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Stuff and some nonsense...

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^Lets give you work to do,go find out how much America has given to Somalia,through Siad,Qaydiid,Yussuf,Sharif etc..You will find out,the support was never for infrastructure or anyother development but one of 'arms' aka security blah blah.


What did Obama just announced the last couple of days - The American treasury can spend as much as they want in regard to 'security' in Somalia..Now the hyenas aka Ethiopia,AU etc will use this opportunity to milk the system,whilst not giving a toss about the 'poor Somali' in Baraka Market.


Is still conspiracy theory?


Will,come back to this,too hungry now!..


*off to find food*

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Originally posted by Cara.:

You know Norf, no staying power

I didn't finsh the sentence (as it is a trade mark) and used some Somali.


Wax fahan!

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Originally posted by Malika:

^Lets give you work to do,go find out how much America has given to Somalia,through Siad,Qaydiid,Yussuf,Sharif etc..You will find out,the support was never for infrastructure or anyother development but one of 'arms' aka security blah blah.


What did Obama just announced the last couple of days - The American treasury can spend as much as they want in regard to 'security' in Somalia..Now the hyenas aka Ethiopia,AU etc will use this opportunity to milk the system,whilst not giving a toss about the 'poor Somali' in Baraka Market.


Is still conspiracy theory?


Will,come back to this,too hungry now!..


*off to find food*

Eurgh! :D

It can not be a conspiracy if they make it public, you spoon. America has always made clear what her interests and goals regarding Somalia were. The conspiracy part is in proving that there is some hidden secrets, plots and plans that we do not know about to be true.


Is it that America is against Al Shabab and would do anything to stop them? Heck, even you are against Al Shabab. Maxa kale dee?

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NG, I know where you're going and I refuse to go there.

First you stated that Consiracy believers think :

That there are forces plotting against us and putting all the collective might of their intelligence, wealth and power into ensuring that they keep us down

Do I believe this? YES! Do you? NO. GOOD!

Then you went and asked the question;

is it then prudent that we entrust our salvation into the hands of young men, who though brave, have not shown any signs of intelligence or ability to counter plot - save for a couple of airplane hijackings, suicide bombings in crowded places and the ingenious bomb-in-a-buttocks incident that took place in Saudi Arabia recently!

No it is not wise because they're no match to the masters of deciet.

They involve cunning, intricacy and refinement that would confuse, unsettle and eventually hoodwink your average man or woman.


Yes, Yes. Yes.
Think of the Fire Fighters.
But they can only keep up this farce for a while until people with their level of intelligence discover the ever-changing plot(and NO I'm not speaking of the Al-Hebels).

These theories also (often) point to fifth columns, sell outs, turncoats and collaborators

from within the society that is being targeted.



Nacam. Everyone has a price. It is circumstantial thing and the Masters know everyone's price.

Such theories, for all intents and purposes, could not be anything but the work of an intelligent and superior being, such as the devil itself.


Intelligent? Yes! Superior beings? No! Think of the brother who swindled a chunk of the inheritance, changed the will to take a "fair share" then dared the siblings to challange his seeming ability to shit gold.


I believe in conspiracies. I dont believe that Conspirators are Superior beings(just good at cunning) and that any organized group that start with AL-Hebel dont offer any protection from the buggymen.


The conspiracy part is in proving that there is some hidden secrets, plots and plans that we do not know about to be true.

Thats the definition of conspiracy adeer. :D So When Obama sets aside limitless fund for "security" you can bet your life it aint about making the streets of Xamar safe. I can also bet a plan has been hatched, they have a group to arm in mind and as we speak, there are generals and operatives in Somalia making deals with whoever is more ruthless and has less to lose.

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Conspiracies allude to secret plots and hidden goals. The American policy regarding Somalia is neither secret nor hidden. In fact, since 2001, the American policy regarding any Islamic groups has been known to the entire world. It is no secret that America supports the TFG and opposes Al Shabab (and the Courts before them). This is NOT a conspiracy theory, adeer.


The Conspiracy theory in what you wrote is in the part about Africa's natural resources and your time frame of a hundred years. It is stuff and nonsense, adeer. It's pure speculation and uninformed conjecture.

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This, I believe, is the classical definition of stuff and some nonsense .


The real question is why would NGONE refuse to claim his genius production, the brilliance that manifested on this board in the form of Maaddeey script?

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