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Again you point remains childish and irrelevant to the topic at hand, nor can you justify why your cried over the man's identity or tried to make a mounting about nothing, nor can you support your accusations leveled at the author of this article (who by the way is not married to Riyaal cousin, read her profile.)



I'm in two minds about opening a new thread just for you to rant on and go around in circles so that you do not disrupt other threads.


p.s. They have books, no need for teachers, and I was wondering when you would notice the correct modifications. Maybe you should read threads, the whole post before responding, it will help avoid unnecessary debates such as this.


I conclude with this, you and chief need to stop crying wolf all the time or as Xin puts it every time you spot “implied propaganda” you are very close to losing the plot, some such as north will argue you’ve already lost it, meel kaasta waaxaba kaa daaqayah. :rolleyes:

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You cant be that innocent to assume SOL debates, no matter in which section they occur, could be void of political undertones! In fact I share with Me’s sentiment, namely the gist of this thread was not to advance Boodheri’s literary genius or his national repute! As I said Somaliland is a political reality and no one with sanity wishes it away. But dadkan Me iska baac-baacsanayya ee marku object gareeyo their weak political ideology wax baad necebtahay lasoo booddayya ayyaan waranka u waddey! Innaad iqabatay oo say kula ahayd, (and you were right when one considers narrowly the merits of this story), aad ii sheegtay ayyaad horta gar ku yeelatay adeer! Me, ninka la yiraahdu wuxuu gar ku helay bay being on top of this game and objecting to the implied propaganda.


Taasi waa taas.


As for Somaliweyn iyo sida loogu daalay, wixii fiican oo dhan baa lagu daalla adeer :D !


Midda kale, anigu awalba rasaas badan ma haysan (xabad keliyyaan ridaa waxbayna dishaa :D ) laakiin yaan lagaa maqal Me baa rasaas ka dhammaataa....

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Walaal, inaabti, inaadeer, abaayo, I never said that this woman was married to anyone, so hold on to your horses will ya (this is not a horse joke)


The territories name is important, because its the link that those that are using Cilmi Boodheri as a propoganda tool are trying to make. I thought you was sharper then that Xanthus.


Take this example, if the female wrote this article said Romeo & Julliet in the British Somaliland Protectorate, then I would not raise an objection, because she would be reffering it to the time of the story and the politics of the region at that time. But if she said for example Araweelo in the British Somaliland Protectorate, then she would be wrong because at the time of Araweelo, the region was not a protectorate...are you following me? So the title Romeo & Julliet in Somaliland implies.


1. That "Somaliland" (the secessionist entity) existed long before the nineties which is false. The secessionist entity is from the nineties.

2. That Cilmi Boodheri is from there, which is also false. (We have already discussed that)


I am glad you have the books so please read them, because its a shame using them as paper weights.


Ps. It is not only childish its also bad manners to misquote people. So please refrain from that in the future smile.gif

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:



Midda kale, anigu awalba rasaas badan ma haysan (xabad keliyyaan ridaa waxbayna dishaa

LooL..Classic! This is definitely my upcoming signature :D

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Originally posted by me: on the 11th July 2007.

First of all congratulations on the 6666 posts.


Ta labaad its a valid point, not that I expect of you to admit that.


I am glad you admitted she works in the secessionist enclave. We are moving forward. Whats next is she married to Riyaales cousin. And is this article not lobbying for the secessionist cause while using the Somali arts?


It seems like you are falling over your previous comments Northerner.

Remember this post?? no go to page 2 of this thread. ;)


Don't worry Xanthus will do, I hate people who call anything other than my name.

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I am glad you admitted she works in the secessionist enclave. We are moving forward. Whats next is she married to Riyaales cousin. And is this article not lobbying for the secessionist cause while using the Somali arts?

Originally posted by Xanthus:

(who by the way is not married to Riyaal cousin, read her profile.)

Now spot the difference....... I am no linguist but I can say that one is a sarcastic remark while the other one is implication that I said that the woman is married to Riyaale cousin.


So as usual your mixing things up Xanthus.

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I thought since you were so good at finding out implied meanings, you will get my implied point... Which is questioning her credibility and assuming she too is spreading SL propaganda is also childish and takes paranoia to the next level. Sarcastic or not, it was another unneeded comment, or rather you seem to have adopted the famous weapon of throw everything you have all at once. Whether I’m sharper, or smarter is also irrelevant, I could be a dim blond or just a confused mixed up individual, again that is not the point of this thread, or the topic, or the original argument.


I’m done with this.


p.s. Editing your post so often makes replying confusing, as things tent to appear or disappear after I replied.

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Originally posted by Xanthus:


The other thing is, few people here seem to assume that the article said he was reer-hebel-hebel, I must have missed that part. I’m sorry but unless I’m confused and you guys are saying only one clan lives in Somaliland, you better find some other useful argument, because this one is clearly invalid, the article mentioned a region and a town, I did not see any reer-hebel-hebel. Further more this article was clearly using it as means of identifying his life and how it all began, rather than hitting a political goal home.


I'm not sure where the 'you guys' came from - I was making my own very nuanced argument not supporting the arguments of others. And my argument still stands though it is not really applicable to the original post of this thread as I said.


I don't think anyone is saying that only clan lives in Somaliland - but as every reasonable person knows - it's shorthand for a particular clan - same with Gedo or Sool or what have you.

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^^That comment was not to you dear, I'd already finished talking to you, it was my general comment from the responses. I did not see you mention a one clan Somaliland at all. Now that you have mentioned it. You go on to say, it is a short hand for a particular clan. Really? And in case you are wondering I’m a reasonable person, just a bit dim at times. I did try google, but nothing, It gave me a whole list of the clans that live there.

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^Oh Lordy! It wouldn't appear on google now would it as it is a Somali shorthand? But you can believe what you want.

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Originally posted by Xanthus:

I thought since you were so good at finding out implied meanings, you will get my implied point... Which is questioning her credibility and assuming she too is spreading SL propaganda is also childish and takes paranoia to the next level. Sarcastic or not, it was another unneeded comment, or rather you seem to have adopted the famous weapon of throw everything you have all at once. Whether I’m sharper, or smarter is also irrelevant, I could be a dim blond or just a confused mixed up individual, again that is not the point of this thread, or the topic, or the original argument.


I’m done with this.


p.s. Editing your post so often makes replying confusing, as things tent to appear or disappear after I replied.



What’s the point of the original post? Other then a cheap propaganda while abusing an icon in Somali poetry.


Nothing of importance has been edited in my posts, I have changed some spelling mistakes and made some additions of a post I made 30 minutes ago.


Please reply if you have anything to contribute to this discussion.

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Please reply if you have anything to contribute to this discussion.

:D lol too bad that was not part of the original post. I assume you were talking to me.


Nor I or you can point to the hidden agenda of the author, nor can I see any motive to why she would have any hidden agendas.




Hmmm, I need to look into that, I'll get back to you after I find that out.

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With or without hidden motives, the author made mistakes that have been pointed out in this thread.


1. She linked Cilmi Boodheri with the secessionists. ( Point already proven, argument closed)


2. By linking Cilmi Boodheri to the secessionists she abused his talent for propaganda purposes.


So this comes down to


A) Cilmi Boodheri was deliberatly used as a propoganda tool by the secessionists


B) the author made a mistake and Jacaylbaro saw it as a chance for a cheap SOL propaganda. As another nomad pointed out earlier Jacaylbaro wouldnt have posted this article if the title was Romeo & Julliet in Somalia.

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Bishaaradii naftaydaay

Lugta waxaan kusoo maray

batalalihii uu


Ku aasnaa,



Cilmi Boondheri Alaw unaxariiso, wuxuu ahaa nin REER SOMALILAND AH. :D :cool: I didn't think that was rocket science.


Folks Cilmi Boondheri was a great Somaliland poet, however you are welcome to be greatful of his remarkable love story at any time. He can be your favorite poet, we have no problem with that, but don't start to claim.


Some here are really kind and mild with you when they say that you can call him whatever you want. i say Nay, you may not. He is, was, will be a somalilander, and Somaliland will always be part of his identity, hence he is barried in Berbera, not else where, where he rightfully should be barried. :cool:

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Dadkaan iyo qabiil lama kala saari karo, haku noogina. Sahra Ahmed riwaayad hadaad tagto waxaad arkaysaa ummaddan oo dhan oo stage-ka u wada saaran, wiping the sweat off her face, qaar way babinayaan. Adiga gees baa lagugu cubaa sida laguu riixaayo as if dhafoorka kaaga qorantahay you're no-lander, war ileen nin aan wax arkin baa iri wax baan arkay! Waxaa kaa imaanayso haddiiba qabiil saan yahay, yaanu qabiil lahayn?Maan ana mid ina addeerkay concert-kiisa iska raadsado.

:D:D:D Ar Bishaaro dhafoorkeeda ee qiiq iyo quuq ka keeneen xanaaq daradiis. Dhafoorka kaaga qorantahay hee? LoL. :D Xaa ku geeye ruwaayadahaas camal adiga awalba?


Qabyaalad qurunkeeda haddee soo gishay maanta fanka iyo suugaanta ayaandaro weyn waaye. Fanka iyo suugaanta qabyaalad badanaa waaka reebnaan jirtay.


Baddacase, igaarka kuusan masoo nabad noqotay? Xaa noogu keentay arlaadi?

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