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^you, you!


PS: I'd say an opinionated mind short of a reserved one is much hopeful than sitting on the fence, like I'm growing into. Let the young rant. Iyagaa ka daali doona.

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^^ I personally think his heart is in the right place, but there is a significant difference in making difference and making claptrap.


Hello Val :D

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what we're trying to say is, you need to rev up your image, like the above guy. play some george washington in the background, or better yet, a funky somali song. i got big things plan'd for ya kid, big things!!! we're gonna go far! 'll have my people call your people, maybe do lunch? *does wink and gun*, see ya.

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Originally posted by Isseh:

FYI: old dealings with the fair sex after J11's very own skin. Thought J11 grew old and rusty, but apparently he's become a sought-after vintage. What do you know? Me old heart!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Walee caadi matihid...J11, waa i sirtay...Walahi earlier today, I was wondering 'just who the hell is this Isseh'...Next time a little warning would be nice, a sought-after vintage waalaguu dhaamaayee...

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^Lool is firdhis ayaan ku jiraa these days. Walax mugoo meel dheer iga soo raacey aan iska hurgufooyaa nooh, hence magac badalka like Odey-jirjiroole. Xataa sidii odeyjirjiroole aan u taagtaagsanaayaa sidii dhulkoo ila dumi rabo :D . Taa ka waran hee?


Next time, Insha-Allah, waan kuugu digi doona foori aad u dheer "Fiiq fiiq! Arooy KK, fiiq! Adaan kula hadlooya, haa adiga nooh! Iska jir yaah, magaca waan baddalayaayee la soco yaah?'

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