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Which Town are u from?

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I remember a lady asking me the question in a barber shop with her two little sons present. Bal maxaa ka galay? I told her and she just wouldnt believe me! Bal yaa kugu yidhi i weydii?

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Waxaanba soo xasuustay, this one time when I lived in MN (GOSH flight 13 yaashii aragtidooda waan u xiisay!!!), my husband and I were coming back from work...Since we both worked in the downtown area of St Paul, we used to take the bus...N'way, at this time, there was only one seat available next to an older Somali lady, so I took the seat...


A short while after, we started conversating:


Lady: Eedo ma Siinbool baa dagantahay?

KK: Haa eedo.

Lady: Oo ma shaqo baa ka timid mise school?

KK: Shaqo (trying to keep the conversation minimal)

Lady: Eedo anigu islaan qolohebel ah baan ahay, ee qolomaa tahay?

KK: *Shocked* Yaah?

Lady: Qabiilkaa eedo? (Like inee magacaa itiri, no shame in her eyes)

KK: So and so qabiil eedo

Lady: Oo ma xaas baa tahay?

KK: Haa. (Again I didn't want to be rude and was trying to keep it minimal)

Lady: Oo ma isku qabiil baa tihiin odaygaaga?

KK: Maya

Lady: Qoloma isaguna?

KK: So and so qabiil eedo

**Her reply to this day, after almost 5yrs later, ma iloobo, even her facial expression saan u xasuusto lee*

Lady: AKHAS!!! (intee wajigaa kaduudisay) Oo eedo maxaa kadoontay kuwaas? Adigoo sidaan u qurxoon, alla gabdhaheena maxey dadkooda ka carareen! (mind you, qabiilkeeda iyo keyga wax iska galay aa iska yar)


WTF!!! Is she kidding me? My husband was right there, standing and hearing the conversation...I was at lost for words, to say the least...Edeb darnaa oo anshaxumaa oo ciyaal suuqsanaa islaantu...


KK: Waa la'i sixraan umaleynaa eedo, ee waakan odaygeyga (pointing to my husband standing right there)...


She was more shocked than I was walahi when he said 'salaamu caleykum eedo'...Maba eysan ujawaabin xataa, she sat motionless in her seat for the rest of the ride, not a word, didn't even turn ilaa ayka dagto...


Can you believe this shidh? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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^Min Shuruuri. Islaanta xaad heart attack ugu riday. I would have put you in trial habarta hadey dhiman laheyd.


I never answer to those questions but I like to exhaust the ones who ask me about my qabiil. Someone in SOL actually asked me that personal question via private message. Taarikadaada waa qaban la'ahayee yaa tahay? That someone is reading this, I'm sure. :D

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Min shuruuri? What DA? What about me? What about poor ol' KK? The woman scared me for life, markasto qabiil la i weydiiyo iyadaan xasuustaa iyo fool xumadeeda...Grrrrrrrrr

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jowhar!! good town..,.i got 2 roommates, one is from north and one is from south.. i dont even know their tribe... i wont mind meeting their sistas though.

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I never answer to those questions but I like to exhaust the ones who ask me about my qabiil. Someone in SOL actually asked me that personal question via private message. Taarikadaada waa qaban la'ahayee yaa tahay? That someone is reading this, I'm sure.

Xishoodkii ka dhamaaday dadkaas camal. Speaking of this, qof ayaa SOL ku jiro wardoon dhaaftay, oo fabrication iyo been ay dadka ka alifto bilowday joogto.


There is qoftoo meeshaan ku jirto oo qof ka wardoon badan aanan waligey arkin, maqlina, oo isku dirkeedana wey dhaaftay wardoonima. See u war jeceshahay heer waxee gaartay to fabricate pure lies about other members of this site. Warkeeda isoo gaaray because she fabricated war aan jirin, sheer lies ah about and against me. I don't know waxee ula dan lahayd. She told another SOLer inaa qofkaas ka hadlaayo, oo aan aniga u sheegay warka qofkaas iyo qoyskoodaba ku saabsan, a person I completely did not know, iskaba dhaaf reerka ee ka dhasheen. Yaab iyo nus. Amakaag dhaaftay. Qoftii ayaa ii soo dirtay PM, iguna dhahday isma naqaanee why aad dadka kale warkeyga, personal information ah ugu sheegeysaa. Anigii yaab, maxaa ka hadleysaa iri. I still cannot believe waxaas ayaa inta ku jirto, beentaas dadka kale ka alifeyso. More amazing is that I never talked to her about anything or anyone, let alone qofkee igu nabsatay. Waxaasaa wardoon sidii idaacad camal la dhahaa, weyna isogtahay qoftee tahay. I can imagine how many others ay nabsatay, oo dadka kale ku nabsatay without their knowledge.

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I think qofkaas aad ka hadlaysaan warkiisu wuu i soo gaadhay ,,, bal waa la eegi doonaa ,, :D



Nothing is wrong qofku hadii uu qabiilkaaga ku waydiiyo just to know you siduu Ilaahayba quraanka ku sheegay "Litacaarafuu" "لتعارفو "

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Originally posted by -Serenity-:

North, I think the 'bal' is a definite give-away. So you told her unintentionally.

I would have thought my hand gestures and loud talking would have given it away :D

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kk,she deserved a slap on the mouth..Akhas! aa how dare she? Anyway there is sure an example of our jahiil minds..qoof aanan aqaanin maxaa afarahoodu ii geyee..bisinka!

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^LOL..JB,you know that little town near your little town dee were the beautiful ppl come from icon_razz.gif

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