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Last Man Out of the Twin Towers Reveals,,,,,

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Last Man Out of the Twin Towers

What really happened on September 11th?

Feb 10th Saturday Glasgow 6.45 - 9.30 at Sir Charles Wilson Building Glasgow University



Scotland welcomes William Rodriguez


William Rodriguez was working as janitor in the basement of the North Tower at the World Trade Centre on September 11th when a huge bomb rocked the third sub-basement and a badly burned man came running into his office shouting 'Explosion!, explosion!' His courageous actions saved the lives of literally hundreds of office workers before he himself got out in the nick of time, flinging himself under a fire-truck which was buried in debris.


As the 'Last man out alive', Rodriquez was hailed as a hero by the US media. The Republicans kept inviting him to the Oval office, as they hoped he could deliver Hispanic votes for them! However William had lost many friends on 9/11 and also his job, and was initially most concerned with raising millions of dollars for survivors and the families of those who perished.


When he came to tell the 911 'Truth' Commission about the huge explosion in the sub-levels of the North Tower which occurred before the tower was hit by the plane, he found himself ignored along with all the many other 'ordinary' people who reported bombs going off, including 20 firefighters. Their eye- and ear-witness evidence contradicts the official account and adds to the mountain of evidence pointing to controlled demolition as the cause of the collapse of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 – the only steel-framed buildings to have collapsed ever in world history (three hit by two planes and falling at free-fall speed).


Now on a humanitarian mission to honour the dead with the truth and thereby safeguard the living, Rodriguez has toured the world making high-level presentations, including in Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and South America. (Chavez believes Rodriguez, yet still some people prefer to credit Bush'es Islamophobic conspiracy theory - 'Bin Laden did it!' - albeit with 'blowback' proviso's about how 'they' were provoked to do it by the misdeeds of Western imperialism.)


See also and .


Please find enclosed details of the full tour, which has been organised by 911 Truth Scotland in conjunction with British and Irish 911 Truth Campaign.



Sat Feb 10th: Glasgow: 6.45 - 9.30 at Charles Wilson Building, Glasgow University, hosted by Glasgow University Muslim Students Association: Power point presentation/talk and lengthy Q and A; talk preceded by short talk by Annie Machon (ex MI5) and followed by a speaker on the Impact of 911 on Muslims; Admission free


(For a complimentary DVD on the compelling evidence for 9/11 having been an inside job and frame up, engineered to provide the apparent justification for an attack on Afghanistan and later Iraq, and for the global ‘war on terror’, please send a SAE to 911 Truth Scotland, c/o Stable Cottage, Newhall, Carlops, Midlothian, EH26 9LY.)


If your in the area,,,,,,,

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Originally posted by Northerner:

When he came to tell the 911 'Truth' Commission about the huge explosion in the sub-levels of the North Tower which occurred before the tower was hit by the plane, he found himself ignored along with all the many other 'ordinary' people who reported bombs going off, including 20 firefighters.

Rodriguez obviously isn't smart; as a result of telling the truth, he squandered a chance to become rich and famous, instead he finds himself jobless and irrelevant. All he had to do was repeat the neocon's version of 9-11.

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