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Take me to the Crow's Nest

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It’s strange how small things can brighten one’s day and completely alter his confidence. Take today for example, I woke up early, looked out the window and noticed how dull and gloomy the day promised to be. I didn’t look forward to going to work or walking outside in the cold. But, since I did not book a holiday and this melancholic feeling came at very short notice (I went to bed happy last night), I had no choice other than to take it on the chin and drag my resistant body to work.


First, I had to get dressed up. It wasn’t going to be anything new or exciting. I work (though I use the word in the loosest sense) from nine to five. I work in an office environment. It is not Friday. Therefore, I was going to wear a suit, as usual. However, since today was a slightly chilly day I decided to wear a vest under my shirt. This was a figure hugging white vest akin to those worn by Indian fishermen (when they bother to put anything on that is).


My confidence didn’t grow straight away. It rather happened by degrees. One minute, I was walking down the road towards the train station and glumly thinking of death and old age, then, suddenly, I started feeling that my steps were getting surer and my shoulders straighter! Later, in the crowded train carriage, I didn’t give way as I usually do when the crowd sways to one side then another. I stood upright and didn’t slouch. Even when someone accidently crashed their rucksack against my chest, I still didn’t move. I merely brushed the chest and, like a woman who went through plastic surgery to increase her cup size, my chest felt firmer and more refined. I allowed my hands to drop to my potbelly and, even there, I could have sworn I counted six packs and a crease!


When I got to the Office, I bumped into my boss in the corridor. This boss of mine is a giant of man, in size and personality. Yet, today, I was looking down on him and almost broke his hand as he shook mine. My other colleagues swarmed around me like fans flocking to their favourite celebrity.


I was at a total loss as to this newfound confidence. What is the source of such aura, positive vibe, je ne se qua (or is it joie de vivre)? Why am I feeling great and why are people holding me in high regard all of a sudden? Should I feel suspicious or should I just bask in the sunshine of this unexpected ebullience and adulation while it lasts? I chose the latter.


Later, as I sat staring at my screen and scratching an itch a couple of millimetres south of my left nipple, I sensed my heart beating. Like the drums of a marching band, it was a regular, booming and magnificent beat. I tapped my finger to the beat and started wondering about this extraordinary day. I thought about my improved posture, my newly found six pack and this toned body of mine. Could Wheetabix have such an immediate affect? I then thought about the morning, the miserable feeling I had when I woke up, the gloominess, the cold and the extra vest I wore to keep myself warm. Aha! It’s the vest.


Why would a simple vest have such an incredible affect on me? Is this why it is popular with Indian fishermen? Has this got something to do with the sea? Maybe the vest blew the spirit of my ancestral seamen into me and bestowed me with their daring and confidence (these Somali seamen, lest we forget, took part in World War Two. Caused riots in the city of Newcastle in 1829. Gave birth to the pirates that devil the seas of Africa today, etc).


Blood and thunder! This must be it. It’s the vest. It’s the sea. The sea is calling me. I shouldn’t sit in an office and pass my time fingering a keyboard. I should be out there in the wide-open sea. I should discard my clothes and reveal my vest. I should become a seaman!



But, first, I should take swimming lessons....

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in support of your new found braveness and connection to the feared seaman, i shall pm you with contact details of the somali-navy aka pirates.


you could be a useful tool/man

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looool@AT&T :D ar ka daa dee



ehehe lol@swimming lessons, since you passed your first aid lessons, then swimming lessons can take minutes to do.


your first aid kit combined with swimming, and you can become coast guard :D



sheekadu waa coast guard, uma baahnid xataa vest, iska fahan niyahow

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speaking of the belly, ninyahow arin dhibaato ah ayaa i haysata. Carbohydate'ka bariiska iyo baastada aan habeenkii cuno, sits at the belly. Dhinaca kale wajigii iyo intii kale waa liitaan. Kolkaan exercise sameeyo een belly'ga soo abuurmaysa dib u celiyo, sunken eyes umbaa iga soo haddi. Haddan wajigii daweeyo, dhinicii kale ayaa fidhi. Fu-fu inaan la xidho ayunbaa ii hadhay.


By the way, sawirka beenta ah ee ninka Malnourished ah eed dadka u qaybisay eed leedahay waa A&T jooji. Dhamaan SOL ladies'na waxaan ogaysiinayaa in la igu been abuurtay oo qof supplementary feeding center laga soo sawiray la igu masabiday. :D

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^^ I already told most people that you look like Ghandi but with a bit more hair. Why would I need to pass any fake photos marka? :D

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Those vest are good for this time of year meeshiinaas.


Ngonge try those new Addidas tight fitting sweat vests. You will think you're superman. Reduces exess bellies as well :D


ps is this thread now the men's fitness section?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


I was at a total loss as to this newfound confidence. What is the source of such aura, positive vibe, je ne se qua (or is it joie de vivre)? Why am I feeling great and why are people holding me in high regard all of a sudden?
Should I feel suspicious or should I just bask in the sunshine of this unexpected ebullience and adulation while it lasts?

Be very afraid

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

^Pot Belly United need to exchange tips on reduction and concealing. The vest is a good start

:D:D ,I second the idea of men's only fitness section..Lol Perhaps later on when your all brave enough to admit you guys moisturies we can add a men beauty section..Lol

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i support the belly, yaa raba nin u eg inaan la quudin since abaarti **** dheer :D


we need a fat club, the gents are welcome


ps: A&T picture is going around like a xxxx

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