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Caano Geel

and yet another Somali teen charged with muder

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I have to admit that there are many Somali teenagers succeeding in life, helping out with their families, doing well in school, and so on an so forth. However, there are more teenagers out there who are dropouts, and have lost the purpose of life. I will blame the parents certainly; parents do play a main role in their children's lives. But, as u said Kool Kat many Somali women are struggling on their own, for some their husband are back home, for others they got divorced, or those who have husbands who just chew khat. But, we can not always blame parents for everything. I am sure there are many Somali parents who are trying hard yet their kids end up in the streets killing people and what not. I think the problem goes back to the fact that Somalis have moved from Somalia 17 years ago and moved abroad. Most of them live in poor neighborhood, and of course their kids end up mixing with the wrong crowd. How can we prevent that...? a parent can give the best parenting but once that child reaches certain age, he/she will be pressured by his peers , and if he ends up making friends with the wrong people then he will do all kinda things you can imagine. I remember when I was in high school, many Somali kids in my school use to carry knives, and who knows maybe even guns. I still remember when I asked this guy why he is carrying the knife to school and what purpose did it serve; he goes just to be safe. These teenagers are always involved in fights so they are like armed just so they can defend themselves.

I am not even certain if we can even help those types of teenagers anymore? Honestly can we? And how?


Wa salaamu alaikum

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