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PM Abiy Ahmed Declares War on Tigray: First bullets fired

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TPLF disobeys Abiy

#TPLF, a 50-year-old party entrenched in power, has recklessly called its 14th conference for tomorrow without even bothering to notify the country's election board. The people of #Tigray deserve better than this blatant disregard for transparency. It's time to remove this party from power once and for all

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#Ethiopia: #TPLF begins 14th Congress amidst escalating controversy, leadership absenteeism

The Congress, which is the highest body of the party, began under a cloud of escalating controversy and notable absences.  Fourteen members of the Central Committee, including the President of  the Interim Administration of Tigray Region and TPLF Vice Chairman,  Getachew Reda, were not present.

Adding to the tensions is a statement by Legesse Tulu, Government Communication Minister, issued in response to the meetings. Legesse warned that TPLF’s move to hold the congress “threatens the fragile  peace that the people of Tigray have managed to achieve.”

The Congress, which is being held at  the Martyrs Monument Assembly hall in the capital Mekelle, and is being attended by thousands of party members, was initially scheduled to start in the morning but was delayed until the afternoon for reasons that remain unclear.

Getachew Reda, who had previously announced his decision to boycott the Congress, criticized the proceedings in a written statement he released today.

Getachew once again condemned the event as being hastily organized without reaching a consensus, claiming it was designed to “oust certain leaders” perceived as opposition by the party’s internal network.

The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) announced yesterday that it will not recognize the TPLF’s General Assembly or any decisions made  during the Congress.

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Back to square.


#Ethiopia: #TPLF re-elects Debretsion as Chairman, suspends #Tigray Interim Admin President, others from party membership The Congress, which faced a boycott by key executive members, also saw significant leadership changes within the party. In a notable move that laid bare the growing schism within the party, the Congress replaced Getachew Reda, the deputy chairman of the party, with Amanuel Assefa, the former head of the Tigray region’s justice bureau and former chief of the Interim Administration President’s office. It remains unclear whether and/or how the suspension of Getachew from the party affects his position as the president of the interim admin of the region appointed by PM Abiy Ahmed following the Pretoria Cessation of Hostilities agreement between the federal government and the TPLF that ended the two-year brutal war in the Tigray region. Over the weekend, a separate conference was convened by Getachew and several other key members of the party who boycotted the Congress under the theme “Salvation of the People and the Party”. In its 11-point resolution, the conference already declared outcomes of the 14th Congress of the TPLF to be “null and void.”

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The TPLF held their congress without Abiy's permission. The interim Tigray president Getachew Reda whose is also TPLF's vice-chair  boycotted the party congress. TPLF fired him today, 

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48 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Sheekadaan waa sheekada uu ku bilowday that war in 11/2020. Same defiance against Abiy.

Unlike last time, Abiy does not have the support of the Amharas and Eritreans.

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What does this all mean? Is there a region outside of the Somali region which is not being caught up in some sort of violent conflict?

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Somali region, are too weak and broken, they have been colonised for long time now, if they raise up they can win, but don't believe it

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On 8/26/2024 at 10:49 AM, Illyria said:

What does this all mean? Is there a region outside of the Somali region which is not being caught up in some sort of violent conflict?

As you remember the TPLF was declared a terrorist organization. The Pretoria agreement allowed to be a political party again. The Ethiopian election body and by extension Abiy wants TPLF to submit an application as a new party. The older TPLF generation wants the TPLF reinstated as it was and not be labelled a new. In essence, they want the privileges they had in the past which came with certain economic advantages. And this is what caused the split, at least according to Addis Ababa.

But among the Tigrians themselves, the split is really about the way forward. The war has been punishing. Getachew Reda wing of the TPLF want to make nice with Abiy and see how they can shape the future. The Debretsion Gebremichael wing do not envision any future with Ethiopia. Militarily, Debretsion Gebremichael wing is more powerful. They have supposedly some relationship with archenemy Isaias Afewerki,  But Getachew Reda has the support of Abiy and ENDF forces in Tigray.

More broadly, the Habeshas [Tigray, Amhara and Eritreans] are revaluating the political reality in Ethiopia and the Horn. Some are coming to the conclusion Abiy and his Oromo are bigger threat for them and Ethiopia.

And the American on the other hand are trying to stop any conflict in Northern Ethiopia and have been very skeptical Abiy's leadership and weary of impulsiveness.



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Drums of War!


The party also pointed to internal divisions within the #TPLF, warning that these divisions, driven by “personal and factional interests,” could lead to further conflict. Amdom Gebreselassie, chairperson of Arena Tigray for Democracy and Sovereignty, noted that “one faction aligns with #Addis_Abeba and the other with #Asmara,”

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Ethiopia: TPLF revokes membership of key leaders; Getachew Reda among 16 ousted in political shake-up

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), under the leadership of Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), has expelled 16 senior members, including former deputy chairperson Getachew Reda, following a Central Committee meeting on 15 September 2024. The decision marks a significant political shake-up within the party, which has been experiencing growing internal divisions.

The TPLF’s statement alleges that the expelled members "exploited the temporary administrative powers entrusted to them" for illicit activities, including "embezzlement of substantial funds" and undermining party unity. Among those ousted are former #Mekelle University president Professor Kindeya Gebrehiwot and regional communication bureau head Redae Halefom.


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