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Somali Folk songs?

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Hello there nomads and such!

I was hoping someone could help refresh my memory.

I haven't been to this site in ages....its nice to know somethings don't change....

okay back to what I was gonna say beofre I rudely interruptted myself.

I am doing a performance piece about the Civil war and the personal effect it had on Somalis in North America.

(If you couldn't guess I am a performance artist) humbly asking for the help of anyone who remembers Somali folk songs besides shiimbiiriyo heesa (sp?)

the performance involves me singing folk songs and interrupting myself with reading letters to africa... while wearing traditional diraac iyo gaabasaar and cleaning goats legs that are bloody with the dirac.

I need more folk sngs though then just that one that I could remember.... so if anybody remembers any other somali folk songs from their childhood and would like to tell me.... I would greatly appreciate it.

thank you

iyo Nabad Galyo

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I. During my high school years, I was asked to read a Somali cultural song of my choosing laakiinse all the songs I knew, much to the organizer's amusement, concerned the topic of the now comatose (or dormant) nationalism.


II. Mida kale, when some older school-mates got a wind of my choice, they went out of their way to make me clearly understand that such a remembrance-since I was apparently too young when I left Somalia- instead of being nostalgic was utterly repulsive and conjured images of holocaustic proportions.


Go figure but thanks to that incident, I really abhor taking part in any shows.


Anyway the following 2 songs are several that I remember from my childhood: I don't know if they can be classified as folk songs though...


III. Aabow aabe

Jijinaa rabaa ee

jijintii ceele ku dacday

ceelkii furuu rabyaa

furihi suldaanaa haysto

suldaankii naaguu rabaa

naagtii ciyaal ee rabtaa

ciyaakii caane rabyaan

caanihii lo'dee rabyaan

loodii coos ee rabtaa

cooskii biyuu rabyaa

biyihii roob ee rabyaan

Ilaaha yow ...


Dameerka maxuu la dhuudhuusaa

cambuula cunow lee waa

diiqa maxuu la qeelqeelshaa [might be msplld]

qiyaama qoorta loo galiyay

hataan ku furu oo ku forjeeyo

fartayda faraanti lee waa.



IV. The second one:


Naagta buuran bismilaah!


Warning: this one is quite blasphemous: I'll just leave it alone.

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^ :D I'm a girl.




Waxaa nahay gabadhaha wabi

Aan la waabin waligood

Banka cowsha ka ceshaday

Boqorada tigaadsheen

Inta gob oo salaan ku leh

Inta gun oo sad ku leh

Saldhig laga horgeeyaa

Oo saxin lagu salaama

Sooryadooda geel tahay

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^ Hmmm, say Hi to Granma. :D


Here's one from Dheg-Dheer when she was chasing behind a woman she was trying to capture:


Bal naagtaas barida daya

Bal balaq-balaqdeeda daya

Bal bowdada cadaanta daya

Bal bocolkay sidato daya.


Another one of my favourite: Dhaanto.


Wiilka: Naa Abbaayo, Na Abbaayo, Guri Daar ah iyo Ma Rabtaa Baabuur.

Gabadha: War Abboowe, War Abboowe Guri Daar ah iyo Yaa Ku Baray Baabuur.

Wiilka: Naa Abbaayo Saacad Dahab iyo Ma Rabtaa Katiinad.

Gabadha: Saacad Dahab Iyo Saacad Dahab iyo Yaa ku baray Katiinad.

Wiilka: Naa Abbaayo, Naa Abbaayo Biyo Barad leh Iyo Biyo Baraf leh, Ma rataa Jalaato.

Gabadha: War Abboowe, War Abboowe Biyo Barad Leh Iyo Biyo Baraf leh, iyo Yaa ku baray Jalaato.

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Soo hoobiyee

Alahoo isii

Midig ka dhaw

Bidix ka dhaw

Sii sii malaboow

Sanjab sanjab




Shaq shaq wareejiyoow hurguf




Been been maad igu baawihee

Been beeeeeen maaaaad igu baawihee


Anilee baraakadaa

Anilee baraakadaa

Bukeen karaa


Have you ever buk "baraako?" ;) These are "folklores." :D


Here are a few more.


Kuun kuun laminaa

Laminaa tabaarikaa

Sata uuna barikaa

Siyeedlaa muuminaa

Wacelaa kisiyaa baxayaaa!




Dhakac dhakac dhambalishoow

Dhareeriyoow dhashoow dhac


Dhakac dhakac dhambalishoow

Dhareeriyoow dhashoow dhac


Dhakac dhakac...







Litaa buure





Nacash nacash...

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^^^ Ku sii dar intan:








ps: I don't know what language they are from, they the counting numbers for some well known games.

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Bish bash: Alla beerka iyo sambabada! I love you too sweetheart.







Isn't that the song played at the end of gariir?



"Siyeedlaa muuminaa"


I used to sing a different version laakiinse taa Eebe ha'iga cafiyo.


And here are two more:



Kun Kun

Ala laba kun

Kiilo iyo bar

Kintaal weyn

abaayey maacaantey

Mac Isii. (there is a different version)




Sha Sha Shaawiiste

Na Na Naageeye

Is Is istutus

and on it goes...


Banka ka kac! :D

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Huuwaaya huuwaa

Habartaa majoogto

Kaliyo kaafee aade

Kabaheedee qaadatee

Soo socotaaya ma'ogi

Sii socotaaya ma'ogi

Huuwaaya huuwa

Huuwa cadeeya huuwa







Hooyooy gacalooy

Gurigii asluubta

Ubax lagagadooma

Guuleysoo, waligaa guuleysoo


All Soomaali hooyooyin, rosesmiley.gif

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