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Xalay baan hababoo ka dhacay haddaqya sii jeeda, waxaan soo hilaacoba mid baan soo hor joogsadaye...........(i'll leave the rest for you guys to fil in) icon_razz.gif


Good Morning one and all.


Warya Jac - did you get lost on your way back from Borama to Hargeisa and ended up in Sheikh?? ;)

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Sayidka ,, waar niyow you need to visit the google maps regularly waad i dawakhisaye ... :D



haye ,,, maxaa dhacay markaad mid soo hor joogsatay ??



I'm having my lunch right now ,,, Camel Liver with Chappati ,,,, Yummmyyyyy

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JB, hilib geel danbaan cuney hadaad nagu tiraahdo waxa kugu dhacaa is jir :D



Sayid, haye, ma xalay baa mid kaa dhax baxdeyna, waan hor joogsadey kuye, kadibna meelaha banaan buuxiya kulahaa, uur ku baala maa nahay, we know what happened markaad ku dul joogsatey maskiinta :D

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^^Malika, since you witnessed it, I assumed you already finished it off and threw him off a cliff nooh?? Miise sisterhood is not that tight, you laughed with them?? Did you, did you you?? I'm sure Ngonge defended me icon_razz.gif

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Why should NG defend you bal Ibti ??? ,,,, anigaa kuu noole ,, :D



nuune, you better join me on this qado niyow ,, show beerka geeluba duhurkii buu ugu macaan yahay ,,

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Ibti,Looooooooooool, belayoo sisterhood, was born alone will die alone.. :Dicon_razz.gif , there goes my sisterhood membership too.



Oh,thank you CL,that will really suit his hippy nature too.. smile.gif

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Morning Malika - how have you being lately? - re presents - give him the World Beat Album - with its all lovely beats from the African East Coast including somali and swahili and their rhythmical ocean waves and sounds.



Morning Ibti - how are you and have your recovered from your old age wounds/injuries? smile.gif


Jac - being the reer magaal you are, i bet you have never being on a nightime guur??

Nuune - another reer magaal - talk to me when you have been on guur? :D

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Sayid loooooooooooooool@nightmare guur, war niyahow wallaahi waan qosley, adiga guur umaba baahnid hadaadba nightmare habeen kasta iskaga jirto :D



JB, ninkan bal la yaab niyahow, iga daa beerka geelee, anoo arkaya dooro beerkeeda :D

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Malika, the album is less than £10; its £9.99.



NUune: LOOOOOL - horta guur mataqaana? nightmare kulahaa?? war naga daa ninyahow - weeligaa ma guurtay habeen horta?


adiga iyo Jaceyle maad dhamistirtaan gabaygaan booga hore, bilowgiisa ku qoray?

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Gabayga intaanaan dhamaystirin horta sheekada dhamaystir markaas aanu gabayga u soo noqonee ,,, hadii kele we will all go with our assumption of you being in front of a woman during the night. We know what is next sow maaha ?? coz the actor is YOU ,, :D



nuune, anigu kaluunka beerkiisa ayaan ka helaaba beryahan ,,,

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Originally posted by cynical lady:



get him one of those Mpenzi.


Morning people

LOL man does this guy ever look out of place, he needs to go back into the studio and make some more Swedish pop music. As for me wearing a macawiis, all I can say is masha Allah....

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