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Hargeisa Woman Gives Birth to Triplets

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The Director of UCID Women Marwo Asha Hussein Maraykan presented a gift basket of items to Zainab Yusuf Abdi who gave birth to triplets in Edna Maternal Hospital yesterday. This rare birth of triplets in Somaliland occurred on Friday May 21st, 2010.


Zainab was brought in from a village called Uubale, situated south of Hargeisa, in order to receive better treatment at a better facility. In a harrowing tale; one of the triplets was born on the way to the hospital, while the other two were delivered safely at the hospital. She eventually gave health to two healthy girls and a baby boy.


An Edna Maternity Hospital staff member informed SomalilandPress that the triplets were all healthy, born without any birth defects, and are in stable condition. They also informed us their weights; the young boy’s weight is 3KG, while both the daughters weighed in at 2.3 KG.


Zainab, the mother, mentioned that she is also in good health but “didn’t have much resources to support the children as her husband is unemployed and they live in a remote village.’ She also mentioned that it would be difficult to raise the three children along with the 7 she had already given birth to previously.


Abdilqadir Ibrahim Jofle who is the father of the triplets informed SomalilandPress that he is ‘overjoyed by the addition of the triplets to the family and even more joyed at their mothers’ good health.’ He also thanked the UCID party and Marwo Asha Hussein Maraykan for being amongst the first to assist the family and was thankful he to be the recipient of their generosity during their campaigning.


Marwo Asha Hussein Maraykan stated that “the UCID party are going to do whatever they can to help the disadvantaged and those who are need, and we will continue to assist them as best as possible.”


The triplets were named Mahad, Safa and Marwa.

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Aww Cute, Mansha Allah


Are these the first ever triplets to be born in SL? or the first triplets to be assisted by Ina Maraykan and UCID party :D:D

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Maashaa Allaah, Ilaahay ha u daayo, full football squad team indeed, the father is the goalkeeper, and the mother is the manager, while the ten players are all defenders, midfielders & attackers.



PS: Triplets are rare, how so, it is common in the South for a woman to have 4 & 5 & 6 mataano, and it is not rare, saddex mar horaa laga tagey.

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^^ Waa mahad kaa, and that is the reason he got all the fruits, cuz he looks tiny compared to them.

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Two apples, an orange and a mango must mean something in SL.



reer baadiyaal waaxid!... waraa haruurta display ee ka dhigeen! meeshee fiyoore ku sharxi lahaayeen bee fruits ku sharxeen....


JB waxaan duco mee ka wadaan? ilaahoo qudaar nasii calaashaan?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Maansha Allah. illaahay kuwii diintooda iyo walidkood anfaca ha ka yeelo. Aamiin, Aamiin



Originally posted by NGONGE:

Two apples, an orange and a mango must mean something in SL.

Beertii Xoriyada, ama hawshii aad qabatay midhaheedii :D:D:D

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I got it now! Viva UCID. :D


The Director of UCID Women Marwo Asha Hussein Maraykan presented
a gift basket of items
to Zainab Yusuf Abdi who gave birth to triplets in Edna Maternal Hospital yesterday. This rare birth of triplets in Somaliland occurred on Friday May 21st, 2010.

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