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Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And,,,,

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A 19-year old British kid legally changed his name from George Garratt to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined. Because, WTF, you only live once, right? Just kidding, this is my second go around.


"I decided on a superheroes theme and whenever my friends offered up suggestions to me, I added them."


He added: "My family have begun to expect these sorts of things from me, and although my friends thought it was ridiculous most people do call me Captain and it's been a great conversation starter."


A spokesman from The Legal Deed Poll Service, said: "We get so many outrageous name changes that these days it barely fazes us, but when this one was brought to my attention I knew there was something special about it."



Oh there's something special about it all right. Listen, Superman and The Flash are the only fast ones out of the bunch, so tacking on all those others is only increasing overall speed incrementally (and the time it takes to write your name exponentially). Snap -- your name just got learned, Captain Fantarded! Also, you're 19-years old man, come the **** on.


Teenager's new name is fantastic [bbcnews]


Thanks to Chris, who wants to change his name to Captain Kickass Planet, and totally should.

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