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2000-2009 most important decade of my life : Pics

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Memorable personal moments from this decade..


Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.

Lao Tzu


This was the greatest decade of my life; I started of a young man living in East London, still a student and ended up a resident of the cold city of Minneapolis Minnesota. It’s amazing how far I traveled the change that this time has had. This decade was memorable for the sheer change that took place the physical and mental scars it left, the beautiful memories of my family, friends and comrades in arms; it saw the end of my youth, the birth of my first child as well as the loss of my dear father in 2000. Through the 00s, I met some wonderful people, the friends I made in this period Insha Allah will be life long, it includes the memory of my late great friend who passed away suddenly in the middle of the decade; he was my mentor and hero, whose loss left an empty void which I still feel today. I gained a great deal of insight into the Somali dilemma, the history, politics, struggle and common destiny and shared future of the Somali race, it is strange that in many ways my life over the past decade mirrored Somalia, forever in transition, difficult and resisting great change. However I have been fortunate by the grace of Allah SWT, to have survived and prospered and my wish is to see a stable Somalia and a secure future for the Somali’s everywhere.

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Indeed a great decade. Though 2010s will be crucially as important for me inshallah as the 2000s were important for you.


Sometimes, I forget that DD is actually a human being. He is too busy being serious, but lately the man has become more human sharing important facets of his life with us.


Saxiboow, I pray you live to see many more good years.

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^ smile.gif ,that was sweet sentimental,10yrs of growth as a person huh?


May you continue to grow,to learn and to change for the better you..

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haddaad dhimaneysana dhareerka waa leyska duwaa inna adeer :D here is tissue - may you live another interesting times as well.


p.s. 2000-2009 are not decade - they are only nine years - decade = 10. - it can not be another mistake in spelling - could it?? :D

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i wrote your jawaab then waxan isdhahay yuusan qafifin ee iska daa.


qofka walalka wuxuu kufarxo kula farax ama faraha ka qaad

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^^^S*S adeer you have difficulties reading I guess, and you claim to be a teacher, now that’s quite frightening. :eek:


p.s. 2000-2009 are not decade - they are only nine years - decade = 10. - it can not

A "teacher" who has difficulties with simple concept of a decade :D Only S*S.....


As for the this decade or the 00s its over in 12/31/2009 then we get the 10s, get the drift dear teacher from Qardo. :D


Malika, thanks sis, hope everything is bright for you & your family in the 10s insha Allah.

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