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waa lagu salaamay. You are not in this fight unless you volunteer to jump in! I was expecting you will take no side. All that coolness in other threads suddenly evaporated by the mention of 'feminism'. I thougt your past posts pointed to a different personality!


Anyway, I add you to the list of MS DD. It is a curse for me to put you in the list of Cara et al!! Soo dhawoow!!


Kolba midbaa garba saarta inta laga dhigo la odhan orod u bax!! :D:D

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HAHAHa he pre categorised the ladies based on their threads in SOL. Nin Walaan.


A&T We are still waiting for the evidence and time is ticking!


Malika! lol, maxaad ku samiin. It is really not worth your energy. Roll up your sleeves girl.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Alla meel Sheh jirtaa fogaa!



I have a hunch that if the lioness shows up, Xiin will be there helping whiner-in-chief A&T hold down the fort :D

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^Xiinow adeer waxaagu waa xaajo kaakicis dee. War ninku waa tol e ubatada iyo waaweynka aad uggu yeedhayso kadaa :D .


Paragon, adeer sheekadu haday kaftan tahay maxaad ugga maqantahay. War kaaley, adaanba kaashakiyaye malaha kuwa dabinka la-rabey baadba kujirtey?


A&T, adeer waan kula taliyey anigu. Haygula soo gal galan mar dhaw.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

HAHAHa he pre categorised the ladies based on their threads in SOL. Nin Walaan.


A&T We are still waiting for the evidence and time is ticking!


Malika! lol, maxaad ku samiin. It is really not worth your energy. Roll up your sleeves girl.

Ibtisam- never mind it is in the pipeline. As to the catagorisation,it took me some time and I am not in a mood to spoil my hardwork. Yes, you are not monolithic. My attacks are directed at few bad eggs.



I know you are on my side. Appreciated. Xiin isagu 'waa baadida ninbaa kula daydaya daala kaa badane, oo aan rabin inaad hesho daa'im abidkaayee'sheekadiisu!! Laakiin, if push comes to shove, isagaa ku dhex dhici. Feministiga lama tuso.

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Waalaga qadee salantaa!


Abtigiis,an ally of mine would be an honourable man,whom would not be offended nor offend women because they hate men for whatever reason.


Got to run now, but will come back to you about “feminism”later on..


Ps. Am with Cara :cool:

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posted by A&T:


Hadaad imaqlayso, waan kaa aarsan doonaa!!!!!

:D , Atheer yaan la isku keen dirin, Abdiladhiif munaafaqad ayuu kashaqaynayaa


Ibstisam what evidence are you looking for, what A&T wrote is most probable accurate, its a simple logic, a happily married lady with a good husband and in a good relationship would have family and kids to look after and other matters to care for than dedicate her life into becoming bitter Female activist... I only need ask whether his sheeko is based true story?


However, I believe most of the Somali women are decent, well-mannered and familily orientated dumar, the true sense of the word Dumar, except few confused Western wanna be feminists, A&T I must warn you they are mostly found in SOL, beware :D


posted by A&T:

Bal inaan idin cawryo iyo Inaad PM igu soo waashan, let me post my face here. The funny thing is I saw some of you in my dream; and ....


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You can't have it both way. You are either with me or with Cara and the bad eggs!! Is cadde! :D


Anyway, there is two list. And so far the list that belongs to "anti-coffee ceremony" is making the noise.




I know you were ending SMS to Sheh or whoever that is suppossed! Bal u yeedh waxay qaado. It seems your prayer is not answered. Who knows the rookies might have been deserted and islaanta is having good time with 'real Men'!!! Armaa gacanta lagu dhigay ooyna idiin soo socon.




By Sheh, do you mean islaantii u weyneyd baa lagu maqan yahay! Then, I better stock the ammunition.

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Originally posted by Malika:

Waalaga qadee salantaa!


Abtigiis,an ally of mine would be an honourable man,whom would not be offended nor offend women because they hate men for whatever reason.


Got to run now, but will come back to you about “feminism”later on..


Ps. Am with Cara :cool:

I could not agree more either, can I add an honourable man never lies for his own benefit. :cool: I'm with Cara too, since after all that it seems there is no evidence and so such study. Which you own opinions. :cool:


Xiin I would normally send an urgent SOS to Sheh but this attack is uncoordinated and baseless. therefore CL baa kuu feed baaratey, and Malika kicked the door shut.




I expect you at the back of every indefensible argument dear, smile.gif clear evidence has little meaning to you, but in any case I’ll give you the benefit of doubt, here is what we know for sure:


1) A&T made up a story, some rambling about bitter women, coffee etc

2) You jumped in with your own little two certain, confirming the minor details of his story

3) You, A&T and co, go on to present these as fact, falsely claiming that there is evidence, and data collected, which you shall present to us.

4) We now know that number three is false and unfounded. So what is there to agree to??

What you expressed is nothing more than your own opinions, who are you trying to convince and confuse?

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posted by A&T:

By Sheh, do you mean islaantii u weyneyd baa lagu maqan yahay! Then, I better stock the ammunition.

That is what Xiin is insinuating here Lol

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