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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

There is qoftoo meeshaan ku jirto oo qof ka wardoon badan aanan waligey arkin, maqlina, oo isku dirkeedana wey dhaaftay wardoonima. See u war jeceshahay heer waxee gaartay to fabricate pure lies about other members of this site. Warkeeda isoo gaaray because she fabricated war aan jirin, sheer lies ah about and against me. I don't know waxee ula dan lahayd. She told another SOLer inaa qofkaas ka hadlaayo, oo aan aniga u sheegay warka qofkaas iyo qoyskoodaba ku saabsan, a person I completely did not know, iskaba dhaaf reerka ee ka dhasheen. Yaab iyo nus. Amakaag dhaaftay. Qoftii ayaa ii soo dirtay PM, iguna dhahday isma naqaanee why aad dadka kale warkeyga, personal information ah ugu sheegeysaa. Anigii yaab, maxaa ka hadleysaa iri. I still cannot believe waxaas ayaa inta ku jirto, beentaas dadka kale ka alifeyso. More amazing is that I never talked to her about anything or anyone, let alone qofkee igu nabsatay. Waxaasaa wardoon sidii idaacad camal la dhahaa, weyna isogtahay qoftee tahay. I can imagine how many others ay nabsatay, oo dadka kale ku nabsatay without their knowledge.

Yaroow iskey daa yaah, maxaa saan iigu fadeexeynee nacalaa sasamaanikadaada ku taalee!!! Goormaa been kaa sheegay, hada iga horkeen qofkaan kugu xantay!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Somalia maala joogaa dheh meesha?


War waadhintey baan ku iri, qosol, diif, ilin, iyo dhareerbo waa isku daray...Sidii wax waalaan, LOOOOOOOOOL xataa waa ku daray in my laughter 'this is so loooooool'...Kix kix kix, qaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaq, qaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaq, qaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaq (tuke miyaa bisinkee)!!!


qoof aanan aqaanin maxaa afarahoodu ii geyee..

Malika, hi sis, how are you? You know you remided me of my moms 'afaare personaale lama galo'...Wished Somali's inee intaas kali yaqaanaan...


I think qofkaas aad ka hadlaysaan warkiisu wuu i soo gaadhay ,,, bal waa la eegi doonaa ,,

Eegid eegidaada ma'ogiyee, adoo wax eegaayo lee yaan lagaa dhexbixin...Is ilaali baan ku iri... icon_razz.gif

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I’m not immune to the tribal gibberish. I’m as open tribalistic as any other member of this forum, and I don’t think I would want to live without it because of all the extended family I get without any hassle. The tribe hovers and lurks around me when they need assistance or if I ever need any help. I hate few tribes and I like much fewer tribes even though I don’t care about who has the special aptitude or social skills to be in my company.


I will often catch myself learning to use dirty words to demean other tribes. These will tickle my ribs and kept me giggling at other tribes gaffe. Sometimes with spiteful goals of my own I will find myself seating among older men talking about tribal issue. I will often try to tease other tribes with flamboyant gesture of spite while I try to increase the stock of my tribe .


See my tribe is gifted with the insight to able to chuckle kindly at other tribes while they make fool of themselves. My tribe floats like algae in a green scum. We are the best of the stock! I’m not even glum with shame in saying these unlike the fakery portrayed by others who want to absolve themselves. I know you are saying I think Filthy, but so be it. Good God! You say, but does anyone care about my tribal affiliation? I don’t think so and So you shouldn’t care too.To Hell with tribe then icon_razz.gif

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Anigu I get asked the 'qolomaa tahay' question quite alot 'cos I end up socializing with Somali cid walbaba leh. Marka la i weydiiyo ciddaan ahayn, I usually scratch my head as if I've forgoten my clan's name and then I polite ask the questioner; 'walaal, igana raalli noqo 'e, adigu horta qolomaa tahay?' usually this proud declaration of 'reerkaasaan ahay' comes bubling out.


Then I giggle and smile and loudly reply, 'Allah! Allah aniguba midkaasaan ahay, ina adeer! Waanba yara hilmaansanaaye! Illaahoow tolkeey ii daa!!'


Mostly, the questioners back away with a little awkward smile on their face smile.gif . But the downside is when I get to meet them again in a public or social place; everyone of them wuu iskey xijiyaa and I get introduced to all these strangers. 'Walaal kani waa reer hebel oo familkaas on and so forth'. Once in southall, I had some folks at loggerheads 'cos they argued over ciddaan ahay. 'War waa anaga iyo ma ahee waa anika!'... later they realised I wasn't both of them and they were really pissed. Lol. I just like the expression of their faces; it's prices. Anything for humour :D .

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the only time i think that question is relevant is when you are at a wedding, or a funeral or a place where identifying with whose family you are with is important.

any other time, i see possible unnecessary tension. heck, its even awkward when you are of the same clan. like what else do i have to say to you? woop de doo, we have the same great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, how many other thousands of people am i related to?


nephtys, i thought the national animal was the camel?

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^So true.I was introduced to some people and they started the intro with " oh buuxo meet these gabdho they are reeer hebel :eek: and their names are blah blah. I was so shocked,i was like is that normal for young people to say such things? and i didnt even catch their names i was still stuck on the reer bit. mind you we were all of the same sub-clan .but i felt uneasy. I was thinking about this for awhile and then i was like,i guess it wouldnt hurt to know more of the Tolka. :D



I have never had randoms ask me my qabiil tho,but i had somalis assume my qabiil based on my friends and people i hang out with and right infront of me insult my qabiil :D . I let too many things slide.

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I got not qualms about Qabiil but what I can't stand is Qabyaalad especially when a grown man beats his chicken like chest and without a hint of a shame claims to be a 'Laan-Dheere'. Goodness me what a ridiculous statement for a man to make and then there are those who claim to be 'Gob' oh yeah if you're Gob...anigana geed talaal aan ahay ka waran hee!


There was this guy from my old xaafad who wanted to marry qoftoo in Nairobi back in the day and she told him inuu Aabeheed ka old buddy went to see her old man and after a while and few cups of tea later...the old man dropped the bomb on him..."Adeer horta adigu qolomaa tahay?" my buddy being the ciyaal xaafad that he was replied "Hehe-hehe Adeer Aniga Beezaani aan ahay hehe hehe" "Adeer Beezaani yuu ku abtirsadaa?" the old man asked naming the three major Somali tribes..."Sadexdaasba shaqo kuma laha Beezaani" claimed my old friend...the old man sensing something was amiss here asked the young man to bring his elders day so and so at such and such time.


now being a true Beezaani my friend didn't bother looking for old men whom he wasn't familiar with but he gathered few guys that he was comfortable with and brought them to the future wife's cut long story short the old man lost it when he found out that these guys were not from the same tribe as the guy who was asking his daughter's hand in marriage and worse the guys he brought themselves all belonged to different tribes and the old man thought the guy belonged to the qabiilada ey Soomaalidu yasto and he said it so and that's when my friend hit the roof and told the old man "Gabartaada Wajiga Saaro" after few scuffles and booto iyo I will do this and that to you...the old man was finally told which tribe my old buddy belonged to and guess what? They both belonged to the same fact they even belonged to the same laf iyo jilib and the old man happened to have known my buddy's grandfather while still who's the monkey with the tail between his legs? smile.gif



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Buuxo:

mind you we were all of the same sub-clan

Buuxo...Please refresh my mind and tell me which one is that? :D:D


You know there are more people in SOL that know your Qabiil than those who doesn't...Think about it.



****I have a friend who enjoys embarrassing me and whenever he meets some one from my Qabiil he brings him to me and even tells them my sub-clan and he'll be like "Hey BOB meet ina adeerkaa and he turns to the fellow and tells him my father's name and stuff...that boy is crazy...I once received a call from him at 3 am in the morning and guess what he did? He introduced me to this guy who was marrying a girl from...yep you guessed it and he said "I thought you should get to know your brother-in-law :mad: ".


but wouldn't you know it...I got my revenge and these days he doesn't even mention Qabiil name let alone mine. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by *BOB:

...that boy is crazy...
I once received a call from him at 3 am in the morning and guess what he did? He introduced me to this guy who was marrying a girl from...yep you guessed it and he said "I thought you should get to know your brother-in-law
:mad: ".


but wouldn't you know it...I got my revenge and these days he doesn't even mention Qabiil name let alone mine.



Peace, Love & Unity.

:D:D:D crazy friend

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Originally posted by *BOB:

quote:Originally posted by Buuxo:

mind you we were all of the same sub-clan

Buuxo...Please refresh my mind and tell me which one is that?


You know there are more people in SOL that know your Qabiil than those who doesn't...Think about it.



LOOL@BOB.Bizaani aa ahay nooh! :D


How ? :confused: That can't be possible. Please tell me you pulling my dirac, dont make me qax from SOL. :mad:

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Buuxo, baro hade *Bob waa igaar ina adeerkaa ah!!! :D Ok, jokes a side, iska ilaali kana cabso, ani xan waa dhexdaas igu soo gaartay a somthing about *Bob and sixir and afJini!!! Mugoo is ilaali ku'iri ani...


*Waves at Bob 'awku lasaamay ra'i oowbe?' :D


JB, horta adiguna qolomaa eheed adigu? icon_razz.gif


Most of the time when I introduce two people of the same tribe, I like saying 'isbarta hee waa ina adeertaa/adeerkaayee'...I don't know, something about their reactions I enjoy seeing...

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