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Peaceful protest/rally in Minneapolis yesterday

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Salama aleykum

New about the Rally


The Rally



Dear brothers and sisters, yesterday alot of muslims came together in cedar riverside to hold a protest against those insults to hurt our prophet s.c.w. I was happy to see all the imaams from all the masjids in the twin cities and suburbs come together in a united form to deal with this issue. It was a excellent program and i am really not good with details however, Over'all it got the message across.


Some of the messages from the imaams included, In order for us to love the prophet we must act upon his way (sunnah)and revive it. Also another imaam said that it is an obligation, that muslims MUST love the prophet more than thier family ,wealth and themselves. We must love the prophet and defend his honor and respect.


As the program moved along, many speakers spoke about the life of the prophet s.c.w and that he was mercy to all mankind. Poetry was read along with nasheedas, The crowd overwhelmed with the love and unity that muslims showed and kept screaming "Allahu-akbar!". Anyone who was there would feel the love of this people for their prophet s.c.w.


Last point, One of the imaams expressed how we need to go back and learn the seerah (life) of the prophet. He pointed out that one of the biggest problems with the ummah is that they are uneducated about thier deen. He said this is a sign that we need to wake up and learn the sunnah, act upon it and spread it to the whole world.


over all the rally was exciting, we walked on the streets screaming praising allah and the prophet s.c.w, we expressed our love in peacefull manner and Insha allah...The struggle to spread the dacwah...continues.


salama aleykum

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