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A&T wrote:

I am astounded the usually wise MS DD have to suggest women inthe diaspora can live without men. Way ka maarmi karaan, is her words., Walee?? Ha iga qoslin! if they can do without, then why all the preoccupation about men? I don't think a woman's life is complete without a man! the same is true with men; but at least we don't pretend it is not so.

uh what kinda of a comment is that? Sure we can!

Of course, to the best of my knowledge, no women have actually died from a lack of men.


Oh, and before you start that "that's because you're an ugly, miserable, lonely & unwanted creature " garbage, check my FaceB ;) , cuz it ain't so..

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Ms DD   

To which level did you drag the discussion to Abtigiis.

I do think there’s a lot of room to criticize other social justice movements for leaving women out, or not representing women’s interests enough in places like Africa. Most women may not even realise or maybe brainwashed into not exercising their rights. Usually religion or dhaqan is used to control them. I am not normally feminist but I do become one when I see what goes on most countries. It’s women who bear the brunt of every problem. I believe in empowering our women. Generally I find most men really dont have a clue and when they do, they dont have empathy.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

^^^Loool @ check my FB. You sur eyou want him to do that?? Yaan kuu cawiryiin

**spits to the right and left, and finally backwards** Ishiisa baxarka! :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Of course, to the best of my knowledge, no women have actually died from a lack of men.

Died? adigaa isku caddaynayee!! But they get sick! fair enough!!!!




You are known for being unaccomadative and violent. Your valid points about presenting a fact is well taken; but if you are looking for quantitative researchs, take mine. I told you 80% of the women in that meeting who oppossed the coffee ceremony fall in that U-Sh-Rejected catagory. Like all researchs, there may be an issue of how representative it is, the validity of the methodology used, biases and sample size. Otherwise, it is not necessarily inferior to other researchs with Confidence Intervals, that I know you would have considered as 'facts'.



Is it not quite telling of your 'unique' nature and the 'suppossed inferiority' that all of you here without quarters should make all this jaqaaq; while the male counterparts are telling me "yayna ku inkaarine iska'daa". In fact, that is what my mother used to tell me. " Hooyo, gabdha indhahoodu waa wax xun; iska ilaali".


Nephtys, Abdiqadir Xirsi Yamayam said

" odhaah horaa tidhi nin is-faanshay waa ri is nuugtay,

tu kalaa ka daba tidhi, hadii ay ku liidaan kartaa la isku muujaa"


Bal inaan idin cawryo iyo Inaad PM igu soo waashan, let me post my face here. The funny thing is I saw some of you in my dream; and ....


Anyway, it is hard to argue with Cara who is full of herself and the holder of the key to "epistimological heights", to Ibtisam with her unrestrained didactic cavalcade, to the abusive Nepthys!


MS DD adiga waan isku soo dhownahay!


P.S. [waa lakala xadda dumarka] :D

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^A &T: I'm mistaken, Your study did not take place, it was a story your created nooh?? If it was indeed a study, then I need to see report, not just percentages thrown my way.


Regardless of whether I am unaccommodative or violent (Which I don’t know how you reached that conclusion) I am fair and ana iidin kaal saaryah.

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^^will be provided on request. As to kalsaarid business, I am afraid it just shows the shallowness of a mind of a 'woman'. Only moments ago, you took side. And now you behave like the proverbial hyena who said 'I will tend the sheep today'. Faltly rejected, Ibti!


Waxaa nakala saaraya MS DD! I salute her husband. Waa nin fiican. She has no grudges against men!! :D


Kuwaa idinka idin la hadhadlaan waxba iigu filayn!!!

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A&T No you've just highlighted your lack of comprehension! Today I took the position that there was nothing for the ladies to defend for you put no case forward. [Reread my post if you wish] Now you claim you have a study, I requested to see the evidence, so that I can judge the validity of your study and its implication with regards to your claims and judge according to that. You claim this illustrates my shallowness because I’m a women, I say you are slipping. Did your study also illustrate that women are shallow?? icon_razz.gif


Forget me judging, let the public judge, post your evidence. Awating Evidence :cool:

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^War A&T-ow, waad ogtahay ragii aad ishayseen(magacyadooda masheegi karo e ) maanta markay arkaan adigga iyo hablihii meeshay idin kamareyso, walee way dabaal-dagi doonaan :D .


Adeer dabinkii lugula rabey waad gashay rag baana arintan kasoo shaqeeyey Emporer waa ka mid ragaas waxba yuusan kuusacabayn ama qosol aan lagga dambeyn hiilo gaaga dhigin...walee kulama hayo.


War isdabo-qabo oo hablaha xaal iyo xumayn usoo diyaari ilana soo xidhiidh markaad soo diyaar garoowdid :D:D

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^^ waa runtaa oo dabin wuu jiraa! laakiin meel laga laabto majoognee waa iska ridi xabadda ilaa the last bullet! I will die like a lion not a dog!! :D


You reminded me of one point. If the feminists were prudent enough, they would have picked a fight with you; because you are implying they are 'unworthy' contenders!! I beleive I hounred them more by engaging and not showing contempt- waa haday wax garanayaan!!!!


It is indeed sad that the same women who present their cases here will in the final analyisis feel I am defiling my 'manhood' stature by stooping low and 'arguing with women'???????? How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction?



Hadaad imaqlayso, waan kaa aarsan doonaa!!!!!

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^War waxba ma jiraanee, A&T banooniga ha lala dejiyo!


Abdiladhiif, adeer kaftan-dhablaha show A$T iyo hablaha uma furna?


Emperor, lol. Waxba halkaa haka dhoola-caddayn adeer.

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Oh waaw, “Feminists are man-haters” isn’t this a tired old thought stopping cliché? Do you ladies think in-their-faces is the way to deal with it, cause believe you me that dispenses with the a.s.s.h.o.l.e.s nicely, rather then going down the primrose path of defensiveness and begging and pleading and cajoling..Oh No its so not true! I love my father,my brother and I’m also pretty ,sophisticated and feminism is a political movement.. blah blah blah...Please,Oh,Please!!!


Abtigiis,you can continue your count down, laba dhe! :mad:

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