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Originally posted by Ibtisam:



I expect you at the back of every indefensible argument dear,
clear evidence has little meaning to you, but in any case I’ll give you the benefit of doubt, here is what we know for sure:


1) A&T made up a story, some rambling about bitter women, coffee etc

2) You jumped in with your own little two certain, confirming the minor details of his story

3) You, A&T and co, go on to present these as fact, falsely claiming that there is evidence, and data collected, which you shall present to us.

4) We now know that number three is false and unfounded. So what is there to agree to??

What you expressed is nothing more than your own opinions, who are you trying to convince and confuse?

Who said it is a made-up story? Look how presumptive you can be!! Sad good women are writing PM's telling me not to be bothered by the few spoliers here.


To all those who are doing that, "Thank you. I hear you. Rest assured, I will not put you in the same bag with Ibti and her clique!!".

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Abdiladiif, saaxiib A & T waa libaax. aniga iyo asaga heshiis baa noo yaalla inuusan marka politics sectionka la joogo uusan Shariifka iga maagin. As long he honors that, anigu hoos baan kala jiraa adeer :D .


Gabdho amxaaro ah inay bun ii dubaan,anigu kolba dhib uma arko.


Baashi, waxaan damcay inaan ka sheekeeyo Dhariyyo-dhoob :D of Hobyo, who, when asked about womenfolk, wixii la ogaa ku hadlay. Laakiin, A & T hadda dagaalka ku socdaa waa skirmishes and the feared lionesses of SOL have not showed up yet.

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Heh ha @Ibtisiam, what an edit that was...


Evidence? what evidence are you looking for, what part of the story is hard to understand, it's only a forum and a one day discussion at that my dear, I am not in a court of law to present a case of murder... We can agree to disagree, nothing really trivial about this matter unless you are very passionate about it...


For me its simple, any decent woman with a good life and iin happy relationship would want nothing to do with 'Feminism'....

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I've been asking you for the last two pages if

1) Your story is made up

2) This so called study.


It is now obvious and clear that there is no such study and your study is a product of your imagination, either that or you really cannot read and answer simple questions. It is not presumptive at all A&T. Weeliga baa maar baa giid is ku jeex. The fact remains that waad iska haadlisa.


Sad good women are PMing you, Oh wow, how nice of them, do indeed thank them. :rolleyes: Are you sure you can trust a women A&T, Are you sure they are not working undercover on our side icon_razz.gif


Emperor:[ /b]

For me
its simple, any decent woman with a good life and iin happy relationship would want nothing to do with 'Feminism'....

We cannot help you if you lack the understanding and appeal of Feminism. Maybe you need to do some of your own reading. Your views in life are not determined by your relationships, such simplicity does not exist.

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I see i have just missed the battle of the sexes.


labo islaamood oo is dilaya ayay mid sadexaad gambada intay ku dhex tuuratay ayay tidhi "car yaa iiga joogsada !" .... ka dib howsha dhinaceeda ka miistay :D


marka dadka qaar waxay noqdeen islaantii sadexaad


Edit: Ms DD wan u jeedaa, at least the humour is not lost and it still has not tunred ugly .. but there is potential

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lool@Ibtisam, I lack the understanding and appeal of Feminism :D , what a joke, I am not woman for god's sake


I can see you are firing water shots, but you are yet to be qualified as Feminist yet, perhaps just a Semi-Feminist :D

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My only advice to you is not to be too sure of your women-folk! you know what chemistry can do to them? Even if you send as spies first, after a small chat; they will spew out all you told them and curse you once in blissful 'delirium'. gacantaa la marin and that is it!


I told you again. It is not a story. But you surely don't expect me to produce a hard copy of what transpired in that hall, here???? You of course have the right to think I am a liar. I would have worried if Haneefah called me so? Not you!

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Ignorance, you do not need to be a women to be feminist. :D

And I’ve never claimed to be a feminist anywhere or at any time, I just don’t like the rubbish you guys are trying to pass off as views and raming down people eyes.


A&T lol. If you say so,


I've already wasted enough time on this. I'm out. :cool:


Ha idiin macaanto.

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^Now that you officially relinquish your membership of the wicked cult, there may be a room to accomodate you.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You know why Ibtisam is quitting. Waxay ka xanaaqday the mention of Haneefah! poor creatures! Iyagaa la isku dilaa ileen waa run! The lab test worked to perfection!! look how fragile they are! Waa tii ugu mutacalim saneyd taa ilmada iska tiraysa!



Whoelse would be a better witness! You tell them! ii dhiib gacanta!

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A&T: Now that you've offended everyone [with breasts] xagaad gali? Waxa olol iyo kabo kooyo soo sharqamaaya hadaad maqli lahayd.. hooy hoy!


Aniga koleey "anoo ku han-weyn baad, halboolaha i gooysoo..warbaa iima haysid-ee" :D Now should I stir the tea clockwise or anti- clockwise? Would you like biscuits with your tea and would that be home made or shop bought? Or if it is too near your dinner time perhaps you would prefer nice, warm glass of milk? yes?


Hub hub hada, get in the kitchen.

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Ibti, you are right I am utterly hopeless in that spectrum, that is not to say I have no sympathy for my womenfolk, of course I care and respect them but the whole idea of Feminism is completely western, alien and sounds indecent to me, as far as my knowledge on the subject is concerned...


Haye, Ina abti hakuu macaato adigana ;)

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