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The Word QQaalddaan!!

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

I feel you walahi...A not so close friend of mine, reer Waqooyi eh waligeed nagu dhex jirijirtay (reer Xamar keena) for the past 15yrs, went to S/land this summer for three months...Let's just say qof cusub aanoosoo noqday...Everything now is about S/land, and we are not mad at her...We just don't understand why the major change after only three months...The dashboard in her car s/land flag lagu dhajistay (never before did this happen), gaariga gadaal 'I LOVE S/land' lagu dhajistay (never before did this happen), s/land parties la aadaa (never before did this happen), maanta dhan markey ka hadleyso dadkooda 'reer s/land' dhehee (never before did this happen), markey naga hadleyso anaga 'reer koofurtiina' noogu wecee (never before did this happen), etc. etc...Nothing wrong with all of this but gabadhii sida in cudur lagu soo talaalay camal eeba isu badashay...Don't get me wrong, I have nothing agaist her or her people, but for goodness sake anaga sanka hanaga soo galin...Quuy dheh yaaqoo...



All of the sudden she changed and expects us to change with her? NO WAY...Horteed nuur...

loooooooooooooool ,, :D



That is why everybody here is like that ,,, now you've seen only ONE girl spent only 3 MONTHS in SL oo sidaas mintid u ah ,,, what do you expect kuwa halkan jooga markaa ??


Xataa adigu hadaad timaado you will go back singing , SOMALILAND DALKAYGA, SOMALILAND DADKAYGA ,, :D

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LoL @ JB is same with kuwa xamar aada too and puntland! is their like some kind of daawo oo dadka lasoosiiyo saaxib?


Northner lol maxaa ka il jibinee lol you know in aa jiran tahay saaxiib..and I'm srry if I'm bringing you out to the public...


Their was a soccer match in T.o that my team and your North start team played against eachother remember? the firts game of the tournement... Remember how when you guys scored on us the only goal of the game, do you remember how your intire team brought out the somaliland Flag and started running around like they just defeated somalia? kkkkkkkkkkk and everyone was shocked and started to throw bottles at y'all lol that was classic... I don't know what kind of daawo aad ku cabi jirtay in scharbro but sunta iska soo mataji nin yahoo!!!


PS. I still think that goal was offside!!!


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^KIX KIX KIX KIX...Classic indeed...


Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

That is why everybody here is like that ,,, now you've seen only ONE girl spent only 3 MONTHS in SL oo sidaas mintid u ah ,,, what do you expect kuwa halkan jooga markaa ??


Xataa adigu hadaad timaado you will go back singing , SOMALILAND DALKAYGA, SOMALILAND DADKAYGA ,,

Afarta aduunyo oo ey Aaqiro shaneyso, Allaha idin caafiyo is all I can say...Alla uun baa idin daaweynkara...Caruurtiina yar yar xataa waan arkay, goodness gracious...Aloow ha itusin anoo caruurtayda cuqdad iyo neceyb ku koryo...Caafimaad alla...



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Waaxa iigu taaran daakan isu jeebinayah.


I would not comment on this topic, but can I point out to those who are trying to draw a comparison between Qaldan* and Faaqas*h, Sorry to burst your bubble but the two cannot be compared on any grounds, nor do they hold the same weight or stem from the same events. IT is pointless trying to pull a bag over people's eyes with this regard.


The first time anyone called me Q*aladan was on SOL, (by Khalaf) before then, never came across it in my life.

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Ibtisaam, maybe you never heard it, because you only socialize people from your region, i do not know how else you would not heard it.

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^^^^Yeah only people from my region....London that is, we don't make a habit of calling each other names, other than our own given names, if we do not know each others names, we do not talk. No one has asked me my clan either...well till I went back home...then it was your address.

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Fa*sh is anyone who worked in the Siad Barre's government ,,, no matter where that person is from ,,, he/she can be from Borama, Hargeisa, Kismayo, qandala, qansaxdheere or xiniinyo-dabadood ,,, :D


They call most of this SL officials with that name ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it is not qabiil-based anyway ,,



KK, I'm glad we sing the same song ,,,,,,,, Now what is yours ,, i wanna sing with you too ,, :D

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Fa*sh is anyone who worked in the Siad Barre's government ,,, no matter where that person is from ,,, he/she can be from Borama, Hargeisa, Kismayo, qandala, qansaxdheere or xiniinyo-dabadood

Then why His Honourable Riyaale is not one? Mala isku cabaa, maalin caddeey hadana?

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He is the first one they call him with that name ,,,, you'll know it if you follow the local cat-fight going on here.


There is also the Minister of Interior , the minister of finance, etc

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JB, let's take it from the top:





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Soomaaliyeeey toosoo ,, toosoo isku tiirsada ee ,,, hadba kiina taag dareneey ,, taageera weligiineey.


Soaliland dalkeeyga

Somaliland Dadkeygaa ,,



dhirin dhirin dhirin ,,,, lalala ,,,,

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