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U doggy Dog, waakaas hee, facaa presidents waaye, but my question to you is, What have you done lately?


That question also goes for mr mug shot, inta aad smarty pants iska dhigeysid, bal isku noqo and ask yourself whether or not you have even considered doing public service for your people and country.


The marcas, I am very impressed wallaahi, good for you brah, keep up the good work.


As far as the drama queens are concerned, pay no mind, waa hateration talking.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

U doggy Dog, waakaas hee, facaa presidents waaye, but my question to you is, What have you done lately?


Qoftaan aan ka cabsaday aniga JAMBAL Waxeey tuuroosa waaalan

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Even when I'm not yelling or name-calling and just trying to have a decent conversation, you feel it necessary to start instigating.


I'm in a Zen state of mind today, so I'll leave you to work out your anger issues.



Are you still composing that answer for me?




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Layzie, kabaha koley waa sidaayee, ookiyaalahana u qaad hee...You know Layzieyeey blonde moments come in all types, shapes and forms...Your buddy's blonde moments seem to be lasting a whole lot longer than a moment... ;)

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^KK, as much as aad maanta careysan tahay, there is no question that you are one of the biggest "the marcas" fans around.


May I suggest you go and create a fan club "the marcas" because mar dhow sheekadaada waxey gaare meel sare, 5 pages of admiration for the marcas, all along aniga ayaa leygu gonbanaa, talk about "bodyguard" this or "daba dhilif" ah that, but the real fans are at full force.


Each one of the controversial topics has exceeded the capacity, we can only take limited number of fans, hence why I put KK in charge of creating the fan club for his majesty aka the marcas.




PS:Hi JJ, how are u eedo?


U doggy dog, if you weren't looking for trouble, you shouldn't have "hit and run" as you normally do, the marcas is a royalty around these parts.


On behalf of the marcas, I thank you little people for raising the profile of the marcas to the highest extent without much effort. icon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:


U doggy dog, if you weren't looking for trouble, you shouldn't have "hit and run" as you normally do, the marcas is a royalty around these parts.

This is interesting. I'm a little conflicted as to whether you really believe I was looking for trouble or were you just itching for a fight yourself.


Either way, unprovoked attacks and name calling (Mr. Mug shot?)... laakin gabar walaashay aa tahay oo caashaq haayo. So I forgive you, for not knowing how to deal with all these feelings that are running thru you.


Whatever you have to say or do to make it through this, you go ahead, I'm with you.



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Layzie, yareey I have an image to maintain yaah...Jooji waxaa ku hadloysid... Qarxiska dhaaf baqtiyehee... :D


Waakaheloysaa yaah sheekadaan adi? Alla Layzieyeey, minaan ku aqoon leheen walax kalaa kufikiri lahaa!!! icon_razz.gif Majesty majesty giisa ma aqaaniyee waxu ma miijiskuu ka shaqeynjiray? :D

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lol@u doggy dog, the mug shot comment was directed@ that faarax brown character and he knows why I refer to him as a mug shot fella.


U have a great nickname already, u doggy dog, why change that at all?


I didn't know you were this sensitive brah, next time I will make sure I spell it out for you and say, u doggy dog, bal karbaashkaas kaleexo huuuuuuuuuuno

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Understood, my bad!


So why are you so mad about this conversation I'm having with *******?


Just 2 guys having a talk about the nature of things.


You are more than welcome to participate, seeing as you're in the field of social service. But, you've always shown support for Marcus, and never really clarified if you're a supporter of his radical ideas of separating the useless Somalis from the rest.


What say you? are we uniting the people or picking & choosing?




[ February 21, 2008, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Femme Fatale ]

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