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Troll Corner

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^^^How is the family??


Ngonge; You want people to think you are pretty?? :confused: Pretty dudes are *hmmm how do I say this, they are like London, while the rest of the guys are Africa*.

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Looool @ You think too much. redface.gif Lol. I never knew that was a crime.


Lool @ north and viewing preference. Horta how does lowering your gaze work with TV/ pictures? I wonder how much sin you guys will get for that. icon_razz.gif

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Ngongeow, over-timeka maxaa lagaa siin. I was going to send you a link yesterday that you make u pee in your pants but u disappeared. Shall I PM it now if I can find it?


Have to wear a blooming dirac the night the weather turns, blast.

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^ LoooL. Still wiping tears away. It's going in my favourites.


Sorry Ibts, it won't mean anything without the context he and I share.


Ya Allah, I have a conference call in 15 mins and can't stop giggling.

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