does the prohibition on leaving the mosque after the adhaan apply to women too>?


Women going out for leisure and shopping?


Ruling on marrying a woman who has-no religion?


Ruling on marrying a woman who has no religion?


Women wearing trousers?

Wearing short or tight clothes in front of other


women and mahrams?


How can a woman engage in dawah outside the home

Inviting others to Islam(Da'wah)?


Limits and conditions within which a man may

speak to a non-mahram woman?


Women wearing perfume when they attend the mosque?


Conditions of Muslim womans hijaab?


Women cutting their hair?


How should a Muslim man make Da'wah to non-Muslim women ?


Inviting others to Islam(Da'wah) ?


Women praying Jumuah two rakahsonly?


Should a woman wish that she was a man?


Can a woman lead prayer if she knows more Qur'aan?



What is the punishment for a Muslim woman who marries a Christian man?



Ruling on a woman whose husband has disappeared?


Ruling on shaking hands with opposite sex?


What is the ruling on selling womens products?


Ruling on women going to the masjid?


The Man is Head of Household?



Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men in the hope that they may become Muslim ?



Psychological and Social Problems > Mushkilaat ijtimaa'iyyah (social problems)


Selling items used by women for adornment

Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings(Fiqh) > Buyoo (Business and Financial Transactions)



Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings(Fiqh) > Hajj and 'Umrah (Pilgrimage)


Males praying behind females because the room is small


Can a menstruating woman fast


Fighting for love

Psychological and Social Problems > Mushkilaat ijtimaa'iyyah (social problems)


Women seeing the imaam during prayer

Tawbah (repentance) from fornication and what is the status of a child ?


A woman who s period lasts longer than 15 days?


Shaving Legs?


Is mentioning of servants in a womens gathering considered to be gheebah ?



A man leading his wife in prayer ?


Woman travelling from non-Muslim country without mahram?



Women travelling without a mahram?


Woman goes out to gatherings of dhikr without permission?



It is not permissible for women to wear shoes that look like mens shoes?



Women cutting their hair short?


Is it permissible for the raaqi to touch the woman for whom he is reciting ruqyah?

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