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Disgruntled imam locks mosque doors in Saudi Arabia

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Imam refuses to let worshippers into mosque in Saudi Arabia until he is paid his salary.


A disgruntled imam has locked the doors of a mosque in Saudi Arabia and prevented the performance of prayers, arguing that he had not been paid.


Saudi daily Al Yaum reported that a benefactor had volunteered to pay the salary of the Sudanese imam for leading the prayers.


However, he failed to provide the money, prompting the imam to take action by locking out worshippers to ask for his financial dues.


Attempts by the inhabitants of the small village in the Wadi Al Dawaser to persuade the imam to call off his strike or at least to open the mosque so that they could pray the Isha and Taraweeh prayers could not make him change his mind, the newspaper reported on Sunday.


"People look forward to more spiritual commitments through prayers and reading the Quran during the holy month, but this imam is taking action against us," one local resident was quoted as saying.


Around 60 people pray regularly at the mosque built by a benefactor, the newspaper reported.


"We have repeatedly appealed to the authorities to appoint an imam so that we do not have face problems," another resident reportedly said. "We should never have a repeat of such a dilemma."

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Good riddance. He should a get a real job. You know, a job that requires skills, training, or a modicum of knowledge.


It's high time the Saudi government reduce it's welfare handouts to these leech-like mullahs. There was an article in Foreign Policy magazine a few years ago regarding the delicate relationship of the monarchy and the mullahs. There are more mullahs on the Saudi government payroll than there are teachers, firefighters, or health professionals combined. Unconscionable.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

what do u expect ? ,,, He is Sudanese ,,,

Bingo LoL


Prom, if ALL our opinions were based on western magazine articles the world would be a better place I'm sure.

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I am surprised the 60+ who want to pray, and want the poor Sudani to lead, while he does not have bread for his family

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