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^Do you mean the site doesnt agree with or the word Oneens means doesnt agree with..?[too much time on my hands :D ]


me,I like your signature,how true!

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Oneens=Doesn't agree with the statement.


the statement is it should be easier to build new highways

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^^ Really? There is an e-mail going round asking people to vote on the issue of banning the quran in holland! :D


You mean these people have been voting for highways? :D

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De aanleg van nieuwe snelwegen kan sneller. Dat stelt de commissie-Elverding, die het kabinet adviseert over de versnelde aanleg van wegen. Nu duurt het gemiddeld elf jaar om een weg aan te leggen. Straks moet dat binnen vijf jaar kunnen......

The building of new highways can be done faster. That is the finding of the parliamentary commission Elverding, which advises the cabinet. It now takes on average 11 years to build a new highway. In the future it could be done within 5 years.

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^^ :D

I had nothing to do with it. A friend of mine sent me the e-mail and phoned to urge me to vote. The man has a doctorate in biochemistry and was a lecturer at imperial college. It's funny what sort of people fall for such scams!

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