
And another utter blunder

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Muuse Muqayil in his usual deep marqaan session came up another ultimate own goal by alienating their Xabashi master they have worshipped since 1991. What another massive own goal for the wretched secessionists.

I guess no more pugrimage to Adisababa. I guess that already stopped.


Ethiopia does not recognise Somaliland-spokesman

Ethiopia has dismissed claims it recognizes Somaliland as an independent state noting it stands for the unity of Somalia.

“Somaliland is part of the union of Somalia. It is not recognized. The news that Ethiopia and other countries do recognize it is not true,” Foreign Affairs spokesman Dina Mufti has said.

Mufti added, “As a matter of respecting the unity and sovereignty of a country, we are treating Somalis as one. We support the restoration of stability there.”

The remarks follow intense diplomatic interests in Somaliland that has seen Egypt and Ethiopia make forays into the breakaway following disputes over the refilling of the GERD dam.

Somaliland and Taiwan announced in early July establishment of diplomatic ties which has since seen both sides appoint representatives to each other’s territories.

Ethiopia has for a long time maintained close relations with Somaliland especially during the reign of TPLF prior to the coming of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who has gravitated towards Mogadishu.



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Itoobiya oo halis ku tilmaamtay qorshaha Masar ku doonayso in saldhig milatari kaga sameysato Soomaaliya

Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa sheegtay qorshaha ay Masar rabto inay saldhig milatari kaga sameysato dhul ku yaal gobolka Bariga Afrika uu halis ku yahay danaha Itoobiya.

Isaga oo ka hadlayey warbixin todobaadle ah, Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Arimaha Dibada ee Itoobiya Dina Mufti wuxuu yidhi, “Masar waxay xaq u leedahay inay xidhiidh la yeelato dal kasta oo ku yaal gobolka. Laakiin tani waa inaysan ku imaan xasiloonida Ethiopia. ”

Wararkii u dambeeyay ayaa sheegaya in Masar ay isku dayeyso in ay saldhig militari ka sameysato Somaliland.

Dabayaaqadii bishii Luulyo, wefti ka socda Masar ayaa la kulmay madaxweynaha Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi, waxaana la sheegay inay ka wada hadleen in Masar ka sameysato xero militari oo ah gudaha Somaliland.

Falanqeeyayaasha qaar ayaa u arka tallaabada Masar mid aargudasho ah oo ka dhan ah dowladda federalka Soomaaliya, oo horey u taageertay xuquuqda ay Itoobiya ka leedahay Nile.


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ITOOBIYA oo soo saartay go’aan meesha ka saaray rajadii ay qabtay Somaliland

Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan aqoonsaneyn Somaliland, islamarkaana ay taageereyso midninada Soomaaliya, hadalkaasi oo lama filaan ku noqday xukuumadda Hargeysa.

Afhayeenka wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee wadanka Itoobiya, Ambassador Dina Mufti ayaa meesha ka saaray in dalkiisa uu aqoonsan yahay Somaliland oo tan 1991-kii raadineyso madax banaani gooni ah & ictiraaf, si ay uga go’do Soomaaliya inteeda kale.

“Arrinta ku saabsan Somaliland, waxay qeyb ka tahay midowga Soomaliya, lamana aqoonsana, warka ah Itoobiya iyo dalalka ayaan aqoonsan, ma aha wax run ah.” ayuu yiri Dina Mufti.

Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi raaciyey in Itoobiya ay markasto ixtiraameyso midnimada iyo qaranimada Soomaaliya, islamarkaana ay la macaamileyso xukuumadda Muqdisho.

“Innaga oo ka ambaqaadeynta ixtiraamka midnimada iyo qarannimada dal waxaa la dhaqannaa Soomaali mid ah, waxaan ku taageernaa in dib loosoo celiyo xisiloonida halkaas.” ayuu sii raaciyey afhayeenka wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Itoobiya.

Somaliland oo xuduud la leh Itoobiya ayaa muddo dheere xiriir dhow la laheyd Itoobiya, balse wuxuu xiriirkaas xumaaday, markii ay xukuumadda Muuse Biixi Cabdi ay qeyb ka noqotay loolanka u dhexeeya wadamada Itoobiya iyo Masar ee ku aadan webiga Nile.

Si kastaba ha’ahaatee hadalka ka soo yeeray xukuumadda Addis Ababa ayaa ku soo aadaya, xilli uu dhowaan soo shaac-baxday qorshe ay wado xukuumadda Qaahira oo rabta inay saldhig milatari ay ka dhisato magaalada Berbera ee waqooyiga Soomaaliya.

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Mr MMA I thought you were brighter than this. Of course Ethiopia does not recognise Somaliland and never did since 1991 so what are your "news" articles about? 

Let me tell you what should be a worthy news. A worthy news is when this same Ethiopian spokesman calls for another press conference and declares that Ethiopia "WILL NEVER RECOGNISE SOMALILAND". Until then everything else is word gymnastics intended to fool the bunker government. 

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Actually the Somaliland government is doing  great job. The koonfurians are clueless they used to claim Somaliland is controlled or created by Ethiopia. When we know  this is not the case. The only thing the Ethiopians created was the TFG and it controls Somalia especially the bay and bakool regions it has troops there.

As for Somaliland It just shows that both the  former siillaanyo administration and the biixi administration are keeping their country safe from foreign influances. 

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30 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

Mr MMA I thought you were brighter than this. Of course Ethiopia does not recognise Somaliland and never did since 1991 so what are your "news" articles about? 

Let me tell you what should be a worthy news. A worthy news is when this same Ethiopian spokesman calls for another press conference and declares that Ethiopia "WILL NEVER RECOGNISE SOMALILAND". Until then everything else is word gymnastics intended to fool the bunker government. 

Aniga iyo adiga waa ognahay Xabashi will never recognize secessionists laakiin they will keep milking them and secessionists believe like cunug hal jir ah camal since 1991.

Now, it seems Kiikuuyo too have started this same play for the secessionists in order to sell Kiikuuyo jaad. Secessionists are once again failing for this. Kiikuuyos would be the last to recognize any region in Soomaaliya as an independent for they do know too well the consequences. But they will start milking the secessionists like sac iska jiifto.

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