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dooqeeygaa ku raacay

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As today is valentine's day. i thought we could do a little something to mark it....


Now i know it isn't a costum of ours and i am by no means trying to instigate some shukaansi on sol, though it would spice up the place ;)


I thought we could make this an oppertunity to show our appreciation for nomads of the opposite sex with whom we share a common ground. Or the other nomads who infuriate us, but who we still hold dear to us.....


Feel free to nominate as many or as view as you like,,,,


Continuing with my personal theme...


adiigaa dagay qalbiigaa (sorry, this song is firmly in my head :D )....


shujui , Or Tommasi as he now calls himself is one of the sol treasures. I had the luck of meeting this nomad, and i can say that his wit is only exceded by his sweet nature. If only i could mass produce his character and sell it to all consumers i would be getting rich while makin the world a better place.. icon_razz.gif

I also just want to remind him that he still owes me 1 kilo of xalwo.....



And then there is our resident mr charmer jamaal-11...This guy can flatter, wether in the form of a poem or just a plain old compliment! I was lucky enough to meet this snake charmer as well, and girls, deffinately one nomad to keep ur eyes on! Just make sure you bring a chaperon to keep your toes firmly on the ground, if you ever are subjected to one of his attacks ;)



And last, but not least... OG Moti ..Now this guy isn't as appreciated as he should be.

His sense of humor and unique way of replying always makes me smile, no matter how rediculous his point of view might seem.

Although many girls have taken pleasure in attacking him in this forum, his spirit remains unbroken. I haven't met him yet, but feel like i have known him for years.

I would here by like to say Moti, WE LIKE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE



That was my short list. Who will make it in yours?

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I've been out of touch with SOL so I don't know if people changed names or personalities.


Soo dagoo i daaweey

-----i daaweey

soo dagoo i daaweey

amoorahaaga daaweey.

I love that song too dawaco!!

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Dookh iyo naftaa i Heshiiyay. Dacawo maxay yidhaahdeen waa malintii jacaylka.., happy Valentine's days all member of sol

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dawoco: first of all just figuring out your name took me 30 minutes! so now we r on name basis level, what hog r u digging 4 us! plz dont me make it deep! u never know, u might fall into it!


well my pissy buddies, i wanna give u all a shout out and say, i love yall and didnt mean to rub yall the wrong! heya goes the list!!






my naugthy list:thanks for educating rudy!! now he dont need no cheat sheets under the cover!!lol.



miss proud


angels list:(kamakaaze style maan!) :eek:

maliaka, magnoona, shukri, lucky, og-gal, somaliean, xalimo7, asraa, rahima....etc..


well angels, keep the good work, and remember to reach out to your brotha/sista and always dwell on the +ve side!! peace & love!

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Tommasi, u have been sayin that for quit some time,,,Show me the xalwo!


Xafsa, isn't that song just cute :D

the change of names is confusing many people. As Xaliimo becomes Kutubeey and Faarax becomes Saalax over night. Even the aviators are no help to uncovering who a nomad once was,,,,


Akash, adoo dumarka iya sheekadooda iska daaysay oo aad ilaawday, maa laguu heshiiyay? icon_razz.gif


Rudy, your posts are quite enjoyable. Much like a puzzle, they are in many pieces that fit, but only a keen brain can work it out.Though i have yet to crack that code,,,, Such intruiging writing style bro!

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Dacawo, ku Habsaamey intii aan u Heesaayay :D


What makes a Love. Have you ever really considered what makes love or defines it? Or does it even have a defenition.. wax aan madax xanuun

Back then when i was in dugsiga sare i met a girl who was my classmate both we know each other but i feel something about her at that time... when i expressed about my feeling mise kab ayeey la baxdey.


The possibilities of what love could be are beyond comprehension. I do not think there could be a book on what is love, how to find love, I guess you will never know until you try it. But it is a journey I have been willing to make. I think love is once and the joy and heart ache in trying to find it is what makes the journey so. What is love? A simple discovery between two opposite sex. A gift from Allah that is so complicated that if it were easy to find it wouldn't be so sort after.

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"Adigaa dagay qalbiga,

wadnaha dacalkiisee,

soo degoo i daawee,

Faadumaay i daawee,

soo degoo i daawee,

Caaishaay i daawee"


Dawaco! Dawaco! Dawaco: marka hore valentines though we're told not to believe in it. Did u have to expose me that deeply? Atleast maxaad u dhihi weydey the fellow is very miskiin who doesn't hurt a fly? I guess I must agree to the notion that people see things differently. Atleast you said something good about my dear close friend Shujui. The brother is exceptional. Amen to that!

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OG Moti   

War Dawacadan Yar yaa iga qabto, hada waxa weeye waan eegay waxyaalahey soo qortay, kadibna dib baan u eegay, oo waan fakaray, waxaan go aan kuqaatay in ey hadalo iiqarineyso oo ulajeedada waxey tahay "Waan ku faaniyey" laakiin se markaan dhinac kale ka eegay arinta, war ileen tanookale, weyba iqashay oo iruugtay kadibna ila kacday oo tiri


no matter how rediculous his point of view might seem.

kadibna sii aqriyey oo bal eega waxa iga horyimid



oo maxaa iga maqan, markaad leedahay just the way you are, oo ma ilko dhaadheer baa igu yaala mise kuntunwaareey buu kudhashay baad maqashay .. war anagaa wax aragnay... balaayo ... aduunyadu waa yaab naa bal Happy Valentine's day koleyba Somali girls markaad Jeceel sheegto wey qarwaan oo jiniyo baa ku kaca. :D .. peace


note: My list is too big to post... and i am sure the Admin will not appriciate cause of space issue smile.gif one lady i dont see her here anymore tolow miyey nomad nimada kabaxday mise dawaco ayaa la wareegtay booskeeda?

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//// To see is to believe my dear (at the risk of sounding like a proper dhuuni!)



Moti, Moti, Moti...Hadaan kuu jawaabi lahaa,,,,oo si fiican kuugu jeeysteey lahaa,,,,awood baa jirin xageeygo, afkii baa juuqda gabay!

That's what i get for appreciating your excentric ways eh,,,,ha i cayuumin lee yaah icon_razz.gif


Akash, i suppose love is what each individual makes of it. For some it is wild romantic antics that they consider acts of love which shows them the love of others. For others it is sincere words and simple gestures that define true love. So what do YOU make of it?


Jamaal,,,,I could say you are maskiin oo naxariis badan, but it just wouldn't sound, ehm, discriptive enough of ur many talents! :D

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