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Safety concerns for PS3 buyers

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So its finally landing,,,,,,,i can think of a few nomads who would be easy prey,, :D


Safety concerns for PS3 buyers


Sony has pledged to get fans home safely after the official UK launch of its new console.


The move follows police concerns about the safety of customers who buy the £425 PlayStation 3 in central London at midnight.


Young people could put themselves at risk by travelling in the city centre late at night, the Met Police said.


Fans attending Thursday's official PS3 launch at midnight in Virgin Megastores on Oxford Street should ensure they can get home safely, police said.


A Sony spokesman said: "Both Sony PlayStation and Virgin Megastores take the safety and comfort of consumers extremely seriously.


"We've liaised with both the police and Westminster Council, and put a number of measures in place to ensure that everyone attending the midnight launch gets home safely."


Virgin Megastores is inviting fans to queue for the PS3s from noon on Wednesday in the lower ground floor of its Oxford Street store - 36 hours before the consoles go on sale.


Entertainment and food will be provided, the chain said.


In a statement about the midnight launch, the Metropolitan Police Service said: "Officers have expressed their concern about this planned event, which may well encourage young people to travel into central London late at night, potentially putting themselves at risk of becoming victims of crime."


It added: "We would advise young people who plan to attend the event to be accompanied by an adult and to have the means to travel home safely."

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