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Las Qoray Fish Factory Exporting Fish Products To Australia. (SAWIRO + AUDIO))

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Ugh! I pass. Video ka soo duub adigoo prepare gareynaayo oo laqaayo ka dib. Markaas ayaan tijaabin doona haddaan ka arko wejigaada inaad ka heshey :D

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Hadda intee joogtaa? Nairobi? :D

Tuna iyo ukun isku meel kuma cunaayo unless the two are cooked separately. Tuna and tomato sauce gartey, ukun iyo tomato sauce gartey, well waa iska taqaanaa gabagebada hadalkeyga. :D

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Kor iyo hoos caloosha lee isla gali lahaayeenee...


My cousin isoo xasuusisay back in the day. Mareykan uu kasoo noqday. Wuxuu isku cuni jiray wax walba uu isku dar daro. Babaay iyo shaah ayaa la isku shiidi jiray mar mar indho adeygnimo. Dadka markee la yaabaan, he used to say calooshaba wey isla tagaayaan sooner, marka maxaa dhib ka ah.

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Ukun iyo Tuna isku dhexkaris: Tijaabi waad jeclaan.


1 cup tuna fish (canned), flaked

2 to 4 eggs, beaten

3 tablespoons butter

Onion, G. pepper, tomatoes

Seasonings to taste


Cook Onions, G. pepper, tomatoes with butter

Add the tuna fish and butter for 1 minute in a sauce pan.

Add the seasonings.

Add beaten eggs and scramble together.

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Finally qof i fahmay. Peace, how did it taste, saaxiib? Wasn't it very tasteful? U sheeg abaayadeen i aamini la'.


Baasto iyo bariis iyo hilibkooda lee kasaayaan. Kuwaas ifka ugu nacayba.


Laakiin instead of butter I use veggie oil.

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Originally posted by Peace Action:

Ukun iyo Tuna isku dhexkaris: Tijaabi waad jeclaan.


1 cup tuna fish (canned), flaked

2 to 4 eggs, beaten

3 tablespoons butter

Onion, G. pepper, tomatoes

Seasonings to taste


Cook Onions, G. pepper, tomatoes with butter

Add the tuna fish and butter for 1 minute in a sauce pan.

Add the seasonings.

Add beaten eggs and scramble together.

Very nice dish, Thanks for the recipe. smile.gif



Miskiin, Isku day Tuna with beans. smile.gif how do u make it?

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Sida loo kariyo the brother already kuu sheegay. I would add instead of butter, switch to saliid cad, corn oil or something. And first cook the digir a little bit along with yaanyada, basashada iyo barbarooniga.


And the rest liistiga aad soo quote gareysay follow garee.

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