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White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

I'm not in the business of knowing the life and work of terrorists, past or present.


I, LayZieG, know right from wrong.


I know its right to denounce someone who looks to harm others for no reason other than for having a different faith.


I know its right to speak the truth when the moment calls for it.


I know its right to preach to fellow Muslims that keeping silent is like getting away with Murder. You are not doing favours for yourself or anyone else.


I know its right to denounce people who use religion as a weapon and who bully the population to taking up their rhetoric because its the only way to stand as one.


As for wrongs...


I know its wrong to aim a mortar at a masjid or send a suicide bomber strapped with explosives into a populated area in order to make a point and to terrorize civilians, muslims and non muslims alike.


I know its wrong to target mothers and children and carry atrocities in the name of Islam.


I know its wrong to remain silent in the face of adversity. [/



Now I'm certain she is running for office. :D

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Yariisey,Haatu, abaayo, I dont care waxa aa tahay, "ina baqti laqde" xataa noqo, I just dont what were you saying again?

Yariisey, gabareey, taney... words. empty words. Already waa i dambaajisey.


Naayaa diin naceyb taada gaaladda aad weheshatey ula tag. I haven't got the time to argue with dissolusioned little girls.

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