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Plans may have the habit of shattering your dreams. We often live in a constant fear of the possibility that the not so distant future would turn its back on us. You are left to face your anxieties alone, perhaps persuade yourself it would be alright.



The thing about fear is that it never gets better by brooding about it. Worrying about the future drives you to a corner. Some find work a perfect way to forget but it is only a temporary solution. Besides, throwing yourself deep in your work can lead to health problems. You begin to lose interest in everything when you find you have more questions than answers. Winning over your problems is never easy but it helps to talk about it. It also helps to learn from other people’s experience. You will never be short of subjects because, for one reason or another, someone has been in a similar situation not so long ago.


Looking deep at the cause of your fear always help. The most common element is insecurity. It often hits people who are ambitious and with long targets of success. When you have worked out a careful plan and determined to see it through can lead to all sorts of anxieties. Insecurity is the product of the future and there are many uncertainties about tomorrow. People who think that tomorrow is conquerable are most vulnerable. You tend to detach yourself from reality when you see your future crumbling before you had the chance to live it. I always maintain that taking one day at a time helps cut down most of the anxieties.


Life is like a ladder and every rung you put your foot on can collapse under your weight. There is no harm in planning ahead but it is wise to have short-term aims than targets that would tie you up for eternity. In other words, do not make the mistake of making plans that stretch for many years. It is easy to accomplish short-range goals since you won’t have a lot to do. Plans are meant to be just plans and there are no realities about them until you have lived them. The bad thing about a plan is that you put your life on hold until the future. What about today?


A friend once said that long-planners put themselves in hibernation hoping one day they would wake up to a bright world. I agree with him. Sometimes, living like there’s no tomorrow can relieve a lot of pressure. Is it not enough to sleep under a sound roof and wake up for a steaming cup of tea and perhaps a slice of bread? The chances are that you would not be here long enough to live your future if you start worrying about it now. If that is the case, why bother about something that would probably send you to an early grave.


If you don’t believe me then visit any doctor in the country and ask for the statistics. You will be told that more than half of the patients are high achievers who probably spent their entire lives planning to die early. So, what is it going to be with you now? Live for today or pile up the anxieties of tomorrow? Don’t take anything for granted and give yourself a chance by paying attention to what is more important. It is not worth it to let precious moments pass you by for something you have very little or no control of. Besides, why trade for something very real which is happening right now for the unpredictable future?

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This is one of the good topics that neva takes off from the ground in SOL. I will come back after tarawiix Insha allah to contribute..I am bloody hungry now!



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Jzkallah akhi,

one of the best topic indeed; when too busy planning and worrying for the future, we may forget the most important, which is the present, thus needlessly putting our eman and even health at risk...

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Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

This is one of the good topics that neva takes off from the ground in SOL. I will come back after tarawiix Insha allah to contribute..I am bloody hungry now!



:D Couldn't have agreed w/you more... i'll be waiting!


Ties in with happiness, we spend tremendous time chasing tangible things…


Thanks for the article, couldn't have read it at a better time!

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^ smile.gif ,yeah for tomorrow will never come huh?


Reminds me of this quote:


The World is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished, along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work in it.

- Hassan al-Basri


And this lecture by Khalil Jaffer: il-jaffer/the-end-of -negative-suffering- series-1.html

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The way mesees it is: today is yesterday's tomorrow, if you're happy with yesterday's outcome "today" - more power to you...If you aren't, there's nothing wrong with working for a better tomorrow today... ;)


It is all about setting realistic goals, been isu sheega dad badan buu qar ka tuuraa...

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