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The Mosque and your 5 senses

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Please cut out the idle chit-chat. Yes, it's been a long time since u've met fulaan but the rest of us don't care. Kiss, hug, greet quietly. A smile makes no sound but touches everyone. When praying lower your voice to a minimum. It distracts, annoys and confuses those next to you. While most people sound like they’re saying: ps, ps, Somalis sound like they're saying: brbbrbbrb. Cut it out, please whatever u sound like. ;)



Ahem, really I don't want to know what u've had to break your fast with, especially if its repeating itself on you and reappears in burps and tainted breath. Avoid strong-smelling food and smoking before appearing at the mosque. Preferably wear a different set of clothes that is clean and has not been near the kitchen or uunsi. Perfume is a very personal thing and when u’re in such close proximity to others it can be overpowering and even headache-inducing. One day this Ramadan, not only did I go home with a near-headache, I also arrived home still smelling the woman who’d prayed next to me.



Pay attention to your lines! If there are lines on the floor, use them as guides. If in doubt, follow the majority. If u decide to stop praying(to leave or due to tiredness), do not leave without letting those next to you know. The gap needs to be filled if u're not returning. Including those in front of you – fill those first. Mind the gap.


Face the Qiblah. I got a tension headache two nights ago when the old lady next to me was not only out of line but also not facing the Qiblah. I tried and re-tried, even tilted her chair for her(she was mixing sitting and standing; she was in line when sitting and out of line when standing) but she put her chair back to its original position. I bumped into her almost every time I went down for sujuud as she would be on her way to sit on the chair) and she'd have been slightly in front of me. That's 54 times of awkwardness and potential collision. I gave up at some point. I tried to be forgiving as she was old but I've also had the Qiblah problem with a young lady who wouldn't take my advice when I pointed out with my hands the difference between her positioning and everybody else's. Our heads kept meeting and bumping to make the shape of an arrow. Will somebody tell me the word for 'parallel' in Somali?!! I'm at a loss as to how to explain to people not to face the arrow itself(the room is an awkward shape) but to mimic its direction. Help.



Guide those next to you to stand in a straight line.



To the Imam and those trying to make the experience better.


Finally, please be pro-active in ensuring the whole experience is a useful, spiritual one that leads to Khushuuc. It’s everybody’s responsibility. Don’t be embarrassed to speak up and guide. Enjoy the rest of your Tarawih, the best nights are yet to come. Do go pray if u have the time.

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^LoL. God forgive me but really, really heavy women(why are women that big?) scare me sometimes. Their weight means they have to alter their sitting position, each one has her method and u never know where or when u'll get squished and squashed.


My friend who's not a Somali told me the other day that when she was at the Mosque a Somali woman trying to get her attention said: Naayaaa! to her in a sharp voice. When my friend related the story to me, she took a deep breath, shook her head and said: why is she calling me 'naayaa' in the Mosque?



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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Baliis, baliis, baliis, for the Looooof of Eebe, Reer Surwaalgaab, don't overstep on my toes, especially faryareeyda hoose. It hurts. Keep your cago loosely side by side on my cag, but not overstepping.


Dankis. Mahadsanid.





Hayee, Reer Surwaal-Gaab Waad saarantahay e Abtigiis-Macalinka ka deg wadaadada hee, besides your name implies a good natured fella - hope you are!


To be honest The God-Fearing Wadaado are amazing Grace and they have a good impact for betterment to the society in general. Unlike Pseudo-Generals, and their subordinates who destroy, rape, pillage,scorn and torch the earth. Don't we also saw the Pseudo-Politians outselling and outgunning each other, and finally enter the Pseudo-Intelletcuals wanna sell our last Xayaa and Xishood,and dismiss the Diin and reduce it to nothing else but an old arab traditions and women-Opressing rituals. The little Wadaado and Surwaal-Gaabs are preaching the Tenets of Islam, to Be Fair and to be Just, pray your five, fast ur ramadan and pay your zakah, and get on well with your Neighbour. no more no less.


Aqiyaar Saxiib dont be too harsh to the Wadaado, but my brotherly advice make it for them easier, I gatter you live in Canada and winter & cold is coming so when u driving your fancy car and you saw them waiting for the bus in the Blizzard and rain give them a lift home and (Cadam Allahu Ajark)



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I am sorry dont mean to divert from the topic.


But a question..why do they shorten thier pants?


Ps. Completely agree..the sincere ones are the best...but the question nags on...why shorten the pants?

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Originally posted by Jawahiir:

I am sorry dont mean to divert from the topic.


But a question..why do they shorten thier pants?


Ps. Completely agree..the sincere ones are the best...but the question nags on...why shorten the pants?



Sis Jawahiir,


Those young muslim people would like to work on this sound Xadiis of the Holy Prophet:(( The part of Garment which hangs below ankles is in the fire))or((Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."


In their desire to adhere to this hadith,many young people wear above-the-angle garments or trousers. the problem is when they try to impose this hadith to the ill-willed people around them. in islam there is so many Masaa'il or juridictions where khilaaf is there between Culimada dhexdooda, it's reported once that al Imam Mohamed Bin Idiris Alshaafici was accused of being Rafidi(Kharaji), he become outraged from this accusation he read a verse saying :"If love for all ahl albayt(Prophet's household) is rejectionist, let the humans and jinn bear witness that I am a rejectionist".it's unfair to accuse a person of "religous extremism" simply because he/she has adopted a "hard-line" juristic opinion of certain Fuqaha or Culimaa!


One point is important here that Religious Extermism is no good at all,it's same as to make Dacwa without knowledge(An taducu Allah biqayri cilmin wala kitaabin miniir).


on the other hand there are some muslims who are influnced by alien ideolgies considering adherence to clear-cut islamic teachings concering eating, drinking, beautification or application of shariica as religious extremism, so any young person with beard, and any girl with xijaab are both extremists and die-hard Bigots.



As for more information on this matter please read DR. Yussuf Alqaradawi's book of "Islamic Awakening between Rejection and Extremism", to everybody's astonishment many people also accuse him that he's not strict to the sunnah himself.


once again the point is Islam is not a revloving door, but a guidance from the Almighty Allah(SWT), Xalaal is clear and xaraam is clear.


Hope you consider me not a Sheekh, but obviously I like the Uclimada/Wadaadaa, as Imaam AlShaafici once said: (Uxibu Asaalixiina Wa lastu min hum)I like the Pious people(salixiin) and am not one of them. and that was his Humility.


Wa Salaaam.

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Shouldn't this be in correct context? Isn't our Noble Prophet SAWS talking about the arrogant Meccans who PROUDLY dragged their huge robes on the dusty streets? Trousers would hardly go below the ankle when one is wearing shoes, or can they? Just wondering..

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they do it on the basis of that hadith? I haven't seen that many trousers dragging if worn correctly. It's women who should be more worried about their long garments gathering filth in the streets.

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Originally posted by Viking:


Shouldn't this be in correct context? Isn't our Noble Prophet SAWS talking about the arrogant Meccans who PROUDLY dragged their huge robes on the dusty streets? Trousers would hardly go below the ankle when one is wearing shoes, or can they? Just wondering..





It could be possible it can come out of pride with or a show-off cutting trousers too much making one sending a message "look am a pious" that will be a real (Khayla)and extreme Jaahiliya too, and it's the other extreme.


As for the Prophet's saying: "the one who makes his garment hang down on the ground" then its meaning is: The one who lets it down and drags its extremity out of arrogance (khayla') as has been mentioned by way of explanation (of the same phrase) in the other hadith [in Bukhari and Muslim]: "Allah will not look at a person who drags his lower garment in arrogance." Khayla' is self-aggrandizement (kibar), and this restricted (muqayyad) meaning of letting down the garment as consisting in dragging it (al-jarr) out of arrogance reduces the general sense of the person who lets down the lower garment to a specific sense and indicates that the one meant by the threat of punishment is the one who does so out of arrogance.

The Prophet permitted Abu Bakr al-Siddiq to do so (i.e. let down his lower garment) and he said to him: "You are not of their number" [bukhari] because he trailed it for a reason other than arrogance. Imam Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari and others said: "The letting down of the lower garment was mentioned by itself because it is their most common garment, but the ruling concerning other garments such as the shirt and others, is the same ruling." I say [Nawawi]: This has been made plain to us explicitly in the hadith from the Prophet on the authority of Salim ibn `Abd Allah from his father: "The letting down (isbal) pertains to the lower garment, the shirt, and the turban. Whoever drags something out of arrogance Allah will not look at him on the Day of Resurrection." Abu Dawud, al-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah narrated it with a fair chain. And Allah knows best.


Xadiisku waa muqayd bi sharad ah {ilal Khuyalaa}or Arrogance ... walaahu aclam, in wax walba la adkeeyo maha (Halaka Al Mutanadicuun), lamana ogola in lagu tunto sunada so we need to strike a balance here, Umatun wusta keeping the middle ground of things.

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I always try to be the most pleasant neighbour during prayers as possible. I move down my toes gently towards the feet of my neighbours, instead of crushing their feet like some do. When its time to bow down, I make sure my head doesn't bump into the behind of the brother praying in front of me. I also make sure my feet won't cause trouble to the brother behind me, when he's about to land his face on the ground by curling them. After the obligatory prayers and Salaadda Shafci Wal Watri, I always shake the hands of my neighbours or at least smile at them.


What irritates me though is when everybody leaves the prayer room. Ummad dhan pushing you from behind, you have to duck shoes and odayaal oo huruufinaaya when you're putting on your shoes (expecting you to put it on within 2 seconds).


But the overpowering smell of some shouldn't be such a problem. Just breathe through your mouth or cope with it. You'll be rewarded for that.

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Interesting, as a child I was told, that men shorten thier pants so the cuffs of their pants wouldnt be dirtied and hence..breaking their wuduu..which really doesnt make much sense, when your walking on pavements, where is all the supposed dirt coming from?? . But howmany things adults told you as a child make sense ,,,we were brought up on myths walahi..dont do this or that will happen to you..."dont sit under a tree after magrib..or u will disturb the jinns...and u wont want to do that.." .heh

I understand how that hadith applies to people who wear adorned robs and the look of a longer rob shows someones wealth..hence ur showing off...but can it really apply to a pair of pants that dont touch the floor when your wearing shoes? So as you said..some men might do it, to show how pious they are...which is really funny..ppl are so vain..and selfconcious..

I just asked..cause i noticed a few guys at school began this trend during was peculiar to one day see someone wearing yo-yo pants and the next day its sheikh pants..hehe..


Anyway thanks Sharmarkee, I see the logic from the hadith..however I doubt that it applies to regular pants from Zellers/Walmart!

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You all got jokes walee. :D

What's with those people who take the "Close your gaps. Feet to feet, shoulder to shoulder" Hadith all literally. I'm trying to concentrate in prayer when all of a sudden the lady next to me starts playing footsies with me. I try edging my self away from her but she keeps tangling with my pinky toe, What the crap? Making sure it doesn't get any room to breath!


Stand shoulder to shoulder, and make your neighbours have a comfortable prayer. Will ya?




Oh and the worst has got to be the garlic breath, and Catar (Oud) mixed together. What a foul smell!


My shoes were stolen, or lost last week, I now keep them in a plastic bag, inside my purse. Lesson best learned after having to walk two blocks bare feet in the rain. :mad:

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oh and what about the socks? those who for some reason decide not to take their few days old socks off, they mess with your sujuud. I will make sure I advice the imaams to have few extra Febreze in the masjid.


and the cell phones and their new age ring tones, don't even get me started.


"...this little life-support machine that cannot be switched off...!"

Fadi Itani, director of Muslim Welfare House, when a mobile phone interrupted his Jumuah sermon

seriously though, lets not drown in minor details, once I enter the mosque, i'm directly linked to heaven thus these earthly pains hardly bother me. I remember reading the story of a Sheikh who needed surgery on his leg, the doctor offered him some wine to lessen the pain, the sheikh refused but said, when i'm in Salah i don't feel pain, so i'll start prayer and you can do your operation. now that is a pain killer.


fi'amanillah smile.gif

"None of you has faith unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself."

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Originally posted by Naku Penda Piya:

What's with those people who take the "Close your gaps. Feet to feet, shoulder to shoulder" Hadith all literally. I'm trying to concentrate in prayer when all of a sudden the lady next to me starts playing footsies with me.

Actually, this is one of the most forgotten sunnah of the prophet scw. It’s said that the prophet used to spend a good time to make sure the Sahaba were lined up correctly, filled gaps and lines straighten out. Whenever the Imam tries to take the time and walks in the rows making sure there’s no crooked line, or gaps, most people stare at him as if he’s wasting time and don’t bother correcting the lines. They don’t realize it’s the sunnah and for us to find Khushuuc in the Salad, we must correct everything leading up to the Salat. And remember keeping the rows in straight is part of the Salat. Somalis are doing ok in this area compared to Arabs & Pakistans. Those people don’t stand shoulder to shoulder. Instead, they leave enough space for a child to walk through. I don’t know if they just dislike their feet touching others or out of ignorance.

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