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Abaay Heylay

would you...?

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Hello everyone, i hope ur all doing well and ur in the highest level of eman.

My question is would marry a guy who has never been in school(uneducated), he works uses his mind to solve things, but cannot read and write.

All opinions are welcome.

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N-O thanks, guriga hooyadiis ha iska joogo...Well of course, hadaan miyiga daganaan leheen why not...But in this time and age, if he can't read and write (to say the least), he can solve things at his mother's place... :D

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^Maxaaba doonasho la'isla gaaraa? Minika hooyadiis maba iisoo dhaafi karo...


FYI, about 8yrs ago ee eheyd doonashadeyda though... :D

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Yes, as long as he can support you and is willing to learn. You can teach him if you have the patience and time or send him to night school. Learning to read and write in one language at least is a must. At least Caaruruta Quaranka haa uu aakhriyo.


P.s. HE must not have any complexity about being a househusband.


P.s.s. I‘ve met people who think being unable to read and write is something to proud of. :rolleyes:

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^^^It may make my life easier, I may be suprised in this life and rewarded in the hear after. Pluz there are really smart people who just never got the opportunity/ chance to go to school. I don't think we should hold that against them. :cool:

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

P.s. HE must not have any complexity about being a househusband.


hahahahahah i think he probably will my dear!


he is a man after all.


if he was making some effort to learn then i would consider it, if not then wots the point?

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in relation to your topic from yesterday, here's the "perception" I was referring to.


A man can be open minded enough to love, marry and live with a woman who can't read and write.


However, your fellow sisters seem to have a problem with the concept.

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Underdog, Lol.


YOu are going to judge the sisters perception on CL :D pluz with them it is out of laziness and worry for the future in line with the original role of a husband: i.e. being the provider. The perception is based on: how and with what will he support me and our kids if he cannot read or write or have the desire to improve his status??

The male perception on educated women cannot be easily explained away like this. smile.gif





WHy are you laughing?? I'm serious, and it makes sense. :D

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hahaha it might make sense in your head Ibz but seriuosly you think he would stay @ home coz he cnt read an write hahahahah


He would prob be making excuses to get out so ppl wont say "that poor man, stays at home coz he cnt read or write"


anyway in this day an age there must be v few ppl (of marriage age) that cnt read an write.

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Insufferable woman, how could massacre me ouch ouch, but dear I am not mother Theresa, collecting stray dogs in the vain hope of transforming them into a desirable candidate is an occupation I care not for.


As for UD- comment come on, “A man can be open minded enough to love, marry and live with a woman who can't read and write” dear how could you fall for that, its not your fault the memo never got 2 u, it has nothing to do with man being open minded, such woman are hot commodity in man’s must have list due to there doormat potential…they go out of there way to find them..

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

dear how could you fall for that, its not your fault the memo never got 2 u, it has nothing to do with man being open minded, such woman are hot commodity in man’s must have list due to there doormat potential…they go out of there way to find them..

CL, I was present at the creation of the memo and you have a an idea of the spirit of its content however the true meaning of the memo is

Give me control and I shall give you love and everything that comes with it


Don't get me wrong, there's a vast majority of the male population that cannot hold their end of this promise...However for the women who can put their insecurities aside and place unwavering faith in the man who takes that statement to heart, the payoff comes swift and strong.


For the rest who are afraid to step off that cliff it really doesn't matter what little conspiracy theories they come up're either with it, or you're not...there's no middle ground.

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Give me control and I shall give you love and everything that comes with it

YOu know, how smart of you to change this around, How is it the women with insecurities baal?


Also you've said yourself that "there's a vast majority of the male population that cannot hold their end of this promise" Yet is the women with the problems and insecurities.Yaab baadan. It would seem there is a valid reason for not falling off a cliff.


Indeed there is no middle ground. :cool:


Lol CL: I'm start calling you ""

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