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nuclear war

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we know that north korea and south korea have been picking fighst for a while but the new battle ground is one that leave no spectator un-harmed and with every world power having nucclear war heads it wouldnt be a suprise if freindly fire turned into something much wors.

South Korean and U.S. forces have been placed on a higher surveillance alert level, after North Korea threatened military action following its nuclear test earlier this week, the joint forces announced on Thursday.

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if a war ever happened between those three countries it would def be a WW3 with more countries joining. hope it doesn't come to that.

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Ninyaaban, bal nukliyeer iyo haraadkiisa dagaal hanoo dambeeyee, maa noogu sheekeysid xabsiga aad experience kusoo qaadatay. Suu ahaa? Ma minimum ayuu ahaa?


Noogu waran, anything interesting kusoo aragtay kusoo dar xabsigaas.

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Nimam yahow xabiska dadka indhaha ayuu ufuraa, oo waxaad ogaaneysaa aduunka wax ka fiican freedomka inuusan jirin. Halkii sano iyo barkii aan kujiray, ayaan waxaan fahmay wax aan weligeey fahmi laheen. Wax welibaan ku arkay meeshas (Somali, madow, cadaan etc), oo qof weliba case-kiisa ayuu kawataa. Marka wax laga barto ayeey aheed. Sheekooyin badan ayaan meesha kahayaa, ee markaan wakhti helaan qori doona.

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S-Korea and N-Korea were ripped apart by the US and the USSR after WWII. The latter Superpower is dead and the former is still playing hegemon by alienating the Kim regime with its sanctions and international pressure which adds to the fire and has caused the death of millions in the last decade alone. Fact is Japan/China/USA dont want to see a United Korea because a S-Korea with its amazing economic might and a North Korea with its military might combined into one state = a regional power capable of repulsing Sino-Japanese-USA hegemony of East Asia

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