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how to bring a wife from Africa and not lose her to the system...

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Looooool he is the high priest of the church of the painful truth....I like the library part and the liberal vegetarian Dafur Human right peacenik wannabe! He also hit the nail about the part of backbiting the rest of Somalis.. :D

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This is is the thing with gabdhaha africa laga soo guursanayo.


A loser Farax (sorry for the generalization lakiin saasey u badanyihiin kuwa safra) with a 3000 dollars baan Africa aadi to find himself a wife he neither knows nor met before !


Maamoyinkii baa isku dhax kici to find him a wife....waxaa deedna la soo xuli one of the most beautiful (and mostly dumb ) girls oo nimankii Africa joogay ku dhici waayeen.


The Farax comes back here and continues chasing after everything in a skirt and blouse as he waits for his wife. 200 boqol haduu diro bishi xisaabtan kale ma jiro yaaba ka fiican ninkaas. I have to add that sometimes the Xaliimo starts sheekoyin yadana and spends the money on other guys (this is rare)


Few years later hablo markuu sponsaringkii u dhamaado comes here expecting to enjoy life in the land of milk and honey together with her rich husband only to find her self In gheto in Toronto or London. Farax oo ama ceydhii buu la struglegreynaya ama labo shift oo adadag buu shaqeynaya wuxuuna filayaa naag baari ah oo juc iyo jacda ogol meanwhile Xaliimo's expectations are crashed...labadii qof oon is aqoonin have to deal with day to day reality together and than....

In a nutshel sheekada guurka Africa laga soo guursanayo dhibkeedo waxaa weeye everyone is looking for an easy way out and ends up falling in to a marriage from hell instead.

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Originally posted by Som@li:


loool, Waxaad ka heli Library ya , iyo Xafiisyada Geen peace.


I think this guy is on SOL

Yep! He is a Soler. :D ,his nick is similar to the name of his radioshows - the tupac iyo Hadrawi clip was good.

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Originally posted by Ismalura:

The Farax comes back here and continues chasing after everything in a skirt and blouse as he waits for his wife. 200 boqol haduu diro bishi xisaabtan kale ma jiro yaaba ka fiican ninkaas. I have to add that sometimes the Xaliimo starts sheekoyin yadana and spends the money on other guys (this is rare)

It is not that rare, really. Dad ayaa ku kor nool, indhaheyga ayaana kusoo arkay. While the poor jaamac xamaalinimo ku jiro and never misses sending his monthly boqolaal doolar for masruuf, qofta uu u diraayo xaga joogto oo 'xaaskiisa' uu moodo dad kale ayee sii korisaa, oo u xareysan, la baashaalo.


Indhaheyga ku arkay. She lived in the same apartment my parents lived in. Xaajigeeda Mareykanka ayuu jiraa sida la yiri, laakiin wax badan ayaan arkay iyadoo irida horteeda fadhiso, oo wiilal la kaftameyso, la shukaansaneyso, markee mid dabacdana xareysan jirtay. I don't know waxaas lonelynimo u keentay or wax kale.


And poor jaamac in Mareykanka wax uu ka ogaa iska yar, $$$$ soo dhiib luu ogaa.


Aaliya, igaarkaan saan muu Kanada ku joogaa? Mala hubaa horta in uu Kanada joogo. He seems like he is Reer Columbus iyo meelahaas, not Reer Kanada, especially Reer Koronto.

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^maxaa reer Columbus malaga qatarsan yahey. Sheeko Soomali baad wadaa. Koronto dadka ka yimaada maxay qamriga u cabaan horta, excuse my generalization.



How abt Faraxs going to Erigavo or Taleex?

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t is not that rare, really. Dad ayaa ku kor nool, indhaheyga ayaana kusoo arkay. While the poor jaamac xamaalinimo ku jiro and never misses sending his monthly boqolaal doolar for masruuf, qofta uu u diraayo xaga joogto oo 'xaaskiisa' uu moodo dad kale ayee sii korisaa, oo u xareysan, la baashaalo.


MMA anigaba waan arkay one such person...that is why I mentioned it. Lakiin I said it is rare because gabadh Somliyeed oo nin qab oo nin kale shukaansaneysa ii kow beey aheyd tas ka dibna ma arkin. on the other hand I have seen more than dozen married cheating Faaraxs


Whatever the case, guurkan sanadaha la kala maqnaanayo faaido badan kamaba imaato. It is a bad world full of shaitan influence and people get lonely !


Anyways I was at school today and couldn't listen to the videos lakiin hadaan dhageystay and It is crazy walahi LOL


Salada waa in aad marqaati u heysato kuye LOL again

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^^^well said Ismalura, isha ka ridey on your second last post.


That guy is SOLer, he advertises Wiilwaal radio halkan. I don't find him that funny, waayo waxuu sheegaayo it is not original, I've heard it all before.



LOL@Nassir. How many have you met so far? waa iga qosol siise runtii.

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Nina I am actually finding him funny ! Waa run waan maqlay waxuu shegayo badankiis but his expression when he says it is priceless... besides the part on gabdhaha wax bartay is funny especially finding them at the human rights advocacy meetings and saying that you are a vegetarian !


I love the way he says "ilaahey amarkiis" LOL

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