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Are You Fat ?? ,,, Pay Extra Fee

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Shirkada diyaaradaha ee caalamiga ah ee Faransiiska ee loo yaqaano Air Farance, ayaa ****olka ka qaaday in dadka aadka u buurbuuran ee uu culayska miisaanka jidhkoodu aadka u xad dhaafka yahay ee raacaya diyaarada inay bixin doonaan lacagta tigidhka laba kursi, sidaana waxa sheegay afhayeen u hadlay shalay shirkada.


Afhayeenkan u hadlay shirkada oo lagu magacaabo Monique Matze, ayaa sheegay in qof kasta oo aad u buuran oo diyaaradan raacaya lagu amri doono in uu bixiyo lacagta tigidhka kursiga ku xiga ka uu fadhiisanayo, waxaanu xusay in sababta ay shirkadu go”aankan u qaadatay in uu yahay mid lagu xoojinayo amaanka diyaarada, iyo in rakaabku ay si nabadgalyo ah u xidheen beelasha diyaarada.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, laba sano ka hor ayay ahayd markii Shirkada Diyaaradaha ee Air Farance lagu amray in ay bixiso $8,000,oo ah khasaare soo gaadhay ka dib markii mid ka mid ah rakaabkii ay siday uu culayskiisu noqday 350lb, kaas oo calooshiisa lagu cabiray airpotka ka hor intii aan loo sheegin in uu bixiyo laba kursi lacagtood.

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From next month seriously overweight flyers will be asked to pay for two seats, or not be allowed on board for “safety reasons”, the airline announced yesterday.


“People who arrive at the check-in desk and are deemed too large to fit into a single seat will be asked to pay for and use a second seat,” said Monique Matze, an Air France spokesman.


“They will be charged 75 per cent of the cost of the second seat, which is the full price excluding tax and surcharges, on top of the full price for the first.


“The decision has been made for safety reasons. We have to make sure that the backrest can move freely up and down and that all passengers are securely fastened with a seatbelt.”


She added: “People who cannot fit into a single seat will then be fastened by slotting the belt tip of one seat into the plug of the next, stretching over both seats.


“However the charge will only apply on flights that are full booked. They will get their money back on flights where spaces are available.”


Two years ago Air France was ordered to pay £5,000 in damages to a 27-stone passenger who had his stomach measured at an airport check-in desk before being told to buy two seats.


British Airways has no weight limits for passengers, but advises overweight people to buy a second seat for their own comfort and safety if necessary.


Last year a picture, posted the aviation news website, Flightglobal, reignited the debate about obese passengers on aeroplanes.

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