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Heelo Laasqoray

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^Abwaan, adeer ha af lagaaddoonin, nin weyn oo reer Hebel tuug ha ku oran! Yaanu xaal ku qaban!


Arigaa la xadaa, geelu se waa la dhacaa. Heesahana waa geela magaalada. :D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

in his best. Especially the second song he sings and starts at 3:10.


What a baashaal, I can see Cowke, Magool, Qamar Harawo, C/jibaar Khaliiji and Shimaali I think -- all ciyaar jiniyeed inay ciyaaraan rabaan.


Hoobaa hilowloow

Hoobaa hilowloow

Boga iyo beerkaa i duleela

I have been looking for Zulfa's vids. Thanks for the link, MM.

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Gacalo goor iyo ayaan

Aduunyadu waa giraan

Gedaan ruuxba meel qabsado

Hawshiisa qofkii gabaa

Gawaan raac buu noqdaayoo

Gaaja iyo cudur buu muttaayo

Cidluu ku go'doomayaa

Xilkooda kuwii guttaanna

Ifkeey nolol wacan galaane


Gugaan ku jeclaaday kow dheh

Galabtaan is aroosnay laba dheh

Guurkeena xuskiisi weeye

Farxada gacalooy ciyaar

farxada gacalooy ciyaar


Gacalo goor iyo ayaan

Anigu waxaan ahay gayaan

Gurboodka xilkooda guda

Hablaha gayigeena jooga

Adaan kuu guuxayaayo hoo ho-hoo

Weliba kuu gaaxsahaye

Cadaawaha garab ha siinin

Xilkooda kuwii gudatana

Ifkeey nolol wacan galaane


Gugaan ku jeclaaday kow dheh

Galabtaan is aroosnay laba laba

Guurkeena xuskiisa weeye

Farxada gacaloooy ciyaar....



Eesh calaa dooq gabdho, Waah-waah

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I was Paragon then and now I am humble. I could be anything or anyone. So, be affraid, be very affraid. I am Qorismaris. Smile now.

And now you're back to being Jamaal11, war waana wareerisee af Muslim mise af gaal mid noola imoow wah!!! :mad: :D


Jamaaloow, anigu heesaha Soomaalida a couple of years ka hor baan bilaabay inaan dhageysto, and I hardly ever find fanaan aan heesta uu qaadayo iyo codkiisa ka helo...Miiraale, however, hal marbaan maqlay heestiisaan iyo codkiisaba, beena kuma aadan sheegin he is one of the best newcomers...Eebow (AUN) waagii heesihiisa lajeclaa ama cusbaayeen, unfortunately, heesaha Soomaaliga ah kama heli jirin...Hade markuu dhintayna, ilaahaa ilehee qof dhintay heestiisa waan kabaqaa inaan dhageysto...But codkiisa was one of a kind...Also, Boqol xataa mayareysto...


Aaliyah, I am glad you like it...I listened to the song only once and had fallen in love with it walahi...Miraheedaa miro cajiib ah, and Miiraale codkiisa lagamaba hadli karo...My hubby hada wuu ka shalaayaa inuu heestan i maqashiiyay, cuz that's all he hears at home, in the car, when my phone rings (yup even ringtone)... :D


Hablaha gayigeena jooga

Adaan kuu guuxayaayo

Weliba kuu gaaxsahaye

Cadaawaha garab ha siinin

Xilkooda kuwii gudatana

Ifkeey nolol wacan galaane


Eesh calaa hees...


There's also another song aan saan ugu waashay not too long ago, meel kasto aan ka raadiyayna waan waayay...I guess it didn't help I only knew two lines of the song...That's until my cousin, who is a singer (Cabdiwahab Cantar Naji) aan usheegay...Bless him, he recorded the song and a few others just for me... :cool:


Waan mahadee

Waan miirsadayee

An murugaa i haysayee

Maalmahii horaad iiga maqneed mowlaa ku jiree

Ana adlee ku maagayaa

Kuu murgoodayee maanta muraad keyga waan helee


I think it was originally sang by Ahmed Naji (his uncle) and Faadumo Qamsim...

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Aaliyah, I am glad you like it...I listened to the song only once and had fallen in love with it walahi...Miraheedaa miro cajiib ah, and Miiraale codkiisa lagamaba hadli karo...My hubby hada wuu ka shalaayaa inuu heestan i maqashiiyay, cuz that's all he hears at home, in the car, when my phone rings (yup even ringtone)...

lol koolkat even ur ringtone eh..

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My beloved parents- Amir Awan



still remember all those years of happiness and smile

you used to take me out to play when I was just a child

But it seems that after all this time now I realized how much I need both of you so dearly in my life

Raise my hands in dua with tears in my eyes asking one thing from you

Oh Allah take care of them like they took care of me when I was a child

Oh Allah have mercy on them like they had mercy on me when I was a child

Oh Allah forgive them their wrongs like they forgave my wrongs when I was a child

Ya ummii ya abii antuma fii qalbii...

Ya ummii ya abii antuma fii qalbii...

Stayed up so late deep into the night just to make sure that I did not cry

A lullaby a story so I can fall asleep in your arms

And how can I repay you I will make a pray for you in my heart

Raise my hands in dua with tears in my eyes asking one thing from you

Oh Allah take care of them like they took care of me when I was a child

Oh Allah have mercy on them like they had mercy on me when I was a child

Oh Allah forgive them their wrongs like they forgave my wrongs when i was a child

Ya ummi ya abii antuma fii qalbii...

Ya ummi ya abii antuma fii qalbii...

Small things that you did

mountains that you moved

you sacrificed your whole life away

did it all for me to see a smile on my face

so i can see a brighter day (? nt sure abt dis line)

when i needed you the most to share my sorrow you were always there to comfort me

whenever i felt to cry it was u who picked me up

in myself you made me believe..

Raise my hands in dua with tears on my eyes asking one from you

Oh allah take care of them like they took care me when i was a child

Oh allah have mercy on them like they had mercy on me when i was a child

Oh allah forgive them their wrongs like they forgave my wrong when i was a child


amazing and heart touching song. Ameen May Allah swt have mercy on our parents and reward them for loving us, being patient with us, and more than anything else always being there for us. so inshallah lets not take our parents for granted...some say that you never kno what you have till u dnt have it..inshallah we wont be those who realize all that luv when they are not here with rather that we are smart enough to appreciate what we'v....




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Somali music has been hijacked. The tradition of waaberi, durdur, iftin, horseed and other great bands has been abandoned. Our music has become similar to that of the Chinese; programmed keyboard qaylinaya iyo nin naag codkeed leh oo heesta soo xaday lee meesha wada yaacaya. All other instruments are nowhere to be seen.


If you want to hear something creative, here is a talented guitarist - CAYDARUUS.



Here is another song I like. It is by the true gentleman of Somali music - Ilaahay ha u naxariistee AXMED NUUR JAANGOW and Surqa Yareey.


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What a song! om/watch?v=QOvK0zfKg ag&feature=channel_p age



Ubax dayrtii baxayoo udgooNOOW

Sida oonka waabari iftiiMOOWW



Ma ogtahay anoo ilo biyoleh joogaa

Ma ogtahay dartaa in aan u oomanahay


Umadoo dhan taan ka abdanaaYAAY

Taan aawadeed u ildarnaaYEEEEEY


Ma ogtahay in aan kuu am baday adigaa

Ma ogtahay dartaa in aan u ugaadhoobay


Heedhee inabti aboowe

Aboowe huunooooooooow


Ehel soo qalbiga kuma abuurin

Ruxa’aan arkaba adi ma moodin


Heedhee inabti abaayo

Aadoobay huunoooooooy


Ha irdhoobinoo umal ha qaadin

iimanka deeqa ha ilmaynin


Amba kuma ilaawinee i aamin

Axdi baa inoo xiranee aamu



bam baaam baan baaaan…lol can’t google this hahaha…

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I am a big fan of Cismaan Fooldhuub and many of his great songs. Anyone who has Youtubed or has access links to these songs, please forward.


From--> Weysha Gowrac dibiga haku quustee (1975)


Inagoo walaala ah

Oo naas qudha wadaagney

Adigeyga weebdoo

Wadadii ka beydhey

Webi isku tuuroo

Waadigaa ku qaadey

Wabaayo nin qooshtey

Isagaa ku waashee

Weysha gowrac, dibiga haku quustee



Garxumo iyo nin diidan Dagaal baa u dhaxeeya (1966)



Aqal tiir la'aantii, weligii ma taagnee

Hadeynaan is taakulin talo yeelan meynee

Ka tashada cadaawaha isku tiirsanaadaa



Ma dhabbaa jacayl waa loo dhintaa (1970)


Heesta koowaad:


Beydka wiilka:


Ogow geedigan rarey abaayo

Guryankii iyo hayaankii abaayo

Ma gayoon halkaan rabey abaayo


Beydka Gabadha:


Kalgaceylku guumowyee aboowe

Igu noqey ma guuraanee aboowe

Galgashoo hurdada nacaayee aboowe


Heesta Labaad:


Wadnaheyga inankii

Kalgacayl ku waabee

I waraabshey caashaqa Waqtigaan is baranee

Nala kala wareejee,

Waayuhu dhib badanaa

Haddii aan waraaqaha

Kugu dhiibo weriyaha

Kuna qoro wargeysyada

Warka meyga gaarsiin



Heesta sedexad:


Cudur loo dhamaadiyo

Dheeldheel inuu yahey

Dheg ka maqalka mooyee

Weli maanan dhaadine

Caashaqu ma dhuxul baa

Ma wax dhiiga raaciyo

Xididadu dhex qaadaa

Ma dhulkuu ku noolyahey

Ma cirkuu ku qadhan yahey

Ma dhirtuu u hoydaa

Hay dhega wareerine

Haddii dhaawac kugu yaal

Cabashadu dhab kaa tahey

Dhaqtarkow uga sheekee

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