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The Mosque and your 5 senses

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^I understand the 'shoulder to shoulder and feet to feet' is so that the Shaytan doesnt come between you. Mararka qaarkood waxa i qabata sidii kii dhahay 'shaytaanka maxaa loo eryaa, ha tukadee iska daaya' camal inaan dhaho. What's worse is standing in a line which has more people than space provided.


and the cell phones and their new age ring tones, don't even get me started.

In the middle of Sura Fatiha all you hear is 50 Cent "In Da Club" lol

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Originally posted by Naku Penda Piya:

You all got jokes walee.

What's with those people who take the "Close your gaps. Feet to feet, shoulder to shoulder" Hadith all literally. I'm trying to concentrate in prayer when all of a sudden the lady next to me starts playing footsies with me. I try edging my self away from her but she keeps tangling with my pinky toe,
What the crap?
Making sure it doesn't get any room to breath!

Walaahi waxaan ka hadlaaye waaye. However, I didn't expect our sisters experienced similarly. These overstepping started--as much of other foreign practices like surwaalgaabnimo, jilbaab, and rumeyga masaajidka lala dhexwato right before the salaad--after the civil war. I pray at two masaajido mostly, one run by Soomaali and the other Guyanese from Central America. I sensed many Soomaalis go to this Guyanese masaajid simply because of avoiding rigidity associated at the Soomaali masaajid.


I am for all lugaha la isku dhajiyo, but aw Surwaalgaab takes it more than literally, if you had seen some brothers. They overstep you, making you completely unconfortable, forcing you to think about your aching toes than the salaad. Imagine a tarawiix or salaatul leyl adoo ku jirtid koo kugu taagnaado the whole rakaca, and if you try to move a bit, he won't understand and keep inching you as well.


Sometimes it seems their whole salaad consists checking and re-checking what is going on those toes, and I guess few pay attention quraanka la aqrinaayo.


My shoes were stolen, or lost last week, I now keep them in a plastic bag, inside my purse. Lesson best learned after having to walk two blocks bare feet in the rain. :mad:

Gucci ayee ahayeen yaah. Maskiin. Masaajid gucci ma lagala tago, hadii lagu dhihinba xaaraan waaye. Next time watar baruufkaa qaado


To be honest The God-Fearing Wadaado are amazing Grace and they have a good impact for betterment to the society in general. Unlike Pseudo-Generals, and their subordinates who destroy, rape, pillage,scorn and torch the earth. Don't we also saw the Pseudo-Politians outselling and outgunning each other, and finally enter the Pseudo-Intelletcuals wanna sell our last Xayaa and Xishood,and dismiss the Diin and reduce it to nothing else but an old arab traditions and women-Opressing rituals.

I think you don't read the news lately. I've had my share of my surwaalgaab. The latest I read from wararka dalka ka imaanaayo mentioned not the "pseudo-politicians" or "pseudo-intellectuals" bothering others, but your very dear surwaalgaab group under the cloak of Maxkamada Islaamka stealing and abusing an unarmed people's savings in Xamar. That was the latest news from the other day.


Anyway, I don't judge a person because how long an inch his trouser is or how millimeter a man's gar is. No, I don't look at these superfluous qualities, but I differentiate how that person's actions, habits and behaviours are, regardless if the person is wadaad or waranle as long as that person is good-natured.


See reer surwaalgaab u soo fara baxeen diintii waxee ka dhigeen rigid, not how flexible and tolerate it used to be in the old days, before the war. Now you can't go to Soomaalida masaajidkooda (that is where surwaalgaab congregate) unless you have gar or your surwaal is gaabni enough or some would give you some look that I personally think borders 'dirty look.'


Mabda'ooda waxee noqotay our way or the highway (under the 'sunna' seef and 'bidca' scaremongering). Our fathers practiced diinteena sharafta leh ee Islaamka a thousand years before they came, and we will, Eebe haduu idmo, practice that way, mise seeftooda hala boodaan mise ha qeyliyaan regardless.

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Anyway, I don't judge a person because how long
an inch his trouser
is or how millimeter a man's gar is. No, I don't look at these superfluous qualities, but I differentiate how that person's actions, habits and behaviours are, regardless if the person is wadaad or waranle as long as that person is good-natured.

See reer surwaalgaab...


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I wore a fresh set of clothes to the mosque the day before yesterday. Yesterday I wanted to re-wear the hijab I had used the night before at the mosque. I smelled it- I am a chronic sniffer- out of habit and it smelled like somebody else's attar. Gosh, will ladies please stop using those oil-based perfumes, they last and last like duracell batteries.


Muhammad u are lucky if u can block out easily; it takes me a while to get into the swing of things because I don't like overwhelming smells and get irritated by grown women who can't be considerate in their ways at the mosque. I wish the men and women prayed in the same space like they used to back in the day(sigh), the women might shut their mouths in embarrassment then. The noise levels can be staggering.

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