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Dangers of excess sugar

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Excess sugar consumption may result in a number of significant consequences to the body as well as disrupting the body's homeostasis (a state of balanced function in the body). Of course, some of you reading this will insist, “sugar intake is ain no big deal”. I know how much we love sugar. In particularly, Somali people are truly addicted to sugar. We eat large quantities of sugar regularly, rather than occasionally.


Biochemically, sugar is a generic term used to identify simple carbohydrates, which includes monosaccharides such as fructose, glucose (dextrose) and galactose; and disaccharides such as maltose and sucrose (white table sugar).. Fructose is a natural sugar found in many fruits and vegetables. Unlike Glucose, Fructose absorbed more slowly by your system and does not spike your blood sugar the way sucrose (table sugar) does. The table sugar that most people use every day is composed of both glucose and fructose and is harmful. Believe it or not sugar can have a severe impact on YOUR BODY.


The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications.

1)Sugar can suppress the immune system.

2)Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection

3)Sugar can weaken eyesight.

4)Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which can narrow blood vessels.

5)Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

6)Sugar can cause asthma and arthritis

7)Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease and diabetes.

8)Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and gray hair.

9)Sugar can change the structure of protein causing interference with protein absorption.

10)Sugar can increase the risk of Alzheimer Disease.

11)Sugar can promote an elevation of low density lipoproteins (LDL)

12)Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide

13)Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become under active and others become overactive

14)Sweet food items increase the risk of breast cancer and other cancers

15)Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children

16)Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you lose.

17)There is significant evidence that excess sugar is implicated in breast cancer, diabetes, aging, obesity etc.


As you can see from the list, too much sugar can cause cancer, diabetes, aging, obesity, tooth decay, brain decay, and many other serious health conditions. High intake of sugar increases the risk of many diseases and therefore leads to poorer health. It is therefore wise to reduce these diseases by eating/drinking foods or drinks with low sugar content.


It may be difficult for many people to reduce their sugar intake to the ideal level, given our current food and drink supply. However, after reading this you may need to control your sugar intake and avoid foods and drinks with high sugar content. Improved blood sugar control may reduce the chances that certain complications of the disease will develop. Do you like super sweet things?? Do you know how much sugar you are taking in everyday? As a part of your daily intake everyone is different, it depends on your weight, how many calories you are taking in and if you are watching your sugar intake etc. I would suggest check your doctor for information in this area because he/she knows a whole lot more about your medical history and also he or she can estimate how much sugar you are taking in. therefore you should talk to your doctor to have a better idea of what you yourself should limit to be a healthy part of your life and life style.


Finally, I need to ask you two simple questions:

•Do Somali people eat more sugar than other nationalities (think about the xalwa)?

•Why more poor people in America are overweight than rich people?


Peace all .I hope you will find this information useful smile.gif


Ps: The following list may come as a surprise for many (references and other diseases that sugar may pose):

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That's a list from a company that makes sugar substitutes (sweeteners). Probably not too objective.


But sugar is bad for you. So just give it all to me for safe-keeping.

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Originally posted by Cara:

That's a list from a company that makes sugar substitutes (sweeteners). Probably not too objective.


But sugar is bad for you. So just give it all to me for safe-keeping.

Hi Cara :cool: ! Sis really most of these fact is true, do some research your self and you will see.

Ps: Read some medical Journals

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