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Allah Ya Cizak!

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Whatever Viking!


Ducaqabe, I ain't going to say anymore. Yes I understand that I am not a Daaci that's why I'll have developed a new way and method to get across my message that shias/international rafidahs are not muslim.


I got the perfect proof and evidence!


If you shia or belong to the numerous international rafidah sect take a sharp knife/sword in two days time on the 10th of Muharram Al-yowmul Ashuraa and hit it on the head of your small child/children!




Then proceed hitting yourself on the head with a knife actually a sword!




They even dipicted Hussain ibnu Ali!




Is this what you call Islam people?






Chocolate and Honey + Ahura do you want to be cut with this swords or get in touch?




Dragon + Xiinfaniin do you like the sight of this picture? Ku soo dhawaada.




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Who wants to take a "shower" in a bloodbath?








Ismaili Shiites:










Let's all of us join in the beating (ourselves) this coming thursday inshallah!



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Wallee anagaa yaab aragney, illeen tanoo kale, wax kale lama yaabniyee ninkan Sayyid unbaan la yaabanahey

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wax kale lama yaabniyee ninkan Sayyid unbaan la yaabanahey

How hilliarious! Oo sawirada miyaadan layaabin or do you actually cut yourself occassionally like the shiits and rafidahs do?

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Innaa Lilaahi Wa Innaa Ilayhi Raajicuun, niyahow waxyaalahaad ku hadleeso ka fiirsa un, intaas ayaan kaaga tagayaa un, just ka fiirso waxyaalahaad ku dhawaaqeeso ee afkaaga ka soo buttaacayo!!

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1."Allaah often lies and does mistakes." (USOOL-E-KAAFI, page #328, yaqoob kulaini, vol 1).


2."Allah has the Quality of 'Badaa'." (Usul Kafi- Babul bad'aa - Al- Kafi Vol- 1 -P283 India Ed.)


3."We (shias) do not worship such a God who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan." (Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni..)


4."The Imams posses all the knowledge granted to angels, prophets and messengers." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.255)


5."The Imams know when they will die, and they do not die except by their choice. " (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.258)


6."The Imaams have knowledge of whatever occurred in the past and whatever will happen in the future, and nothing is concealed from them." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.260)


7."The Imams have knowledge of all the revealed books, regardless of the languages in which they were revealed. " (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.260)


8."No one complied the Qur'ân completely except the Imams, and they encompass all of its knowledge. " (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.227)


9."The person who says that the present Quran is complete is a liar because the “complete Quran†was compiled by Hazrat Ali" (Fasl-ul-khitaab fee tahreef kitaab rab-ul- arbab, page #4, Noori Tibri).


10."The Munafiqeen (i.e. Sahaba) took very much out of Quran (took out the verses)." (Ihtijaj-e-tibri, page #382).


11."When Imaam Mehdi comes he will bring with him the real and original Quran." (Ahsan-ul-maqaal, page #336, safdar Husain najfi).


12."Signs of the prophets are possessed by the Imams." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.231)


13."When the Imams' time comes, they will rule in accordance with the ruling of the Prophet David and his dynasty. These Imams will not need to ask for presentation of evidence before passing their judgements." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.397)


14."There is not a single truth possessed by a people saved that which originated with the Imams, and everything which did not proceed from them is false." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.399)


15."All of the earth belongs to the Imams." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.407)


16."Neither we believe the Allah nor the Prophet of the God whose khalifah is Abu Bakr." (Anwar-ul-nomania, page #278).


17."All Prophets are beggar at the doorstep of Ali." (khalqat-e-norania, page #201, Talib Husain karpalwi).


18."These shia says Ali said.......I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth." (Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print.)


19."Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allaah," (Usul- e-Kaafi -83.)

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O ninka maxaa sidaan loogu hareeray? Let me get across to him, in simple terms, what you SOl nomads could not.




While I clearly understand your reservations and am sympathetic to them, you cannot deny anyone the Islamic religion while they are professing and uttering the Shahada. Judgment lies with the creator not the creation.


Taada ka adkow, ragaas toodaa u taal.

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Innaa Lilaahi Wa Innaa Ilayhi Raajicuun, niyahow waxyaalahaad ku hadleeso ka fiirsa un, intaas ayaan kaaga tagayaa un, just ka fiirso waxyaalahaad ku dhawaaqeeso ee afkaaga ka soo buttaacayo!!


Allaahuma inni acuudu bika min sharri maa khalaq and the purpose is, I should get offended. I was just laughing at your response. Simply I can't take you seriously, whilst adiga sida qof/ruux waalani isku ruuxruuxaysid.


Bal yara naso oo xooga yar fadhiiso ha is wereerine! Afkaaga iyo waxaad igu soo vomitgaraysay iga duw ninyahow while you're at it!

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you cannot deny anyone the Islamic religion while they are professing and uttering the Shahada. Judgment lies with the creator not the creation.


I am not the one denying it to them, simple Kashanre!


It's the ulamaa of this religion that have said so.


From contemporary Shuyuukh Cuthaymiin, bin Baaz, Sheikh Albaani raximahullaah ajmaciin to Imaam Shaafici, Maalik, Xambal, Xanafi and other great scholers like ibnu Taymiyyah, are they all wrong or what?


Everyone said it that rafidahs are not muslim, Imaam Ali Abdurrahman Hudayfi was arrested by the Saudi officials whilst saying that in one of his friday Khutbahs. He was the khateeb and Imaam of the prophets mosque in Madinah when he said it and the iranian ambassador was actually in the mosque.


Happy slapping!



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Posted by Sayyid

From contemporary Shuyuukh Cuthaymiin, bin Baaz, Sheikh Albaani raximahullaah ajmaciin to Imaam Shaafici, Maalik, Xambal, Xanafi and other great scholers like ibnu Taymiyyah, are they all wrong or what?

Yes! they are beings just like the rest of us who make mistakes. Who are they to judge? Only the creator(sw) has that power not Ibni aadam xaaraaya marna dhuusaaya.


Allah yahdiih.

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^Appearently he is under the impression the Ulama is on par with the creater!




Are you daft sxb? Did I not say judgment lies with the creater not the creation? Are those Ulama also not creations? There is no distinction between your person and them, and as long as Allah is our lord and those people are testifying the Shahada, thou shalt not have the power to judge them! That power lies with the creater and not the creation, whomever they might be.

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Brothaman Sayyid,


You've made your point. Over and over again, yeah, over and over again(damn earworms). You quoted scholars and books to the page number. You've annihilated the opposition with verifiable facts and quotes. Their only recourse(save a few exceptions) were rhetorical questions and snide one-liners. A few points aside(absolute blanket judgment,etc) , you're on solid footing here, friend. So whussup with that pornography up there ? You've made Water Lily throw up, you made me lose sleep, and you probably mentally scarred a few 13 year olds for life. Talk about using a .50 cal machine gun on a mosquito. Engaging in sensationalism only cheapens your argument. That includes the size 72 multi-coloured fonts. Great argument, but could we uh, work on the delivery ?


Constructive criticism delivered, I gotta give it up to the Iranians. From their president, to their newspapers, to the (wo)men on the street, they've displayed an enourmous amount of self-respect and refusal to bow down before the West in the past few weeks, from the nuclear program controversy upto the cartoon mess created by the Europeans using the the freedom of expression crutch. Ha ! Let's see if that bleeding-heart tolerance extends to cartoons about the Holocaust when Iranian newspapers run them. I wouldn't run it myself, but it will test and expose the inherent double standards of White Europe.


Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered the cancellation of economic contracts with countries where the media have published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed

^ This is the kind of leadership we need. Take note, dictators and shieklings.

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Brothers and sisters, a/c.


Maybe this situation needs little defusing before it consumes/wastes more time and energy:


First, we have the Book of Allah (swt) and the actions/sayings of His Prophet (peace be upon him, his family and all of his companions), to judge between ourselves as the criterion of right and wrong! Vice the numerous Qur’anic verses;


“..and whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed..†(5:44,45,47)


Secondly, in such judgements we distinguish between belief and individuals. We can judge the belief, but not the individuals unless they confess openly the same beliefs which have been judged as constituting Kufr, after the truth has been showed and explained!


Thirdly, only scholars of true knowledge in the Book of Allah (swt) and the actions/sayings of His Prophet (peace be upon him, his family and all of his companions) are allowed to perform such judgements, and we all ought to know why, the reasoning behind it and accept the judgement (IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE ACCOMPANIED WITH PROOFS FROM THE REVELATION).


Fourthly, the scholars have judged long time ago on the questions relating to the beliefs of the Rafidah/12 Imamate shia group (dominant in present day Iran) as being outside the fold of Islam as revealed by Allah (swt) through His final Messenger (peace be upon him).


However, it’s wrong to refer to the whole population of Iran as non-Muslims, on which the original judgement can/could not be based; there are in Iran Muslims, children, excusably ignorant persons and handicaps, though non-dominant minority, it would be unjust not to specify (i.e. clergy, political rule/elite, etc.) and put everyone into one basket.


If you wish to discuss about the political economy of Iranian situation (just like we do here with US, EU and Africa), fine, but religion should be a separate discussion. We have here people defending issues they know little or nothing about (politically motivated feel-good factor?), but surely that can’t be healthy for our spiritual realities.


“The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allah (His Words, the Qur’an) and His Messenger (peace be upon him), to judge between them, is that they say: ‘We hear and we obey.’ And such are the prosperous ones.†(24:51)



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