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Islamic organizations

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Can you two stop hijacking the damn thread, I can't even read what you wrote.


Serenity, err it is a follow up of few semi discussions me and ME had, hence I did not feel the need to break it down to basic but yeah thats true :D

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Waraa Qowdhanka SOL iyo qashiinka Sol, joojiya topic jacking yaah... email each other in private if you would like to talk okeeeeeeeeeeeey!!


Ibtisam, do you support Alshabaab?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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4) A strong base needs to be built, including military mighty to defend that city/country. This rules out guerrilla organizations that try to expand their territory without establishing law and order in the areas captured and bringing the population of those areas fully aboard, and via education bringing them up to speed and giving them the same base as everyone else. This will keep your stronghold more rooted and wider. This is probably the key destabilizing factor that plagued the ICU and Al shahbabah.

In the case of the ICU, Sheikh Sharif and Aweys had different views which ultimately led to their demise. i.e. Sharif of the view of grassroots and not fighting and Aweys of the view of fighting and taking over multiple cities.


Ibitisam, for an MBA grad, you are still a Muminah at heart - MashaAllah. You have swam some oceans.. May Allah preserve you iman and give you firasa/understanding.



Fi Amanillah

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^^^What happened haji Khayr? Speak your mind smile.gif



Tuuj: Depends, I support them on something’s, other things I don't support them. Much like Hamas they are a reaction group produced as the result of a situation, they are not an alternative nor are they uniformed in any way. Most importantly they are not of religious authority but rather a resistant group.

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lol oh bless you're too kind dear. It's going good alhamdulilah, I manage to get those mobile USB thiggies lol so is not all bad now :D

How's you?

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^^^ wili majoogtay meeshaan adigana?


Ibsi. Alshabaab waxa ee somalia u keento waan arkidoonaa now but that was a good point you made.


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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