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Which Town are u from?

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u start a chattin 2 a Mali( some u don't know, but is boppin with some freindz u know)......



they ask what endz ur 4rm in Somalia ? eg.North/ Dirty South/Westside/ East-side.?....


So u Say X-side.......... then they say oo this "hood" " ........So you say.... naah not really bruv, just sum were ner dem endz......just a couple of bus stopz away next 2 da Qhudac tree.......


Next thing manz like....what endz r u from?(tuulo/city) finally u give a town..........And then there comes the bombshell:


" Are u Bloodz fam(clan)?



So u nod your head reluctantly.........



I think it is rather rude and arrogant for someone to try to guess what clan you are after meeting them, especially youngsters( what are the parents teaching them these days?),who grew up in the West, and thus have no man's businesses in this nonsense!


Then again, is it something natural, ie something embedded( to wonder?) in the Somali Genetics?



p.s I don't want to know what Tuulo ur from.........

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Djenne, Mali. born and bred there. i am immuned from the somali tribal genetics syndrome. I dont judge people on their tribal background but rather on their characters. and so should all somalis.

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Loool Abu, I have not heard of such madness. I don't think anyone every asked me or tried to guess where I was from till the exposure of SOL. redface.gif



It is sad really, soon they will start a little clan war in the west or something. :rolleyes:

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Yo' I be reppin the Dirty South a.k.a. Xamar Cadeey...Born an' raised in X city, seen young blood...Bakaaraha where you at? Howlwadaag, Lambar Afar (KM4) I throw down fo dem hoodz too yo'...Those is my peepz yo'!!! Werd iz bond, wuz up now?


Abu, I feel you...People nowadayz not only ask where you're from, but also where your parents are from...Why not just come out and ask straight up 'qabiilkaa'...Shidh, yee u maleeyaan inee ka caqli badan yihiin...


Am out yo'!


Waaba ka helooyaa qoraalkaa yow yowga ah...

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lool ... ninka i waydiinaya waa inaan marka hore gabadh ka soo doontay ama cid aan ka dilay ... hadii kale waxba kama gelin .. odoyaasha ka daran ciyaalka walaahi .... :D you should see their reaction markaad ku tidhaa maxaa kaa khuseeyay ma gabadh baad isiinaysaa ?

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Emperor, how dare you, cyber dharbaaxo iga hoo - dhaaaaaaaaaaaaaash... :D


Originally posted by Jimcaale:

^Adi qabiilkaa?

Ar iga daa masheegikaree...Waa xishoonaa... ;)


X City 4ever!!!!!!!

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Walle its a bad bad habit we[somalis]have..hortaa is it possible to be friends with somalis that arent from your neck of the woods[clan]..from observation,you would see friends tend to be from the same clan or lineage...or its just me and my croocked vision...Lol

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Okay, perhaps the approach is a bit dodgy but in all honesty why is being asked qolodaad tahay such a big deal? It's like being asked which country you come from? Trust me, I get asked both all the time and they seem to be conversation starters in my neck of the woods. Though, I sometimes wonder what islaamuhu think about in the silence that follows my response to their 'eedo qolomaad tahay’. To me, there's nothing at all special about being from a certain city, or qabiil or nationality, so the details of these categories are just superficial data that you (unfortunately) share with many dhoores and dhoongos, and a few cool folks, off course, who all happen to be your immediate relatives.


Why turn it into some special classified information that only immediate family members are meant to know? Silly mukur, if you ask me.


On the other hand, you get those who wear their qabiils on their sleeves and seem to be waiting for an opportunity to tell the world which silly Somali clan they belong to. You even have ‘I’m reer hebel’ groups on PT and Face Book where they’ll be like ‘I’m reer hebel too, woohoo’ … and your point is… ??

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Blessed, what are dhoores??? Loool Thanks for the laugh. I know dhoongo, never knew there was a male version! haha lol. lool

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